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Feels Just Like I Got Hit By A Car For The First Time... · 12:21am Sep 11th, 2020

I got myself struck by a car last night.

Nothing serious, but enough to bruise me up pretty well.

Some idiot zoomed out of their parking space at the store while backing up, smacked me down right as I was walking to my car.

Milk flew across the pavement like a ragdoll, oi.

My arm is bruised, along with a few other areas.

If anything I'm just sore, but it was an experience I won't soon forget.

Doctors said I was fine.

Had to chat with tons of people at the hospital.

Got annoying.

Good news, I was able to get fresh milk today.

I can finally enjoy some cereal.

Comments ( 46 )

Ah man! That is rough! The closest I had to a car accident getting bumped by some dumb driver when I was changing lanes on the way to a class. We both had to go to traffic court... But the other driver never showed up, so they let me off with a warning.

Fresh milk is nice

I still thank God that you're okies. 💖

Hope you feel 100% better soon, bae! 😇

Also, hooray! Num num cereal! :rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

That's awesome, good thing you just got a warning.

I wouldn't have minded my car getting dinged, instead it knocked the air out of me.

All last night my adrenaline still had me just awake most of the night.

Good news, I was able to get fresh milk today.

I can finally enjoy some cereal.

What about this?

Had to chat with tons of people at the hospital.

Hmm? How is this not good?

Anywhoo, glad your okay! =D

Why milk? Cheese is much better.

Indeed, especially on your favorite cereal, yum!

Indeed I'm a rasinbrand person

Been craving cereal the last few days, just been out of milk., Lol.

Oi, doctors, nurses, cops, my sister at least visted me.

It was just a long process, I was hurting and just wanted to get home.

I got myself Peanut Butter Crunch, been a while.

Basically am, just slow moving lol.

I see.

Better to git home then nothing in this case!

I don't know how anyone can sleep after that. It's not like those movies or cartoons where you tumble after the impact and get up like it's no big deal. No... it's one of the scariest moments to happen to anyone. Even scarier than getting struck by lightning, which is very rare.

Sounds super scary.

I got asleep around 3, even with a bit of medicine under my belt, I just tossed and turned.

In a way, it's kind of like that first time when I was bit by a Rottweiler my aunt owned as a pet.

Made me scared of Rottweilers ever since. I wouldn't blame you if you are more cautious around vehicles, especially parking lots.

Oof. I've been side slammed by a car. Very painful. Glad you didn't get hurt.

Glad to know the milk is good. You'll need the calcium to reinforce your bones for the next time you get hit.

I had to get new milk, my other milk was sadly exploded, lol.

I'm not even all that toned, if anything I'm a marshmallow.

Surprised I tanked the hit so well, must be the milk.


I can totally agree, it hurts like all heck.

I'm sort of shuffling around sore all day today.

Oh, I am.

I'm going to start parking in the way back, away from everybody.

My luck I'll be mugged.

Mmm... A mugging might be even worse. Unless you've taken some self-defense classes. Or better yet, have your keys held in a way it's like it'll be a means to say, 'Don't get close to me or you'll get struck'. After all, you wouldn't want them to think they have it easy on ya.

Lol, I have a taser in my purse.

Worst comes to worst, I think I could claw , bite and kick pretty well.

Hopefully I'll never need to use it.

Well at least you are prepared, I give you credit for that. Let's hope you never have to use a taser, especially if the guy is standing in a puddle.

Lol, that seems sort of cartoonish.

But I suppose it would conduct wouldn't it?

You never want to mix electricity with water. Didn't fare well for the mother during 'Pet Semetary 2'.

I guess.

I hated that movie.

Me too. It was a horrible sequel. No wonder it took a couple extra years before they made another 'Pet Semetary' movie. Only this time it would be a remake of the first one.

It was corny, but Zowies death was too mean spirited imo.

Part one is just a downer, that poor baby getting hit is enough to make me sick.

The remake was Okies, if missing that certain flavor.

That's why I'd keep my kids as far from the road as possible (Least till their old enough). Whoever thought it was a nice idea to move into a house near a high way with all those speeding truckers are desperate.

But I do agree... I did not approve of what happened to that poor dog. Felt more sorry for the fella.

We have tons of roads like that around here.

I've lost doggos to a few.

Oh my God, I'm so sorry that happened to you :fluttershysad::heart:


I'm Okies, just sore.

I also have this big bruise running up my arm now.

Never want to experience the sensation again, that's for sure.

5352969 If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't want to either.

On to a lighter topic, I noticed your profile picture has the new Vanna Seasalt character, I take it you're a fan?

Vanna Seasalt huh?

So, what's the story of this lassie? If you don't mind sharing your personal take of course (I 'could' look her up, but I prefer to hear her story from a fan's perspective).

I love her look!

It has my favorite color.

Seasalt ice cream is that awesome wink to KH!!

Mermaids tap into my love of mythical creatures lol.

So far, she seems to be an alternate Salty version of Vanna.

She's also a commentator, though unknown who she uses as her avatar.

I'm actually hoping it's Silver stream, that'd be so awesome!

She seems very friendly and bubbly.

Vanna sure knows how to create interesting characters!

Also in the comic, The lemon version of Vanna sounds like Limestone, lol.


She's just too cute!

Plus Seasalt ice cream is awesome!!

So are mermaids.

Then you definitely must've loved 'The Little Mermaid', the Disney version. When people think mermaids, Ariel is whom most fans think of. One of my favorite movies growing up, even got to star in the 'Broadway' style production for community theater (I hoped to be Prince Eric or even Sebastian, but I was merely one of the French Chefs working for Louie and a Sailor).

Little Mermaid is a favorite of mine, up there with Fern Gully.

Love the music, it's so enchanting and lovely.

Ah yeah, Ferngully... Such a guilty pleasure movie. In some ways, it tried to be Disney but it had some memorable characters and a terrifically talented cast. Plus, the music itself is rather breathtaking. Too bad the sequel couldn't hold a candle to the first movie, except to have scenes used to promote environmental awareness and 'Rainforest Rescue' promotions.

I know right?

I loved the music and characters in Fern Gully, the villain was also amazing!

Ah yes. In his prime, Tim Curry was a natural at playing villainous roles. He's made much of his characters famous over the years. So inspiring was his character, there was even a fan cover dedicated to the villain's one song in the movie:

This one's my favorite version of the song.

Awesome, I totally know that cover!

It's amazing I agree!

Oh yes, Elsie Lovelock puts together some amazing cover songs mainly from animated features.

Yeah, it only takes one person not checking their rearview for there to be an accident. Hope you feel better soon!

Already am, except that my movements are stilted.

My hip hurts the most still, but arm and leg is way better.

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