• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen April 23rd

Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...

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Plot Bunny Theater: Loosen Up! · 11:39pm Jul 14th, 2020

One day, Rainbow Dash had had enough of Twilight Sparkle's excessive rules and worrying, and made a decision.
Dash: "Oh for buck's sake! Here!" She shoves a bottle of vodka into Twilight's mouth and makes her chug it "THERE!"
Pinkie: "DASHIE!"
Dash: "Look, this is the easiest way to get her to relax! And the fastest! You know she'd just overcomplicate literally everything!"
 Twilight: "BWAH! Rainbow Dash! What the Tartarus is wrong with you?!"
 Applejack: "Ya just gave a lightweight magic user a fifth of 140  proof vodka."
 Dash: "Uh, you're welcome?"
 Five Minutes Later...
 Half of Ponyville is on fire, the other half is transformed into various things.
 And Big Mac is being dragged into the castle of Friendship
 Twilight: "Come... Come on, Bigggg Maaac..." giggles "Big! Like... Sooo big… How big? We'll find ouuuuuttt...!"
 Dash: "... Okay... Mistakes may have been made."
 Applejack: "Ah, Twilight? Let's not abduct mah brother fer whatever yer gonna do-"
Twilight: "MINE!" Snarls with burning eyes and while hugging him tightly "ALL MINESSS!"
 Big Mac: "Urk!"
 Twilight: "Now we're gonna... Gonna doooo everything in th' naughty books I keep under my... My bed thing! EVERYTHING!"
 Big Mac: "... Ah'm scaroused."
 Big Mac: "Ah'm only a mortal stallion, Applejack."
Twilight: "Spike get the video equipment out!"
Spike: "I'm not part of this!"
 Fluttershy: "T-Twilight! I ca-can't just l-let you do that!"
Twilight: "You can be part of it!"
Fluttershy: "... Well-"
Twilight: "You-You too, Rarityyy! Lesh all experiment!"
 Rarity: "Ah, well, I mean, I can be open minded-"

Comments ( 6 )

alternative plot: the more powerful a unicorns magic is the harder it is for them to get drunk and so Twilight and her friend see what it takes to get her drunk FOR SCIENCE!

Ha, love it!

And then Sugar Belle showed up. The next morning in addition to her roaring hangover, Twilight had a cracked horn, a broken wing, and a fear of getting within 50 yards of Big Mac.

The next evening, BIg Mac is seen sitting in a bar with a thousand-yard stare, his drink untouched.

Barkeep: Rough night, buddy?

Big Mac: (stares at him for a moment, then resumes staring at the wall) ...you have NO idea...

Barkeep: That bad?

Big Mac: ( A smile slowly spreads across his face) No...that GOOD.

You gotta watch out for her. Chick punched Luna out in a comic I saw once.

Yeah, slipping Twilight some Kickapoo Joy Juice would probably be a bad idea.

Might be even worse to give her a bottle full of alicorn-strength espresso. Imagine Alicorn Twilight on a caffeine/sugar rush that takes a week to wear off.

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