• Member Since 7th Feb, 2014
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Stories about ponies are stories about people. Every challenge is an opportunity to change. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe

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State of the Scribe: August 2020 · 9:09am Aug 1st, 2020

It is absolutely crazy how long I have been doing this. I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude at an audience who has stuck with me for this long, through all my failures and crazy experiments and hopefully at least one success in there somewhere.

So I realized that I neglected to post the July Calendar to fimfiction last month, because the blog update endpoint is broken on the fimfiction API and my bot can't do it for me. X.x But So I'll begin this update by explaining the thing I did last time.

So I've added a color key section to these blogs, since I get asked about them so often that it's easier just to list them out each time. Feel free to skip that text going forward, it won't change and I don't think I'll ever need more colors.

Last month we wrapped up Luna is a Harsh Mistress, a story that was an absolute joy to write. I honestly could've kept writing it for another 100k at least, but... when a story successfully captures the scope of what I was going for, it's time to say goodbye, so I can move on to new projects.

One such project will not be posted to fimfiction (though I would love to post it to Genfic. We still getting that, Knighty?) Ordinarily I restrict requests to pony stories only, but this particular commissioner has been holding a patreon slot for so long without asking for anything I made an exception.

Mew Like Me is a Pokemon TF story, though like everything I've written it's going to be heavy on the science fiction and the worldbuilding and everything else that I love. But I've been really struggling over how someone who might be interested in reading it might do so, given that Fanfiction.net is garbage tier and pointing people that way is like asking them to eat chalk.

I've come up with two solutions to this problem. Firstly, I'll post the chapters on my patreon, free for anyone to read. You can even "watch" my patreon for free if you like, which will send you updates when the chapters go live. They'll be scheduled just like my fimfiction updates, the way you're probably used to. Just click here, scroll past the pay tiers, and click "follow." You'll get emails whenever a chapter goes up.

Secondly--because going to other sites is hard and slow, I'm also going to be providing a pdf download of the previous month's chapters directly in these blogs. This is the kind of thing I've been wanting to move towards for a long time anyway, since...

Well, as sad as it is, I won't be writing pony forever. But I will be writing for as long as I live, and I write quite a bit that isn't pony. I can't post original novels, short stories, and fanfiction in other universes on fimfiction... but I can link a PDF download in these blogs. Along those lines, I've got two interesting links to share with you today.

First, a story I mentioned a few months ago, but is now complete (until I release the sequel/part 2, which will start soon). A pokemon TF story involving some truly terrible people all becoming different eevees in their tale of redemption:Read Here

Second, Mew Like Me's July chapters. What happens when humans get a little too nosy investigating their favorite legendary pokemon? Nothing they're happy about: Read Here

Oh, and one final note. The international copies of Through the Aurora have all shipped, and most have arrived, but the US books have yet to reach me thanks to US COVID delays. Do not panic if your US order hasn't reached you yet. I will post a blog update as soon as I get them with my usual showoff pictures.

Comments ( 5 )
Author Interviewer

It is pretty awesome that you've been able to keep up like this for as long as you have. :D

It is absolutely crazy how long I have been doing this. I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude at an audience who has stuck with me for this long, through all my failures and crazy experiments and hopefully at least one success in there somewhere.

And I feel overwhelmed by you!
You somehow manage to write so many good stories at such an quick pace, sometimes I struggle to keep up reading. And reading is usually way faster than writing.
My first contact with you was "The Last Pony on Earth", which ist still one of my favorite stories. So that one if definitely an success. (I would struggle to find an story by you which isn't a success.)
I don't think I will ever understand how you manage to write like that.

But I've been really struggling over how someone who might be interested in reading it might do so, given that Fanfiction.net is garbage tier and pointing people that way is like asking them to eat chalk.

I haven't been on Fanfiction.net for a long time.
Did anything specific happen there?
I mean aside from an very outdated design?

There was no drama or anything on the site. It just hasn't innovated in twelve years, so using it feels awful.

But I've been really struggling over how someone who might be interested in reading it might do so, given that Fanfiction.net is garbage tier and pointing people that way is like asking them to eat chalk.

As someone who used Fanfiction.net for years until recently, I agree it's pretty bad. Main thing that annoyed me as an author there is having to PM a user to reply to their review. I have found Archive of Our Own which seems like a good site to host non-MLP stories. It's no Fimfiction, but has some pretty good features that makes it worth checking out at least.

Love your work hope you have a good day

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