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  • Monday
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 1 week
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 4 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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  • 6 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

    She gets disrespected a lot because she wants to help people, even though she's a princess who's saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

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  • 8 weeks
    Sentencing Characters (Dragnet Style)

    As you know (Or some of you at least) The Writer is the one in charge. The Writer is the master. The Writer... is... God (Of the world the write anyway)

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Friendship Is Failure (Rejecting Twilight's Help) · 4:36am Jun 21st, 2020

Author Avatar characters don't seem to understand why Twilight is trying to help them and assume she's forcing her opinions on them only for them to force their opinions on her.

--from my TV-Tropes page (which was edited as usual by those idiot haters who can't tell the difference between their asses and a hole in the ground)

My Friendship is Failure characters are created to give Twilight and her friends a reality check, a slap to the face, a downer ending, the realization that there are some things you just cannot change, and friendship will not always work (Especially if it's unwanted)

My characters DO understand Twilight and friends are trying to help them, but here's the idea...


Twilight tends to butt her muzzle into situations and areas where she's not wanted; giving the value of a nosy neighbor. Some situations she should LEAVE WELL ALONE!!


My characters don't care much for friendship-- either having been betrayed too many times, or just plain never being interested-- They don't like friendship. They don't WANT it or NEED it. They're content with what they have (Somewhat) they feel they have a better beat on things.

Some of them also seem to feel and are actually trying to PROVE you don't really need that stuff to live. Some of them aren't even looking for Happiness either-- don't want it or need it-- They're just trying to make end's meet WITHOUT IT. (Which is feasible)

They also don't want her help because THEY KNOW HER, she'll try and force her wishes on them...

"You need friends"

"You have to give friendship a chance."

...And she won't quit until they comply to her wishes, and subject themselves to friendship, changing their life styles and ALL THE THINGS they are trying to avoid and shut out of their lives. This gives her the value of a stalker and harasser.


It doesn't matter if they're living a self-destructive life, or Twilight thinks they need to "Improve" their lives and "Live a better way" (Her way)

...They still don't care! They DON'T WANT IT!! She's giving them help that they don't want, and she's trying to turn them into things they don't want to be-- condemning them to a life they find and deem UNBEARABLE

She needs to learn to butt out, and get THIS message into her head...

-Some friendships, once broken, CANNOT be repaired (Especially if one of them DOESN'T WANT IT repaired)
-Just because they COULD live better lives doesn't mean THEY HAVE TO.
-Just because Twilight CAN try and help the pony, doesn't mean she SHOULD.

-And above all things... Friendship is not THE ONLY WAY to get something done or get through life.


-Stone heart donates paychecks for his published book to charity, because the book is not made to his liking. He hates it and demands no payment or praise of any kind from it. He asks them to stop sending him checks, and those that do come, (While he could destroy them) I made him donate them to charity to teach this...

...The whole point of a charity is to collect money, that's it! They don't care who you are, or why you're donating the money. You don't have to be a friend, or someone they know. Just give them the money and go away!

What, you would reject Stone's paycheck (Which pays for a handsome sum) just because he's donating out of spite rather than good heart? That money could go ways towards helping others, and you want to reject it because some-pony isn't being happy?

-Stone Heart and his co-workers at the foundry. They don't care about each other, they're just CO-WORKERS, not friends. They're here make MONEY, not FRIENDS. Even the foremen doesn't see them as friends, but just employees.

If an accident happens at work, the only reason they save each other is so the boss doesn't have to waste time hiring someone else, or to keep production going fine. They only saved you so you could get back to work... if there was no other reason, they'd probably just let you die...

...Even YOU would do the same to them.

I know that seems harsh, and would cause the foundry to be shut down, but again, it was used to make a POINT.

There is a difference between an ALLY and a FRIEND.

A friend is someone you share with, talk with, hangout with, care for and all that stuff.

An ally is just a teammate or co-worker. They're just helping you... they're not your friend, nor are you theirs.

Masquerade/Beast Boy: "I said I would help you... that doesn't make us friends."

*Beast Boy to the other Titans*: "From now on... we are JUST teammates!"

He'll still help you during hero time, but he no longer wishes to talk to them, look at them, hang with them, and he'll go to incredible lengths to ignore them.

Even if by some miracle Twilight convinces the character to change, and they do they're thing... they can still put up their bad attitude, if not... make it worse.

-If Talon Ted (A play on "Talented") did become a movie star and is well-loved and respected. He is very angry because he did it in a way he doesn't approve of. As a result, he is very harsh and cold to other ponies-- he won't sign autographs, doesn't like to be praised, and keeps mostly to himself.

-A carefree pony finally gets a job, works well, pulls weight, people are proud of him/her. He/She is not pleased with how things are, they don't like what they have become ("The very thing I was mocking, and swore I'd never do") They'll be just as mean and harsh to others.

In other words, Twilight may have changed them, but not for the better!

"Great, now you've turned him into angry work-a-holic!"

Of course, I like to think of it as the consequences of her actions.

Sometimes the ponies WARN her what they will do if they change to HER specifications...

-Get a job
-Get a degree

...Things like that.

they warned her they would do it, and she didn't listen, now she has endure their wrath and cold attitude as well as every other in the way.

"You wanted CHANGE... you GOT change...

...NOW PAY FOR IT!!" (Endure the harshness, the yelling, the emotion scaring, ect, ect...)

So, They DO understand she's trying to help them...

...They just don't like it.

Pony Character: "I'm not going to forgive (Insert name) just to avoid a settlement. This isn't "Let's Make a Deal."

Twilight: "But, if you please, I'm trying help you all make the best of a bad--"

Pony Character: "I don't care, Princess Twilight. Please be quiet."

Twilight: "But we talked about this. You need to give friendship a chance, you can't just throw away your lives in self-destruction for--"

Pony Character: *Sighs* "Princess Twilight... What part of "I don't care" don't you understand?"

And just one more for the road.

Pony Character: "Now what do we have to do to get you to take a hint? It's over, Twilight, you lost. Go home to your own friends."

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by Diokno44 deleted Jun 21st, 2020
Comment posted by Artist deleted Jun 21st, 2020
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