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My Little Writer: Critique is Stressful and other ramblings. · 9:14pm Nov 24th, 2012

So, seriously, it's hard dealing with negative comments in a rational manner. I appreciate them, and I invite them, but they can wear on the soul quite heavily. Whether it's a serious concern about the direction of the story or a snide troll getting his kicks, they hurt the same and they hurt a lot more than positive comments can soothe. I never ignore them, there is always some grain of truth in even the most trollish of insults. In order for them to attack, they have to have seen some tiny chink in my armor, some weakness to exploit, so it pays to think about it. That way they don't get the satisfaction of having ruined me and their invective only makes me a stronger writer.

On the other hand, one should never feel obligated to actually do anything about even the most serious of criticisms. While every single one can teach you something, sometimes it flies directly in the face of what you want to accomplish with your story. When a commenter is telling you what to do, tune out the demand. Remember that it's your story, and you went into it with a specific vision. Making a fundamental change in the direction of the story will not really win you any friends, and will leave you stranded later when you try to continue it past a point you haven't considered the consequences of.

In short, hold to your vision, but learn something from the nay-sayers. Remember that if you enjoy the story, that's all that matters, and others will enjoy it too.

On a less serious note, I have a shameful addiction that you can feed. I'm playing that stupid Gameloft MLP diminishing-returns game. I despise these sorts of games, but I can't help myself. If anyone wants to friend me my Android Gameloft handle is Xheotris.

Also, a TVTropes page for AoAJ continues to elude me... :'(

Finally, you all rock! I hope you had a fantastic Turkey Day/Fourth Tuesday of November depending on location.

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Comments ( 14 )

Some people tend to lack the ability to discern the critique they give as uneccesarily harsh or constructive. Just ignore those.

Having good prereaders can really help with the random-negative-comments effect. If you've given your story a pass through several friends and fellow authors whose opinion you trust, then you always have something to contrast the trolls' words against. Let's face it, "kernel of truth" or no, you could write a story that prints free money off the screen, cures cancer and creates world peace, and 5% of your readers would still find a way to complain about it.

As for the Gameloft game, I forced myself to quit cold turkey when I realized that the game requires over $250 in gem purchases simply to get through the main plotline. Paying for optional content is one thing; paying reasonable amounts on the shareware model is one thing; but the game basically hooks you and then tries to extort you, dollar by dollar, and no matter how much I enjoyed it, I simply can't stand for that. :twilightangry2:

535151 epicdonus... Everywhere I have seen you, you have never had anything constructive to say. That saddens me. Instead of trying to be in-your-face but essentially meaningless to thousands, try writing one or two meaningful and thoughtful comments to a couple of people who need it. You will have accomplished infinitely more. :applejackunsure:

535223 It's true, especially of the sorts of people who rely on tone to communicate in the real world. There's no way to soften a blow via body language or inflection on the interwebs.

535291 It's true, and I do have some wonderful prereaders who are honest but supportive. I still have to hold myself back from wanting to please everyone though. :ajsleepy:

Also... !! $250!!! :pinkiegasp: I... I didn't know... :raritydespair: Well... Thanks for the warning. I knew it was probably a rip off, but I didn't know it'd take fifteen years to beat the game without paying... :fluttershbad: It was soo adorable too... :unsuresweetie:

It's unfortunate.:fluttershysad:

I can understand you being torn about soliciting criticism, as I'm torn about giving it. Part of me feels like I should try to look for at least one good thing and one bad thing to say about something. But I often chicken-out and just say nice things. The solution of reading criticism but not committing to act on it sounds good.

I do try to comment, as I know how much creators appreciate specific opinion. Some stories are still in my 'read later' awaiting comment, even though I'm done reading. It can take time to digest the story and find time to write it, though.

I've occasionally gotten called out on blatant errors of something or other, but hardly ever rudely. If the objection is along the lines of "Well, I wouldn't have written it this way," I'm inclined to suggest that the objector really ought to write it his way in his own story, and then we can compare notes. (I'm not too proud to lend out an OC, and it's not like I own any of the canon characters.)

I do think I'm still entirely too thin-skinned for my own good, but at 4.75 stories, I'm still technically a novice.

535606 Critique, real meaningful critique is an art. I appreciate those who can do it well. :moustache:

536034 I've straight out told some of those who complained longest and loudest to, please, write a story about it. None of them have taken me up on the challenge so far. :facehoof: Anyway, I'm enjoying mine, so, no worries. :pinkiehappy:

Also, I have a one-shot crackfic, and half of a decent sized fic under my belt. I'm hardly a master. :twilightblush:

536172 Mah gems! They stealin' mah gems! Yeah, I'm probably gonna quit that game... :fluttershysad:

As much as I would like to comment on this I must hold my tongue on these sort of things I am Retarded after all :derpytongue2:

All in all though no matter what keep your chin up because there are people who love reading your stories as long as people read and enjoy them then you win. Just remember there are some people out there who you just cant please nor should you have to. :twilightsmile:

You have people who truly enjoy your hard work and that is always worth remembering :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Much cheaper. :rainbowwild:

Well, all I can say about trolls is this: They're trolls. :trollestia:'s. They usually don't even read the fic they're trolling on. At least, that's my experience with them. :unsuresweetie: But I still wouldn't take much of what they say to heart. They're freaking TROLLS, after all. :fluttershysad:

And remember this: No matter how many negative comments you get, or how popular your fics get for troll targets, I'll always love your writing. Many ponies will. :twilightsmile:

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