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Forgetful's Not So Forgettable Lake Trip! 💞 · 6:36pm Aug 3rd, 2020


I know I've been gone a short while, about a week.

But I had tons to do so I just decided to take the week off from online and enjoy the experiences that life can bring forth.

But what I really want to chat about is my trip down to the lake! ~ Squee!!

Yep, I took a trip out there with my newest friend and her friends.

Funny, how she just started off as a neighbor wanting to borrow some internet, but now she's totally somebody that I can hang out with and just laugh and talk.

Anyways, let me share with you my trip to the lake!

P.S. ~ Not trying to copy Brady's Blog about his summer trip… but FYI you should totally go read his, it's an awesome read!

Back on track, my friend had been planning a trip out towards the lake again for a while. When she heads out there, they go way deeper than I ever do, I stick around the front and near a tiny little waterfall.

But she asked if I'd be willing to go on a few day trip.

It sounded exciting and I really wanted to explore more of the area, what better way than with a group of people right?

Just me, her, her bf and his guy friend.

The day of the trip started out really lax and on a wonderful foot.

While uptown to get ready for the trip, I ran into two lovely little traveling Sweet Treats!

One was a Shaved Ice Mobile, which I totes love!

The other a Homemade Ice Cream Mobile!!

I was flabbergasted!

They pop up around here rarely, usually not at the same time!!

I didn't want to totally pig out and get both, returning to my friend covered in sweets would look really bad, lol.

So I made the toughest choice any girl could ever make… I'll just say nothing beats homemade soft serve!

After my little stop to indulge my sweet tooth, I headed back to get ready!

Ironically, my friend and I were the first two to be ready.

The guys took their sweet time, lol.

So much for that old stereotype, that us ladies are the ones who take forever and a day to be ready.

Anyways, while hanging outside with my friend. I noticed an adorable little squirrel staring at me from a nearby tree, it was weird as if it wanted to come over and say hello. I decided to call upon my inner Fluttershy, I lowered down and began to talk to it.

My friend laughed up a storm , until it honestly began to come over towards me!!

I was so excited, I took out a treat from my purse. One I bought for my cat Aqua, yes I named her after a character from Kingdom Hearts, lol.

It was so close!

I told my friend to take a picture, of course she took her time and imo was jealous that the creatures of the world trusted me.

So this happened, by the time she took it…

I swear it was coming towards me, but my friend stomped her bigfoot while taking the photo and instead I got a photo of a cute squirrel running away from me for dear life, lol.

After a while, we finally made it to the Lake!

We started off at the front area, a place I'm totally familiar with. My friend went off with her boyfriend to check out the waterfall. Leaving his friend and myself to just explore for a tiny bit, his name is Adam and he's pretty cool.

We chatted about this or that and explored the simple area's, even stopping at a few spots to just enjoy the scenery. Adam shared that he thought my job hosting a party, a few days before was really interesting and must've taken quite a bit of skill.

Again he was a nice guy, sweet and very talkative.

We even went to visit the Duckos.

Adam asked if I wanted him to catch a duck, so I could pet it.

Which was weird, I'd never pet a wild duck.

If you lunged at that many ducks, we'd probably end up being attacked right?

Lol, it was just funny.

Hmm, my friend invited me.

Her boyfriend invited Adam.

I bet this was a trick to hook us up!

Oi, no wonder they kept on vanishing or running ahead.

After exploring the front areas, we decided to go deeper.

It's a fair bit of hiking but I totally had fun, chatting with Adam and sometimes skipping ahead to talk up my friend. We got to see tons of cool stuff and talk about local legends, like the Man Eater. Yes talk about a monster that eats people in the woods, while hiking in the woods.

It was an all around good time, my friend even claiming to have spotted a snake.

She told me to kneel down again and call it over, har-har.

My friend is the Sassy little Brunette, she's totally a Rainbow Dash! Always brave, talkative and willing for an adventure!

Her boyfriend is the totally tall guy in the white.

Adam is the nice guy in the red.

After a bit of walking deeper than I ever would've gone, we decided to set up camp at a nearby shore of the lake. And it was really awesome, my friend said this was a favorite spot of theirs to camp at.

People who know about it come to camp there or in the surrounding area. She told me that when tons of people hang out around here, they'd just go visit each other's camps and talk, listen to music etc.

This shore was adorable btw, even a pit had been set up from people before.

I had tons of fun just joking around with my friend, though she teased me about taking so many pictures.

I explained I hardly get to do big stuff like this, so I'm totally going to take photos to remember it by.

This place was so cozy!

We spent the night eating smores, laughing and listening to music. It was a totally new experience for me, I've been camping before just with my family, hanging out with new people was really fun, something I won't forget for a long time.

Though it was a tad of a humid night, and odd sounds around us did keep me up, just a bit.

But I'd never give this memory up for the world!

The next day we hung out near the same area for a bit, the boys going off to fish. My friend and I explored the woods, we found a few really pretty areas, but it had to do with a tad of climbing, so I left my camera at the camp, the last thing I needed was breaking it by accident.

After lunch, we headed towards the main event.

The far side of the lake, it was a very long hike.

But honestly worth every step, the water seemed to stretch forever into the horizon.

It was so beautiful out there, but also sort of scary.

I had never been so far out and seen this side of the lake before, as a plus my friend guided me to her favorite spot, I was curious as to why, but as she led me over I soon found out.

Zoom in just a bit, it's The Mythical Swan!!!

Sorry for such a lackluster photo, but she was so far out and I was frightened of falling in the water. 

But at least my feet are in focus, lol.

Overall this was an absolutely lovely trip, I enjoyed every moment of being out of the apartment and just living life in the moment.

I had fun getting out there with new people, met some interesting characters and of course got to enjoy beauty that only nature can bring.

I hope this blog about my trip wasn't too boring, but I really wanted to share it with my friends here!

So until next time…

Stay Fabulous!

Love, Forgetful. 💞

Comments ( 28 )

Wow! That was some adventure!


Big for me, but was beyond fun!

YOU FOUND THE SWAN!!! The ducks couldn't hide them forever! :pinkiehappy:

I'm super happy you had fun! Camping is way over-hated, I'll never understand it. Camping with friends is so much fun, I'm glad you enjoy it too. :) :heart:

Bet that was lovely. Apparently you are a squirrel whisperer. I am a cat whisperer. I also like swans, and at my local lake, this year's young geese will let me pet them if I give them enough food.

hmm.... Through da roof?

Wow, that sounded like a great time :twilightsmile:
Totes jealous! DX lol

Quite the adventure you had :twilightsmile::heart:

Thank you so much!


I agree, more people need to give camping a try, it's so fun to get away from everything once in a while.

I know right?

That swan was so beautiful!

I'm just happy to finally see it.


But it was totes fun!

It was, plus I got to cut loose and open up!

Which was awesome possum!

Awww, sounds so pretty!

I bet that is tons of fun!

Oi, I don't mind squirrels, they're Soo cute!

Totally is, very peaceful too!

How have you been Golden?

Hope all is fabulous!

5328343 Had a few hard days, but all is well now :scootangel:

I'm happy to hear everything is starting to get back on track.

5328726 Yeah, pretty much

Anything interesting happening on your side?

5328737 Not really, but my mom's mad at my brother for scaring our cat

Lol, sounds cute.

I just got back from my sister's, she wanted to show off her trip photos.

I love it! That looks like a super gorgeous place to be. The waters and greenery and animals and warmth... Now that is a summer vacation!

I absolutely loved it, it was beyond beautiful and was an excellent getaway from the craziness too.

Big adventure, tons of fun,
A beautiful swan, faithful and strong,
Sharing kindness, it's a easy feat,
And ice cream makes it all complete.

Awww, Cutest comment ever! 💞

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