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I'm a Canadian gal who loves to write. :D

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  • 249 weeks

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One Bad Apple Review · 7:16pm Nov 24th, 2012

I made some edits! Overall, I do like a lot of aspects of the episode. There's just a couple of things I disagree with. It kind of affected it a bit, but, overall, I can still enjoy a lot of the good things about it. I do apologize for ranting.

I was bullied my entire school life, not physically, but I've had name-calling, bad-mouthing, and theft. I knew how Babs was feeling and I could definitely relate to the CMC. Most especially because I've had friends who turned on me and bullied me. It's not fun. Not pretty.

So I'll admit that I was just really confused and kind of facepalming when, out of nowhere, Babs decided to be a meanie. I was pretty disappointed in that, since she seemed nice and timid at first. But then, as it went along, it was explained that she was bullied all along back in her hometown. Because of that, she decides to bully others to make herself feel better and not be bullied all over again. Well, okay. I managed to look at it better this way and understand, since she's just a kid and needs better guidance on the matter. Even if part of me DID want her humiliated, as a way to show the consequences of her actions. But then again, that tactic was meant for the CMC, as they turned to bullying. Somewhat. But in way, you could understand why. Not quite justified as a whole, but understandable.

The reason I yelled before, was...ugh. The same old tired cliche of not being a snitch. Which is annoying. Oh no! Someone is causing trouble! But I shouldn't be a snitch! That's a social mentality I cannot tolerate. I would have understood if they tried to tell Applejack or somepony else, but nopony believes them, so they deem telling anyone as useless. Which is sad, because even though we always tried, it didn't seem to work either way, did it?

I just wish that could have been handled a bit better. But this is where I see that this is an episode REALLY aimed at kids to the core. The writing and the lesson could have been handled a bit better. This episode was far from bad. No way. That was just ONE aspect I didn't like about it. But overall, it was still a good episode.

Now, I know you see in my episode reviews that I spend more time praising it than I do nitpicking or criticizing. This is mostly because I go into episodes looking to have fun. And I do end up having fun, and I always have some analyzing to work with. I can never truly find anything I truly dislike, at least nothing that affects the episode as a whole.

Here, I kind of did. But it was just that one little aspect. I can never hate an episode. Even the episode I dislike most, I still find things I like about it and could never truly hate it. It's only that I wish it could have been handled better. It's kinda sad, Cindy Morrow wrote this episode. And she wrote my favourite episode, Hurricane Fluttershy. And that episode was beautiful! But it's okay, it's far from her worst, far from it.

Still, if not for that aspect of the snitching thing, it would've been a lot better. Regardless, what we got was still really fun and a good episode.

Now, here's the good stuff.

A minor note... Hee, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were standing next to each other during the first bit of the parade! :yay::heart::rainbowkiss: I know that's totally pointless and means nothing, but I thought it was a cute little touch. But then Twilight got in between them. Hey! Twilight! Get outta the way! ...Oh wait, she's making sure they behave. Okay....:rainbowlaugh: Okay, okay, I'm just playing around, you guys. XD

I laughed when Scootaloo said that Babs "turned to the dark side". Total Star Wars reference if I ever saw one!

Babs' character was still handled fairly well. Even though I disagree with her choice to be a bully to avoid being bullied, but I know how being bullied can make us lash out. Even if no one deserves it and it's far from justified. At the end, you can tell she learned her lesson and also took a step in standing up for herself and for her friends. That was nicely done, because it shows how she not only learned how to cope, but also, how to overcome her inner demons. This is something that all kids who were bullied strive for, to be able to stand up to the monsters that are bullies and stick up for our friends.

Sweetie Belle being the voice of reason and actually willing to TELL AN ADULT was refreshing.

Edible boots? Interesting...

Scootaloo seems to be better with her wings and Sweetie Belle has little pops of her magic!

I wondered if the pumpkin float was a reference to Cinderella. XD Especially since it did have those undertones, even if slightly.

The Bad Seed song was actually pretty fun! Daniel Ingram yet again tried something new with this song and it worked really well. The visuals were fun, the singing was nice, and the tune was pretty fun and catchy! I wouldn't call it a favourite, but I enjoyed it and found it to be a fun little song.

It was awesome the way Babs stood up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, especially when they fall back into the mud! Ooooh! Yeah! That was great! Take that! Still haven't learned anything... What meanies.

Babs not only is still a member of the CMC even when she leaves, but she gets to start a new branch in Manehattan! That was actually very clever and well done in keeping things going! Smart idea! I'm sure the fandom is going to have a ton of fun with that! Think of the fun possibilities! :pinkiehappy:

Even Applejack herself gets her own share of a kind of development. She's really acting like a grown mature adult here, and it's kind of nice to see her in that light. A lot of people think she gets no development because she has less screen time than the rest of the Main Six, but that can't be further from the truth. She actually does get her own little bits of character development, just not the same way than if she were the focus. You just have to pay attention.

Next week, Magic Duel. I admit, I'm curious as to what that's going to bring, but I'm also not looking forward to it. Still, I'm going to watch it and see what happens!

Yeah, I deleted that spiel. XD I'll talk about it next week.

Report NintendoGal55 · 298 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

Violence would have 'solved' their problem, but it's a little girl's show, to put it bluntly.
Although violence (usually) has repercussions.
SIDE NOTE! I'm maknig cars in NFSME (2005 version)

watcha think?

I feel this was less of a "One Bad Apple" review and more of a "Vent followed by me talking about the show". Totally alright, just not what I thought I ordered :derpytongue2:

That said, I have five things to say...

1) Sweetie Belle stole the episode. Hands down.

2) Scootaloo hovering slightly and Sweetie Belle using a tiny tiny bit of magic made me squeal in excitement (PS: I didn't actually squeal).


But if she's just going to come back, all mad at everypony else and blaming them for her own downfalls, forget it.

But that IS Trixie's character! She may not blame the entire town, but she would totally blame Twilight for it. Why wouldn't she? She's egotistical, Twilight is better than her, and so Twilight must be taken down. Anything else is not her character at all.


And the Diamond Dogs are defeated!

You forgot to say "Then the Diamond Dogs go blasting off again!!!!"

5) Sweetie Belle saying that Rarity has edible boots is incredibly kinky...


I didn't like the episode because of the bullying, I too have been bullied for more around 8 years from the period of primary (elementary) to secondary (college?/uni?) school.

But I thought this was the closest thing to a Season 1 episode that I have ever seen. It wasn't really trying to force references to the Bronies or make jokes (or anything like that) it was just story. That's the type of episodes I seem to enjoy more than most that have happened in Season 3. The CMC were interesting as always as people noted the little additions of Scootaloo's (somewhat) improved flying and Sweeties magic starting to pop out of her horn every so often. The pacing felt a little more concentrated and there was no time for cutaway gags or useless jokes, just the problem and the solution.

Babs was okay, I didn't really find anything terrible about her but I didn't like the fact that she switched over to the bullies like you say in your review. It pissed me off because I have been in that type of situation where people have switched sides and gone against me. The way the CMC get through the bullying problem is pretty much how every single cartoons does it nowadays, instead of telling, they try and get back at the bullies but ultimately becoming one themselves. And as for Babs, I found it a little bit predictable to what was going on and how she was going to approach the bullying problem.

I skipped the song as usual, not much to say there.

I think it's kinda funny to think that Babs has more back-story than King Som(e)bra had all together in a two-parter. :rainbowlaugh:

Plus, I guess if you want to know. I was physically and verbally bullied. I had a glass bottle smashed against my head in a fight, I got into trouble at one of my old schools for starting a fight with them. :facehoof:

Also, the references to the A-Team and the Cinderella Pumpkin were pretty cool I guess. I strangely liked the very little screen-time that the Mane 6 had as well.

534552 I for one agree that if someone is being violent to you (unprovoked), then you should always defend yourself. I can understand why people wouldn't, especially students, but that's where I would give permission to my kids and say "If a bully starts pushing you around for no reason, you have the right to defend yourself and knock the crap out of them if you have to". I would stress NOT to go looking for fights, of course. But that if push comes to shove, fight back.

But yeah. It is a show for little girls, and we know they wouldn't do that.

:pinkiehappy: Sweet cars!

534567 True, that was something good about the episode, it was just a story. And it was a story about living a life. I like that!

The only real problem I had with Babs was that she switched sides despite being bullied. That's just personal to me because that's something I never did in all my life of being bullied. As bad as it was, I never resorted to it. But, that's just the case of other people handling and coping with things differently than someone else would.

534569 Exactly, I got suspended for self defense once, they had a f*cking switchblade(a real one!)
And they stabbed me near the stomach, good thing it didn't hit anything.
I ended up tackling him to the ground. You have no idea how tempted I was to cut off his fingers with his own blade -.-

And thanks for the compliment, would you like a car designed?


Yeah, it all built up with me and I just lost it and started fighting back.

Looking back on it, what I did was kinda stupid. But I couldn't help but smile when I punched them in the face. :fluttershbad:

534563 XD I think I might have to modify this...oops. I was a bit on a rant there. Mostly due to my bitter feelings about bullying. :twilightsheepish: But, I'm going to make a more fair review.

Eh, we all have differing interpretations on Trixie! I guess more or less, I wasn't looking forward to her being a cheap-down villainous type because I never saw that about her. If she just had the chance to see the error or her ways and realize that what she's doing just isn't working, she might rethink her strategy. She has great showmanship, and if she just curbed her ego, she could be a great act. But, I digress. You have your own views and I have mine on the matter. We'll just wait and see.

:rainbowlaugh: That IS incredibly kinky! I think the fandom is going to have a ton of fun with that idea, to be sure!

XDD You're right!

The Diamond Dogs are blasting off agaaaaaaaiiiinnnn! *Twinkle*

And to be fair on that, I did love Jessie and James and Meowth. XD They were fun and entertaining villains, albeit weekly villains. Plus it was at a time I didn't notice this cliche.

534598 Frankly, defending yourself and fighting back is understandable! I know why people wouldn't, but I think it's a great idea to defend yourself.

Even if sometimes people suspend them anyway. :ajbemused:

"I was defending myself!"


I have to say I can relate to this. I know a kid that turned to the dark side and bullied ME! He said somethings that he would regret later and I kept trying to tell him bullying is not the way. I knew what he was going through so I tried to help him through. He eventually came to his senses and apologized for everything. Enough of my personal life. This episode was really good. I think it once again expresses the genius of how they can implement this and still not make it fluff. Lauren Faust I salute you!

ahem.... sorry, sorry.

As always, remember to stay, :pinkiehappy:GREAT!:pinkiehappy:

534610 You are right! What they got good and right, they did! I disagree with some elements, but I liked that Babs came to her senses and realized her actions were wrong. Kind of like, yeah, sometimes in life people will realize that turning into a bully is wrong and will own up for their mistakes.

Another thing to add is that they have movie theaters in Equestria! :D
And did you see FD7's blog? That was hilarious!

Now for my mini review.......

I thought the episode was pretty good, except for the parts where I kept on yelling "Kick her in the fucking face already!"

Now, I've been bullied myself a few years back, not really knowing it though, 'cause before I was an idiot, but if I get bullied again, and if they set the anger bomb inside me to go off, verbally of course, then I would gladly choke their skrawny necks until they get the message, hurt them enough to send them to the hospital, or talk smack to them to get them to back down.

I didn't really get where Babs was trying to get at by taking their clubhouse. I mean, it's THEIR clubhouse, and you don't know what you happens in there. There could be boobytraps, explosives, some dild, I mean, drugs, and god knows what else. I'm not implying that the CMC would do these sort of things in their spare time, but Babs doesn't know!

The snitch thing, whenever I see it, I think it doesn't matter if it involves you or if it's insanely bad to someone else, but it shouldn't have kids worry if they are or not! It's just an in-important thing! In fact, adults are snitches all the time! You just need to think about it!

Now, I found Babs' voice to be irratating when she was the bully, but afterwards she sounded alright to me.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon deserve SOME kind of tragic incident, like some sickness, broken limb, amnesia, or something along those lines and the CMC help them with it. It would be good character development for the bullies, even though they're liked by nobody in the fandom.

I hope to see Babs again in a later episode, mostly because I love her character.

Now for the next episode, I expect a new character come to challenge Twi in magic, Trixie actually practisng then challenge Twi in magic, or Twi getting a chance to become Luna's student learning about different magic or not, but still remaining in Ponyville.

And remember to keep being a :raritystarry:STAR!:raritystarry:

Good review! :twilightsmile:

I like the episode, even though I was bullied almost all my school life, and even physically sometimes.

There were good moments in the episode.
And there were some great additional things, like Scootaloo flying better and Sweetie Belle starting to use magic! :pinkiehappy:
The song was pretty good and fun! :twilightsmile:

This was a good episode, and now I'm waiting for the next one. :pinkiehappy:

Wow. I haven't watched the episode yet, and I'm already compelled to rebuke it. :applejackconfused:

Honestly, I just don't condone bullying in MLP. I leave it to Nickelodeon and shows with human kids in it to deal with that issue. We already have two bullies: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Well, the closest we actually have to bullies before this. LOL

It's too bad. Would've preferred it if Babs was actually a mischief-maker to get ponies' attention--due to inadequate family attention or something--instead. No srsly, kids. If you want to watch a show with a lesson about bullying, watch something like Hey! Arnold. :duck:

I saw a few thing
Magnum (rarity father) fishing . This bring a interogation to me, i mean why do sweetie live with her sister when her father live in town.
Another sitting pony: sitting lily. In the cinema up right in the song
Obvious star wars reference

Something I didn't think of when I first watched the episode...

When the CMC are in Sweetie's room, and they are talking about telling an adult, Sweetie first suggests Applejack (obviously Apple Bloom's sister, duh.) Then, you have Sweetie mention Rarity (strange she mentioned her, and not her own parents, but it follows the sister theme). However, then it mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE of all ponies to be "paired" with Scootaloo. Why Twilight of all ponies. You could take this one of three ways:

1) Most Likely: The writers haven't mentioned Scoot's family, and so went with the next most responsible main character. Rainbow wouldn't be picked at all because Scootaloo doesn't want Rainbow to see her like that.
2) Less Likely: Scootaloo doesn't have a family (or has a shitty family life), and so it would make it worse to mention them. Twilight was picked for the same reason.
3) Least Likely: Twilight is Scootaloo's secret sister, and only a very select few (the CMC, and Twilight herself) know. For reasons unknown (political safety maybe), she is kept hidden until she is old enough to take care of herself. However, this reason is awesome for fanfics.


The reason it showed him fishing is that he was fishing outside HIS AND HIS FAMILY'S HOUSE. Keep in mind that in Sisterhooves Social, they drop Sweetie off at Rarity's to spend the week there. Sweetie Belle lives with her parents.

A minor note... Hee, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were standing next to each other during the first bit of the parade! I know that's totally pointless and means nothing, but I thought it was a cute little touch. But then Twilight got in between them. Hey! Twilight! Get outta the way! ...Oh wait, she's making sure they behave. Okay.... Okay, okay, I'm just playing around, you guys. XD

Hah, so I'm not the only one who seems to pick that up. My shipping goggles are permanently etched to my eyes. :rainbowdetermined2:

A minor note... Hee, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were standing next to each other during the first bit of the parade!

Oh god I love how we hang on things like this... Animators did it totally random and we are so happy now for this little detail :rainbowlaugh:

Scootaloo seems to be better with her wings and Sweetie Belle has little pops of her magic!

Nobody noticed that Applebloom are very into fashion? "what to wear" and all around clothes of every kinds. I think it is her part of skills development :pinkiehappy:

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