• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

More Blog Posts308

  • 16 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

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  • 22 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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  • 40 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

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  • 41 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

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  • 46 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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Debate 1... ugh... · 3:38am Sep 30th, 2020

Honest opinion of debate: Grumpy Old Men. All 3 of them, Wallace included. EVERYBODY LOST.

Trump couldn't nail down Biden on his falsehoods, of which there were many. As I was watching, I desperately wished I were in Trump's place, as Biden would have handed me absolute victory as I could have CRUSHED him with what I know off the top of my head.

Before I list just a few of his lies, let me also add that Biden showed himself far too weak to lead. He merely regurgitated old leftist talking points and anti-Trump attack hyperbole, and was blathering about his son... which led to several of the overt lies. He blatantly lied about Hunter getting money from Ukraine, China, and Moscow. That is ABSOLUTE FACT. We have the financial records. Biden claimed Hunter did not receive any money at all from those countries. A transparently bold-faced lie, and a display of staggering arrogance.

Biden also claimed Hunter was not dishonorably discharged for cocaine use. ALSO A BOLD-FACED LIE. This is FACT confirmed by ABC News and other media outlets. Hunter was discharged from the Navy early in 2014 after failing a urinalysis test administered in June of 2013. (Trump DID call out that one, one of the rare successful moments, but he couldn't hammer it home with Wallace running defense for Biden, hastily).

So, that's two ABSOLUTE LIES Biden told during the debate.

He also claimed 100 million people had preexisting conditions which would cause them to lose insurance without Obamacare. This is also a bold-faced lie. Think for a moment: Biden claimed that nearly 1/3 of Americans have preexisting conditions which would preclude them buying private insurance? Not only is that manifestly ridiculous, that would also mean a customer pool of 100 million people that a competitor could snatch up, becoming the largest private insurance company OVERNIGHT. And that would mean MASSIVE INVESTMENT POTENTIAL. You see, when you know how business works, you're not fooled by such a shallow falsehood.

3 bold-faced lies.

But that's not all! Biden also repeated the false claim that Antifa is just an idea and not an organization.This was similar to Obama's claim that ISIS didn't really exist... until it seized territory and he could no longer deny it. A organization exists when a number of people all take up the same name, follow the same ideals, and cooperate in activities, such as raising funds, and advertise the existence of their group. Therefore ANTIFA IS AN ORGANIZATION BY ANY DEFINITION OF THE TERM.

4 bold-faced lies.

He then claimed he did not support the Green New Deal... uhm, would anyone care to pull up that VIDEO RECORDING OF BIDEN UNAMBIGUOUSLY DECLARING HIS SUPPORT FOR THE GREEN NEW DEAL? But even better, after that, he then went over the many things he would do involving energy... which are all part of the Green New Deal.

5 bold-faced lies.

Biden also claimed there was no evidence of widespread mail-in voter fraud. I could bring up all the previous cases of Philadelphia and Patterson NJ and others, where officials and judges are IN JAIL for fraud, and the election was thrown out in Patterson over it... but now we have the Veritas video of PEOPLE LITERALLY PAYING MONEY FOR BALLOTS IN MINNEAPOLIS in the primary, and solid evidence of TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FRAUDULENT VOTES. Biden also deliberately mischaracterized the difference between absentee voting and mass mail-in balloting AGAIN.

6 bold-faced lies.

This blog is already TL;DR... but I think you get the point. Biden lied A LOT about some rather serious things. And that wasn't even all of them. Trump simply couldn't properly corner him, and Wallace gave Biden a pass virtually every time. In fact, Wallace himself told a bold-faced lie when he called the Proud Boys a white supremacist group. For those who know nothing and believe everything the media and BLMtifa spew, the Proud Boys are led by a black man and include people of every race, including a sizeable number of Hispanics. Wallace also tried to drown Trump out when Trump pointed out that he's declaring the Klan a terrorist organization, something NO PRESIDENT, including Obama, has ever done. Now, given the Klan is so small they've effectively gone extinct, it's likely a moot point... indeed, at their rallies these days, they tend to garner at most a hundred people and are usually outnumbered 50-to-1 by just the townspeople who show up to tell them to leave... but what is NOT up for debate is that Biden refused to denounce the violence from BLM and Antifa and tried to turn the narrative to 'white supremacy', which is preposterous given the outrageous amount of violence and destruction caused by leftists for the past 5 months entirely in Democrat-run cities. THAT is textbook for what we call 'gas-lighting'.

And so... it is clear that I must be President. For no one can defeat me in a debate. I know far too much about everything. Such hyper-awareness has led to some degree of madness, though. Totes worth it. :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 34 )

I watched some parts of the debate.
When afterward I read that apparently a number of people were convinced by it to just not vote, I was not all that surprised.
Though, personally, I still very much want to vote and try and make sure my vote gets counted; I want it officially recorded that one more person actively voted for neither of these two.

(And yeah, Biden sure says some nice-sounding words sometimes*! Pity for him that if the Democrats actually wanted much of any chance for me to believe their candidate's nice-sounding words, they really should have picked someone else to be said candidate, and I suspect I'm not alone in feeling that way.

*Other times, not even that much...)

((Though, honestly, one of the few things I think I can say I do trust about Biden is that he likes Amtrak, which I guess might, all the other parts of government against it somehow willing, be good for Amtrak if he wins but which makes me worry that the Trump administration will/would get even more hostile to Amtrak in the wake of Biden losing.))

5367194 Without constant bailouts, Amtrak can't even function. It's a terribly-run company.

Kinda like most entertainment companies lately! XD

I doubt Trump is going to start all out on the very first debate.
IMO, he's testing his adversaries and how much he can say before getting interrupted by the host.

Take heart, Alondro; Trump obviously gave better than he got, which is evinced by the fact that, instead of declaring ORANGEMAN/CHEETOHITLER/LITERALFASCIST ETERNALLY BTFO BIDEN WINS IN LANDSLIDE...they're downplaying the debate as, quote, "a dumpster fire".

They only do that when their personal favorite candidate didn't do nearly as well as they think they should have.

If Trump had done poorly, we'd be hearing about it much, much more than we are.

Not saying that Trump did exceptionally well, but he may be letting everyone see exactly how pathetic Biden is.

Or he may just not be playing 5D Celestial Chinese Checkers, which is what I have been saying since he got in.

Me, I don't care either way, anymore.

5367369 Eh, I tend not to waste time that way. I'm an efficient predator. When I see weakness, I rip my prey to bloody shreds instantly.

Had I been on that debate stage, there would have been nothing left of Biden... or Wallace.

Frankly, it would've been pathetically easy. Buuuuut, this is me we're talking about, a guy who has engaged in long debates online since the days of /b/, and who pays close attention to EVERYTHING going on. It's very hard to slip something by on me, and I let my opponents trap themselves and then go in for the killshot.

I don't allow a round 2 when I have the lethal weapon already in my grasp.

5367396 I know, it's simply disappointing Trump wasn't able to gather himself well enough to slam Biden on the transparent lies, while at the same time putting Wallace in his place for trying to help cover Biden's transparently false claims.

There were a number of places where I was sitting there imagining myself countering, "Oh, I'm sorry Wallace, I didn't realize you were the actual Democrat candidate. No? Then why are you debating me on this point instead of Joe?" Wallace interceding on Biden's behalf happened in a number of spots where Biden was clearly struggling to come up with a clear response.

So in other words, they're both liars. And due to the two-party system, one of them is going to be the next president. (Not even the worst malfunction in American democracy, Swing states are a small enough minority to justify creating a term for them; whatever allowed that to happen is the real problem).


Trump obviously gave better than he got

The point is that that isn't really saying much. He could have done even better by just staying quiet and letting Biden dig his own milquetoast grave, but his ego wouldn't allow it.

Remember something about Trump.

First, it's all about his huge ego.

Not saying that is necessarily criticism, but it is a) his strong suit, b) his best weapon, and c) his critical weakness all in one. Any affront to it must be taken head-on...and unfortunately, he sometimes doesn't deal well with attacks from unexpected quarters, like the spineless fence-sitter who was, is, and always will be the Boomer Chris Wallace (who, I am convinced and have been for about twelve years now, is a closet Leftists and deserves absolutely none of the respect he is given, simply because of his habit of speaking out of both sides of his mouth).


So in other words, they're both liars.

Welcome to the world of politics.

(Throws confetti) Yay.

Not even the worst malfunction in American democracy,

The more I read, the more I observe, and the more I think, democracy itself is a malfunction. No matter where you establish it, it always turns into oligarchy, and you get what we are faced with today: a small group of people, not necessarily politicians themselves, making all the decisions by virtue of deep pockets, a bunch of morons with familiar names cycling through the offices every handful of years, special-interest groups terrorising everybody who isn't part of their little movement (which, it turns out, is being funded by those in the small group with deep pockets) and normal people who just want to be left alone suffering, not even really sure what the actual hell is going on because even the newspaper they read can't be trusted.

And the more I think about it, the more I start to think that maybe the Founders knew this would happen...and just didn't care.

A Republic if you can keep it, indeed.

In the words of Patrick Henry, "I smell a rat."

but his ego wouldn't allow it.

See above.

5367687 I like to remind Dems they had two potential candidates even I wouldn't have minded winning: Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang.

They are reasonable people, and even though I don't agree with all their ideas, they are both willing to listen to differing opinions, modify their approaches, and sincerely wish to help the country.

Instead, the primary voters picked someone even worse than Hillary, who's been a useless lump of flesh in office for 47 years.

Also, don't know if you saw; someone got close-up video of Biden's left ear. You can CLEARLY see a flesh-colored earpiece filling the entire ear canal. No wonder his team suddenly refused an earpiece check at the last minute!

5367695 Alondro for God-Emperor, 2032.

I am inevitable.... and ALSO IRON MAN!! (covers all the bases)

I, for one, welcome our new overlord.

5368097 I must first defeat Diktor von Doomcock… I wonder if I can get Harvey's help. :trixieshiftright:

So he had support in excess of what's technically allowed in these circumstances, and still couldn't trump Trump? That's almost impressive, as stupidity goes.

5368114 Biden's just an old man who's a tool of the Harris campaign, the REAL candidate.

That's why the Pence-Harris debate is going to be much more interesting and revealing.

A fellow minion!


Look...I'm not ashamed of my political opinions. I'm pretty far Right.

And even I feel sorry for Joe.

This is an old man, obviously in the early to middle stages of dementia, and they're trotting him out, probably after drugging him into semi-coherence and telling him how much everyone loves him and how he's going to be the bestest President ever, just so they can pull the 25th on him a few months (and that is being optimistic) later and Harris can become President.

It's utterly disgusting.

Biden. Ginsberg. Mccain. McConnell. The list goes on and on of people who were obviously too old and feeble to be in their positions, and yet stayed, either through their own greed, lust for power, damnfool stubbornness, or because their handlers kept them there when they should have been spending their twilight years with their family.

Don't get me wrong. Even if Biden wasn't obviously going senile, he'd still be a blithering idiot.

But now they've crossed the line. That poor man needs to be at home, relaxing and not being made to two-step like some trick pony that should have been put out to pasture a decade ago.


Oh, I quite agree it's got some major problems. I'm just in favor of fixing them instead of junking the whole thing.

Yep, Gabbard supporter during the primary here!
(Though not that I could vote for her in it, since my state has closed primaries and for some reason I was disinclined to register as a Democrat.)
She's not my ideal either, but she seemed the best person on the presidential field to me across both major parties, in some cases by a lot, and I think she could have had a real short at winning the general election. Bipartisan appeal, principled but also willing to adapt, young, a veteran, and a female person-of-color for the various interest groups (which the Democratic Party claims are so valued by it) wanting that. And, of course, she isn't named "Trump", for the people for whom that's the most important trait this election.
Yeah, definitely no way the Democratic Party could have built a viable campaign around that... unless, of course, the leadership has a slightly different definition of "viable". But I'm sure whatever person or persons are sitting in a back room sending instructions to Biden's earpiece (and thanks for mentioning that little detail; I hadn't seen that, and was just thinking of more metaphorical puppetting) have only the very best intentions for the American people.

"And even I feel sorry for Joe."
Aye, that too, though.

I mean... he's done some problematic things in the past, but I don't want to be vindictive about it, especially with his current mental state. Let him retire. He can spend some time being a genial if slightly confused old man enjoying some train trips across the country, with an assistant or family member to look after his health and maybe the odd genuine fan coming up to him and being happy to meet him. Does he golf? I don't know, seems to be common for people in his sort of position, though. But, whatever, let him just fade away relatively gracefully and peacefully, and hopefully with some happiness while he still has the chance. Don't do... this. This can't be good for him, whether he wins or not; the campaign itself is surely stressful, and as you say, I doubt whatever happens after is going to go well for him.

All because, depending on who you believe, the party leadership thinks he's genuinely the best candidate (which, uh, yeah, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in them -- and of course, who knows what the voters would have thought in a fair primary), or they know he's not fit for the job and are just using him and planning for him to fail (I hadn't heard the 25th-and-Harris thing before here, I think, but it seems plausible, and I had heard a hypothesis that they'd already decided they were going to lose to Trump and put Biden up there as someone expendable so that more viable future candidates wouldn't be tarnished by losing to him).

5368677 I think I've seen you in the chat stream. I'm Alondro77 on Youtube.

5368692 The primary process has always seemed absurd to me.

We need ONE primary date where ALL the states vote at once. It's ridiculous that a handful of small states get to basically pick the candidates, which also makes it easier for corrupt people to focus on those states and twist the outcome.

In addition to to making every state important in the primary and giving all those people a voice in candidate selection, it would also mean the political parties would have a very hard time drowning out candidates they don't like.

If there's a result that's too close to call for one party, then there could be a run-off.

No matter what, it'd be cheaper and more fair than the current primary mess.

Also, NO SUPER-DELEGATES. One person, one vote. (Republicans do get that right, at least)

It's a bit of a mess, aye.

5369135 One primary date, Voter ID (like almost every developed country on the planet has now, except for us!), and term limits for EVERY SINGLE FEDERAL OFFICE HOLDER.

Watch corruption melt away with whimpers of "What a world! What a world! You've destroyed all my beautiful wickedness!"

Victor huh? Oh is maxblackrabbit back at it again?:trollestia:




Comment posted by Andy Soshal deleted Oct 3rd, 2020
Comment posted by Andy Soshal deleted Oct 3rd, 2020
Comment posted by Andy Soshal deleted Oct 3rd, 2020

Just, at least, the slight problem of getting that system through the corruption in the first place, of course...


Then I totally promise to use my ABSOLUTE POWER for good!


Heh. :)
Though, I mean, I suspect you'd be genuinely better at that than a lot of people currently in or trying to get into office in this country...

5371516 Oh I'd be amazing. The USA would conquer the world with my army of cybernetic, genetically-engineered hyper-clones...


And then the UNIVERSE!

And then the MULTIVERSE!

And then I'd go back in time and take over ALL THE EVERYTHING THAT EVER WAS!!

(If yer gonna entertain delusions of grandeur, why settle for anything less than the absolute?) :pinkiecrazy:

Heh, again. :)

... You're going to make Furries aren't you?

5373907 >____________> Ye-no?

Ok, you got me. But they'll be awesome! Like Renamon!

Mmmmm... Renamon. *drools pervertedly like Jiraiya from "Naruto".... small nosebleed for the full effect* :rainbowwild:


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