• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
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You've got the heart of a phoenix! Profile Art by Bevin Brand. Writing: The Ex Files.

More Blog Posts62

  • 11 weeks
    Broken Images Fixed

    Quick update here, nothing exciting!

    A few folks gave me a shoulder-tap to say most of the images in the online version of Empathy for the Devil had an error message. Long story short, it's all fixed, and I'm gonna be (politely and respectfully) whining to FIMfic staff to update their image hosting features. :raritydespair:

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    3 comments · 146 views
  • 32 weeks
    Friends Indeed

    Hey, y'all!

    Been a while since you've heard from me and I should probably make some writing related updates soon (working away on some stuff in the background right now so that you can get a looooong while of regular releases), but this is a worthwhile cause.

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    4 comments · 281 views
  • 38 weeks
    Art Commissions Open

    Bevin has commissions open!! You like the art in Empathy for the Devil? Go support a great artist and get some of your own 🎨

    Here's some examples of what people have commissioned in the past of cannon characters and/or OCs:

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    2 comments · 215 views
  • 43 weeks
    Fanfic Spotlight: Liminal Space

    Fanfiception :pinkiegasp:

    Whoa, okay, someone just did me the super cool kindness of writing something within the Empathy-verse! It's a story called Liminal Space about Timber and Flash's new relationship, after The Exes Club but before Empathy for the Devil.

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    2 comments · 228 views
  • 43 weeks
    Empathy for the Devil Print Copies - Online Release!

    Book status: launched

    The links are live! Get yours and don't forget there's a zine with 150 pages of never-before-seen art, writing, and dorking out! (some never to be posted online ever)

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    4 comments · 582 views

I'm Graduating... What Now? - August Update · 12:10am Sep 1st, 2020

Source: PixelKitties

Mailed degrees and live-stream speeches, here I come!

I finished my degree! It's an odd feeling being finished something that structured your life for the past five years (really, the past 21 years of my life if we're talking school in general, including nursery school). I won't be officially graduated until they process my application to graduate sometime in September or October, but I'm done all assignments and tests, my grades came back where I wanted them, and I'm not going back for another semester.

So, wow. That's a thing that's happening. It was hard to wrap my head around. Apart from the fact that not all of my university friends are graduating at the same time as me (some have already graduated, some are younger, etc.), it's been an isolating experience since I'm not exactly getting a ceremony. And especially at first, there was this huge gaping hole where school used to be and an existential voice asking: what do I do with my life now?

The obvious answer is find a job, although we are still in a global pandemic. That's bound to be a slow process. I've started applying, at least. If I haven't mentioned it, my irl career has to do with working in universities on the staff side essentially doing some form of administration and policy-making. I've really enjoyed that line of work so far so I'm really, really hoping to find a job in one of the universities near me soon. Fingers crossed 🤞

The last few weeks of school were so busy I really didn't even have time to write. First time in a long while that I went that long without writing, but it was so worth it. I needed to focus on finishing my degree with high enough marks so that A) I could graduate and B) I'd have an average in my final year above a B so that when I go for my Master's in a few years, I'll be able to get in.

So, school aside, now I'm back from a family camping trip up north with no internet, I'm finally starting to have time again to work on finishing Empathy for the Devil.

Wow, I'm excited to be back! There's about 1.5 chapters left, and after that I'll continue to revise and work on the manuscript of the print copies (I've got a preliminary 2-chapter mockup so far, but I'm going to wait until the full thing is finished to format the whole story). Who knows what September will bring, but I'm hoping the answer is time enough to finish the story I'm more proud of than any other project I've ever worked on.

I know all this personal stuff isn't the news you're looking for, but I still wanted to check in, so thanks for the support. Y'all are beyond awesome :heart:

Ooo, and a few important things to shoutout:

  • BLM still needs support! Stay safe, stay smart, and take care of each other if you're out on the streets and/or taking care of business elsewhere. Give what you can and listen to black voices, if you're an ally like me.
  • If you're going back to school or work in the fall, please stay safe out there as well. Follow the health and safety guidelines for your area. Masks save lives!
  • There's a new multi-fandom fanfiction site called Offprint currently in alpha. I haven't had time to transfer any stories over there, but I have an account. Give it a look! The goal is to have a Nazi-free experience, and who wouldn't want that?

... Oh what the hell, one little tease is in order:

The next project after Empathy for the Devil has been tentatively titled The Ex Files. A series of shorts set before, during, and after Empathy itself focusing on a variety of characters (i.e. Twilight, Timber, Flash, Rarity, etc.). Giving away summaries would spoil things, but I can say these shorts might be released independently of one and other after the release of the Part II.

Stay empathetic,
P.S. I love my friends. That always deserves to be said.

Comments ( 19 )

Congratulations! Consider the hype gotten.


Congrats on surviving the academic gauntlet, Marvel.

As someone who's been working on a PhD for a while now, you might have to go through the horror of the SATs again in the form of the Graduate Retention Exam (or GRE) depending on where you want to do your Masters. The good news is that GRE test results are good for 5 years, so if any of the schools you're thinking of attending require them, you can do them while everything's still relatively fresh in your mind, and not worry about them again for a while.

Wow, I'm excited to be back! There's about 1.5 chapters left, and after that I'll continue to revise and work on the manuscript of the print copies (I've got a preliminary 2-chapter mockup so far, but I'm going to wait until the full thing is finished to format the whole story). Who knows what September will bring, but I'm hoping the answer is time enough to finish the story I'm more proud of than any other project I've ever worked on.

If you're going back to school or work in the fall, please stay safe out there as well. Follow the health and safety guidelines for your area. Masks save lives!

Thankfully the University I attend is doing everything remotely, so I get to stay at home.

I didn't know you were pursuing a PhD, that's fantastic! And thanks for the word of warning, although being Canadian I didn't have to do the SATs to begin with and as far as I can tell for the program I'm interested in at the University of Toronto, I won't have to sit for a GRE either (unless it's not listed on the program's website for admissions requirements). It's worth looking into, just in case, though.

And ::phew:: glad you're safe then :)

*insert Boundless meme here*

Congratulations on graduating :)

You're so lucky you didn't have to deal with the hell that was that particular test. And it's always good to check ahead of time. Even if you just email the admissions office and ask.

Congratulations, Its great to hear that your graduating. Hope things go well for you down the line.

The next project after Empathy for the Devil has been tentatively titled The Ex Files. A series of shorts set before, during, and after Empathy itself focusing on a variety of characters (i.e. Twilight, Timber, Flash, Rarity, etc.). Giving away summaries would spoil things, but I can say these shorts might be released independently of one and other after the release of the Part II.

be right back, I’m gonna go scream.

but seriously, congratulations on graduating!! ^^ I’m still in school (going back in a few days actually), this year is actually gonna be pretty tough on me but I can definitely say EFTD, the shorts after (as well as Funtasia (Sam, if you’re reading this too, ily <3)) are gonna help me get through this year without going insane, haha! though, yeah, I’m super stoked for Part II and all the other stories to come from you! :twilightsmile:

Oh hey congrats on graduating officially! It's awesome that you're aiming for a Master's at UofT too, I actually did my undergrad there. I'm sure you're going to do great during grad school, it's not that bad, really!

Good luck with the job hunt!

Very much looking forward to more Empathy content, is gon be goooood but of course take your time as you get back into the swing of thigns

Congratulations. You know, if you're still looking for a permanent job later on, and you like Japan, you could always apply for the JET Program (Japan Exchange and Teaching), no requirements aside from being a native English speaker and having a four year degree. Despite the international lockdown, my friends in country tell me the Japanese government is planning to bring in another batch of Teachers this year. So if being paid to travel to Japan, live there and have an incredible experience is something you're interested in, give it a go.
Edit for typo.

Congratulations! That’s amazing! (Is it too personal to say I’m proud of you?? I’m gonna say it anyway) I’m so proud!

I’m currently getting ready to move into my third year of Uni and it’s honestly so daunting, but I’m inspired now to just get my head down and do the work to get where I need to be. Let’s work hard toward the future together!

I hope you enjoyed your trip! And I can’t wait for the rest of Empathy to come out— especially when you drop that sweet, sweet physical copy;)

Oh yeah, I've known people who did the JET program! Friends of friends, really, but still, it sounds like a fantastic program. I might not feel super good about depending on my ability to travel right now, but it's great to hear they're still keeping the program alive in one way or another throughout all of this!

Aww, I'll gladly take the personal congrats ::hugs::

And that's kickass! You can do it!! Third year and fourth year for me didn't get too much harder in terms of my courses, so I hope that helps to hear. I just finished an online semester over the summer and I will say if you've never taken a full online semester, I found it harder to keep motivated, but if you end up feeling that way this semester, don't worry, because I think most people do and you can reach out to your profs and TAs if you need to. Don't be afraid to let them know what's up with you, it can make a big difference! I've got total faith in you ::high-fives::

Oh man, I can't wait for the physical copies, too!!! And for people's reactions to the second half... that'll be fun 😉

Aww, thanks for the congrats! I'm touched the news made you so happy ::hugs:: Thanks for the thoughts and prayers on my job search, I'm doing what I can!

And glad to hear you're excited for what's to come! More Empathy and shorts are on the way!

aaa thank you that means a lot!! And I'll definitely keep that in mind!

and not to be a fan girl, but I've been playing the empathy playlist on loop to tide me over until the second half drops 😄

Oh yay, the playlist is getting some love! I listen to the full version (with the second half's songs) while I'm working so it's nice to know other people have a good time with it, too ^^

totally! it's so great to see how much love you and Bevin have both put into this story, especially with all the additional content like art and the playlist!! It would be a crime to not appreciate it

cant wait to hear the full version 😎

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