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30, loves mlp, godzilla, transformers, and lots of other stuff

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  • 44 weeks
    I have a narrative-based story on the EQG version of King Sombra

    And I haven't taken the time to upload it. Mostly because it's in narrative form, and I wasn't sure if anyone would like that. Still, you should all know what the story is: it's basically the equivalent of Fiendship is Magic, and the story of Dr. Doom. This was several years ago, and I honestly thought that King Sombra would work as the series equivalent of Dr. Doom: especially when he learns to

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  • 48 weeks
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  • 49 weeks
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  • 50 weeks
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Tirathos - Vaninhala of Anarchy (Harmoniaverse) *Outdated* · 11:50pm Jun 19th, 2020

**Spoilers for MLP The Light of Harmonys Hope, and the plot of its finale.........though I may have spoiled that regardless with some other works.^^;**

There are many things in the universe to be feared. From Greed, Hate, Pride, and Lust, to even Death itself, one of the worst aspects to trifle with is the concept of Anarchy. Anarchy is the darker aspect of Chaos. It is the force that brings mayhem, destruction, and death when the absence of a symbol of order, balance, harmony and leadership are non-existent. Darkness in and of itself for the misery it brings. And for eons, the Primordial of this Aspect, The Serpent Apophis, has existed to bring Anarchy to all of creation due to his belief there need be no balance, or peace, or symbols living or otherwise to lead the weak, and malleable. They simply needed to be destroyed. He tried once when he brought about Ragnarok: Twilight of the Bahamut/Elder Gods.

Then he tried again by binding his soul to the ambitious mortal Tirac, who supplanted the old order, and brought Darkness and Anarchy to the land. The only rule needed was the rule of Darkness, which he sought to bring about. But the forces of Light, and Harmony thwarted him before he could accomplish his goal. Then the young Bahamut of Darkness came, and turned the former Dark Lord into his earthly vessel. And though he could not harm him in any way, The embodiment of Anarchy could still influence the Dark Elder God to do terrible things over time. The hope being to use him to carry out his ambition to spread Darkness and Anarchy to the universe. Four generations later, and again he was thwarted when Grogar, The Lord of Anarchy's puppet Bahamut now turned Djinn, was slain, and the essence of Tirac and Apophis combined escaped into the Aether, where they would await the day a worthy vessel for their essence would emerge.

That came in the form of the centaur prince, Tirek, who was descended from the tyrannical Ruler of Midnight Mountain, also known as The Well of Souls. The day he learned his true heritage was the day the prince lived only for Anarchy, and power. With the hidden influence of his past lives in his soul, he brought ruin to his own home, and allowed the Darkness to give life to his own personal demon - one he used to wipe all traces of his past from existence. With only his brother at his side, whom he loved more than anything, despite the estrangement of their youthful years, Tirek sought to claim the power of those he knew undeserving of such might: the Equestrians. And with it, he would have ended all life in their land until only he remained. He was thwarted by The Alicorn Sisters who ruled, the heroic Pillars of Equestria......and to his eternal scorn, the brother he treasured. But only after both he, and Scorpan tapped into the essence of their past lives, and their powers of Darkness and Light respectively, and engaged in a duel of the fates that his younger, now heartbroken brother won. Thanks to the severity of the clash, it would be eons before he would learn the full scope of his identity, and reclaim the power of Darkness. His attempts to finish what he started again had been foiled: this time by the wielders of Harmony, who returned him to Tartarus.

But destiny, it seems, had an interesting plan in mind for the centaur. Or at least, The Darkness did when the withered sorcerer was approached by a mysterious shadow: one bearing six eyes, and three horns. Though it spoke softly, and refused to give a name, Tirek could sense this being was not of Equestria - or even his reality. And it was, in fact, not. All the stranger told him was he was The Supreme Lord of The Vashtar, the darkness that makes up half of The Source. An ancient myth Tirek himself had learned eons ago as a youngling when being taught the history of existence: all of which originated from the all-powerful force of creation known as The Source. The wellspring from which all of time, and space, light, and matter, energy and magic itself originated. The stranger once served the Chosen Champion of The Source, until he was betrayed by his fellow guardians of The Source. He then waged a devastating war after murdering The Source's champion - his own father - between himself, and his siblings and their respective armies for the fate of existence. And much like Apophis, he destroyed the universe that came before, confirming that the world Tirek lives in is but a fragmented shard of a once greater whole: now a branch in the cosmic tree of existence in the grand forest that is The Omniverse. Being like Apophis were born after The One Realm's destruction, and inadvertently followed in The Dark One's footsteps.........though Tirek had no idea he was host to The Primordial of Anarchy just yet.

When asked why he was here, The Dark One stated that he had seen the central timeline of Tirek's multiverse, and saw Tirek's future. Needless to say it was not to his liking. So he decided to intervene by presenting himself, and offering the centaur the chance to regain his powers, and then some: he was offering to reawaken the dark powers of his ancestor, and past life, Tirac, that lay sleeping inside, and grant him knowledge over The Vashtar to better wield the power of The Darkness. More, he would personally forge the centaur an armored suit capable of not only withstanding the mightiest of magics, but would hold the power to draw magic from all around him, and store it like a power cell capacitor. Meaning that as time went on, Tirek's power would grow beyond what he thought he was capable of, until he was ready to become the Indomitable Force he wished to be. But Tirek wasn't so quick to trust the stranger, and asked what his price was. The stranger merely laughed, stating he had already given the price for power when he cast out his heart, and gave life to Dismay. All he really wanted was to make sure Darkness uprooted the balance that Harmony and Light were holding in their grasp. He also stood for Anarchy, and intended to see it prosper once more. He also knew what it was like to be betrayed by those you once loved, and then defeated by those who are inferior. He wanted to help Tirek as a kindred spirit..........and as a pawn to plunge this reality, and eventually, multiverse, into Darkness.

In the end, Tirek agreed, swayed by the Dark One's words, and promises, and intrigued by the power he could clearly sense in him. When asked how long it would take, the mysterious stranger promised it would take only a few years. But what are a couple of years in comparison to 50 centuries in a cage? The centaur relented, and accepted. Another promise the stranger made was to provide him with tomes, and scrolls on the dark arts for him to study in preparation for his gift. Just before the infamous invasion of The Storm King, Tirek was once more visited by his mysterious benefactor, who brought him the promised Nosferatu Armor, as he dubbed it. The alloy was comprised of an alloy resilient to offensive magical attacks (which ironically Tempest Shadow, and the Storm Guard and King wore), but was also infused with some shards of the Parasite Stone that Queen Chrysalis shaped into her throne to make her hive secure. To add to the mix, The Dark One had also obtained a mystic, godly metal from the realm of Nidavellir, world of the forge and masonry, referred to as Uru. A wing-shaped cape was added for an additional, demonic flare, which Tirek appreciated as it helped make him feel more like a powerful devil to be feared, and respected. The Dark One swore unto him that once he donned this armor, it would inevitably make him unto a God. The powers of Dark, and Natural magics would be his to wield, and drain in less noticeable ways that would not give him away. And the Uru elements of the Armor would give Tirek power over the element of Lightning, and enhance his own affinity for the element of Fire: thus making him a God of Fire and Lightning. An indomitable Force that none could stand against.

Tirek was beside himself, and eager to don this armor. But before he could, The Dark One would need to restore him to the prime of his youth - but without him breaking out of his cage, which he would explain the reason why when it was done. Tirek semi-reluctantly agreed, was given a supply of magic equivalent to what he had stolen when last roaming free, and donned the Nosferatu Armor. Once he had it, he could feel its power course through his veins. But with this power also came heightened senses, and intellect. His already cunning mind was enhanced by the magics of the Uru metal, as he felt what magic lay in Tartarus flowed into him without any visible signs. It was like a mosquito drinking blood from a larger animal, but with magic in replacement. Either way Tirek was grateful to The Dark One for all that he'd done, and asked if there was more he could do to repay him. The Dark One did, and told him of a growing plan, which included keeping the strangers involvement a secret. The first step was to find a pony "patsy" whom Tirek himself could use his magic to reach out to telepathically, and implant memories into their minds. He was presented the perfect subject in the form of a power hungry filly named Cozy Glow. One who had a darkness in her that the centaur could easily use to shape, and mold her memories. Thus after making her his apprentice, and giving her the keys to her conquest of Equestria, he implanted memories of HER providing Tirek his tomes, and his armor so none would ever suspect a thing. The Dark One then told Tirek to do one last thing: seek out The Heartstone, which lay hidden in the frozen north. The centaur swore, and he bid farewell to the mysterious deity who did all this for him.

New history ran its course, with familiar events running their course, which inevitably lead to Tirek's freedom, alliance with the villains of Equestria, recovery of The Heartstone, finding The Well of Souls in The Midnight Mountain, and manipulating the poisoned magic in the roots of The Tree of Harmony to awaken the Seven Balrogs from their imprisonment while drawing more power unto himself as he built an army of demonic beasts known as Tiracians while making more dangerous allies along the way. He even reforged the Dark Crucible, which once served as the source of his ancestor's power, and gave him nearly complete dominion over equestria. It eventually lead to a supposed final clash in The Midnight Mountain between Dusk Shine, Scorpan, Aurathon-wielding Spike, and the former Night Terror that left Tirek mortally wounded, and near death. Midnight Mountain fell as a result, but Tirek escaped thanks to his comrades in The Legion of Doom, and his living warship, Darksyde. The Darksyde, and those with magic did all they could, Tirek's body could not sustain itself anymore. Fear of death turned to desperation, and he took the only course available. Thanks to The Heartstone, he found The Nexus Tempora, and stole an artifact of power known as The Helm of Eternity. Though its soul-infused power gave him a massive boost when he donned it, he was still bested. But he refused to give up so easily. So, though he was still weak, he redonned his armor, and then bid his servants to use The Rainbow of Darkness to heal and transform him as he infuses himself with the cybermatter of The Darksyde. Though hesitant, Tirek forced their cooperation. And when he put on the helm, and the infusion of living metal, and pure darkness was implemented, the transformation began. His hatred for all things, including his physical ties to his father, influenced him to will the forces at work to change him completely. Mold him into a form that would embody all that his predecessors stood for. To be the embodiment of Anarchy, and carry on the legacy of Tirac, and Apophis.

Tirathos, The Vaninhala of Anarchy, and the first Vaninhala since before time to be born since the Children of Xerimus, was the result of this infusion of three elements.

Physical alloys from different worlds, Pure Darkness, and the power of Space, Time and Matter in the Helm of Eternity molded Tirek into what he perceived as the perfect, indomitable force he dreamed of. Now all that was left was to make sure his ambitions reached their peak. With the Dark Crucible infused with his body, it would make hisTirathos' plans to control The Cronusphere, the source and keeper of Time, Space, and Matter, to reshape reality as he saw fit. With his new Soul Saber, Helveteras "Hellfire Steel", in hand, he and his army would ravage Equestria as he brings forth a new Ragnarok. Then, with his control over the Cronusphere, he would bring forth The Great Conjunction, and use the might of three suns to empower his Heartstone, and give him the power to become a TRUE Vaninhala. Then he would use Helveteras and The Cronusphere to access the temporal "network" that links all timelines to the central timeline in a manner similar to The Tree of Life, and then begin the process of destroying every last timeline until only Darkness remains as he consumes the essence of those lost timelines.

Then he will go to Lignum Harmonia, The Tree of Harmony and Light itself, and cleave it in two.

Thus ending the era of Light and Harmony in the Equestrian multiverse.

Bringing forth the Age of Anarchy and Darkness, with Tirathos as its heart as he then uses the Sands of Time to rewrite reality to his specifications, making him absolute as he sculpts the perfect universe into being.

He would not only be indomitable.

He would be everything there is, was, and might have been

He would be The One Being.


Say hello to the final boss form of Lord Tirek: Tirathos.

As I descriptively explained, Tirek finds a spell to let him travel into the realm of Avalor the Wise called Nexus Tempora, where The Spherical Hourglass of Cronus resides - in conjunction with Lignum Harmonia, The Tree of Light and Harmony, and creator of the MLP multiverse. He found his way there after finding a travel spell in Canterlot given to Starswirl that was left in the Canterlot Archives. Princess Tempora tries to stop him, but at the level he was at, she fell quickly and lost her magic to him even more so. Here, he finally meets Avalor, who tries to goad Tirek from this path he's chosen, trying to convince him that he's letting Tirac and Apophis manipulate him.

Tirek makes it clear he doesn't care either way when he not only takes the Cronusphere: but The Helm of Eternity, which controls it, and by all accounts all of reality itself.

Avalor doesn't stop him because he knows how this will all end. Either way, Tirek hides the Hourglass in a secure location before he uses The Bewitching Bell to empower the Kabuto helm-crown, and then charge it up with hundreds of Daemon Stones so it can absorb their souls, and enhance its power with the lifespan of each soul infused into it. This makes Tirek above even Discord in terms of power. So, when he and the other villains are infused by the bell, Tirek engages, and swiftly overpowers the ram before Chrysalis subdues him. They then drain him, and expose him as Discord. The REAL Discord is not happy to see his own son impersonating him, and rather than let him escape, proceeds to torture him a bit despite Chrysalis insisting he's no threat. He only backs down when TIREK orders him to, since he still controls the bell, and has a spell that lets him control Grogar. He sets Discord free, but gives him one, simple task: to tell Prince Dusk Shine that he wants to challenge him for the fate of Equestria in single combat - otherwise, he will unleash the full might of The Legion of Doom on ALL of Equestria. I am talking enhanced villains. I am talking the thousands of Tiracian monsters bred in their dark labs. I am talking all seven Balrogs burning the land to ash. I am talking Typhon the Titan tearing the land apart and killing all in his rampage. I am talking a fully modified, upgraded, and well-armed armada of war zeppelins made from Storm Kings ships, with Trypticon in his newly refurbished Warship body, The Darksyde, scouring the land of ALL life until not even flyders are left.

And he must come to face him alone, at The Midnight Mountain.

Long story short, Dusk agrees to prevent a full-scale war, and endanger the lives of all who live in Equestria. Once he agrees, Scorpan leads him to The Midnight Mountain, and from then-on he goes inside to face his archenemy. Said archenemy wearing the Helm of Eternity, I might add, to make sure Dusks chances of Victory are non-existent. And he certainly does a number on the alicorn prince, to the horror of his friends who Avalor grants them the power to observe and hope for his safety. Just when Tirek's on the verge of victory, however, Scorpan intervenes, having by now learning HIS heritage as the Champion of Light, Courageous Heart, reincarnated. The two engage in fierce combat, with Scorpan putting all he has into staving off his brother, and telling Dusk to run. He refuses to leave him, and that proves to be his biggest mistake when Tirek casts him aside, and aims The Dark Crucible Blade at Dusk - only for Scorpan to get in the way, surprisingly to both their horror. Tirek quickly withdraws the sword from his brother, and cradles him in his arms. For the first time in his life since being betrayed, and losing his heart, feeling something other than anger, and hatred.

The Centaur still loved his brother in spite of everything.

And when he seemingly dies in his arms, Tirek is overcome with silent grief.......while Dusk is enraged, and charges Tirek with all the strength he has. Unknowingly calling on his friends for aid, and the seven elements of harmony healing and empowering him. To Tirek's surprise, Dusk Shine then begins overpowering him, and even damaging his armor with only his punches, and kicks. Eventually, Tirek is only last leg, and Dusk actually kicked the Helm of Eternity off his horned head (remember the helmet is like a snap-on item, so it opens where the round slots sit so horned individuals can wear it - though to be truthful, it changes when in other hands so that even unicorns can wear it). And with a Harmony-powered punch, he rams the centaur through his chest, and seemingly kills him. He then leaves with Scorpan's body back home while Dismay and Erebus take him to the Darksyde - due to the fact Midnight Mountain began collapsing as soon as Tirek was vanquished due to his magic being tied to this place.

To conclude things, Scorpan survived his injuries thanks to the Light's healing powers, and the equestrians think the danger has passed. But what they don't know is that Tirek also survived, with an infusion of souls and The Heartstone's essence maintaining him. But the treatment can only do so much due to the damage inflicted on him. He's on life-support, and at death's door.....and leaving his allies to quarrel among themselves over leadership while only The Shadow Ponies (Erebus, Dismay, Sombra, and Night Terror's clone) tend to their leader. They exhaust all available, known options, and fear the worst. But then Tirek regains consciousness during their conversation, and comes up with a solution of his own: while he dons the Helm of Eternity again, The Shadow Ponies fuse The Dark Crucible to his body with their dark magics, and hit him with the full power of The Bewitching Bell (which he also used to steal the Princesses magic when he followed after Discord to directly issue his challenge. The two attacked him, as he hoped, and he drained them on the spot. If Dusk wanted their magic back, he WOULD accept his challenge for Final Kombat).

Though reluctant, Tirek's persuasive methods convince them to go through with it. With what remained of his armor still on his body, while also remaining in the Baphomet form he took thanks to a spell of transformation he picked up from Canterlot. All of these combined magics, and powers transform Tirek into something completely different. A horror beyond belief that combines the aspects of ALL his incarnations, including Tirac, and Apophis, to make the perfect fusion of power, corrupt but still divine. Out of the swirling mass of black, silver and gold magic emerged a true Devil on earth. A hybrid of the past, and present joined as one: from the fiery Dark Bahamut of Anarchy, to The Devil of Midnight Castle, to the Centaur of Power. Their souls fully fused together as one, and their ambitions and form changed for the worst.

On this day, Tirathos was born as the first Primordial Vaninhala since the Four Children of The Primordial Elder God, Xerimus.

He has ascended to a corrupt Archangel with power over the five aspects of reality: Space, Time, Gravity, Matter, and Energy. He could do things even the Bahamut and Djinn, who were the Elder Gods of Equestria, could only dream of compared to The Primordials. Though his demonic appearance, including his exposed Skull, certainly made him worthy to be considered Malzalam, as well. Either way, he wasted no time in officially reasserting himself as Lord of The Legion, with even Grogar fearing his newfound might. He then decides that this affront against him is the last straw. For too long he has allowed Dusk Shine to interfere with his plans, and delay his ambitions as the time of The Great Conjunction drew closer. For reasons only he knew, he used his control over time to summon his past self from just before his fight with Dusk Shine. Perhaps because he wanted all the available power for what was to come. In the wastelands, far from the eyes of the rulers, Tirathos summoned his forces on The Storm King's Isle, where he also hid the Cronusphere. And there, from villain, to minotaur, to Tiracian, to Balrog, to Titan, he rallied all under his banner, and stoked the fires of hatred to bring forth the war to end all wars. With the power of the Cronusphere, The Helm of Eternity, Belial's Maw aka Grogar's bell, and The Darkness, he fashioned the Soul Saber out of Norse Mythology itself: Helveteras "Hellfire Steel", The Twilight Sword. With it, and his Legion beside him, Tirathos would succeed where his predecessors failed, and bring all of creation to its knees. The day of The Great Conjunction would be the day of his ultimate triumph.

For that.......would be the day of Ragnarok.


Now, for those wondering about the pic, it's visual symbolism for how Tirathos came to be, and who he came from.

On the left is, of course, Apophis the Serpent, who is Zhanglao of Anarchy.....which I should have mentioned before. Who he was in the beginning when he first waged his war with Lignum Harmonia. But like all living things, he learned to adapt to the times, evolve.......and grow.

On the right is Apophis as a Dark Bahamut. The power of the Dragon Elder Gods, and he had now achieved it with enough corruption, hatred and fear. In this form, he was all but unstoppable. In this form, fueled by anger, rage, and the hate the Djinn had given him, he had ascended above The Archangels Bahamut. He became Death: the unmaker of worlds.

At the very top is Tirac, the ancestor, and original life of Tirek. Long after he merged his soul with Apophis, Tirac had become emissary of Anarchy, and Darkness, seeking to make himself a god among the mortals of Equestria. And he nearly succeeded when he utilized The Dark Crucible during the first Great Conjunction, when two wandering suns would pass by, and align with Equestria's own sun to shine their rays upon the world, and replenish its lifespan. With his creation, known simply as The Heartstone, as the conjunction was underway, he drew upon the power of the suns to enhance his might. He then used the Rainbow of Darkness on himself to transform him into a God of Darkness. A true Devil on Earth whom only The Rainbow of Light could vanquish, with the aid of The Aurathon, and with the shattering of The Heartstone.

Below him in transparent form is Lord Tirek, himself. Just as we remember him before a Fallen Vaninhala gazed into this universe's history, saw the centaur's dark potential, but was disgusted by what he saw over the course of time. A time before said Vaninhala came to him after his defeat, and gave him the tools needed to plunge this world into Darkness. Dangerous, but simply times before a reincarnation would remember his previous life, and seek to finish what he began.

And Tirathos is the best, and worst aspects of all four combined into one.

Hope you all enjoy it.:D

Based on this picture by Winddragon24
Deathwing and World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard studios
Chernabog is owned by Disney
Lord Tirek is owned by Hasbro and DHX

Comments ( 3 )

Then he would use Helveteras and The Cronusphere to access the temporal "network" that links all timelines to the central timeline in a manner similar to The Tree of Life, and then begin the process of destroying every last timeline until only Darkness remains as he consumes the essence of those lost timelines.

Then he will go to Lignum Harmonia, The Tree of Harmony and Light itself, and cleave it in two.

Thus ending the era of Light and Harmony in the Equestrian multiverse.

Bringing forth the Age of Anarchy and Darkness, with Tirathos as its heart as he then uses the Sands of Time to rewrite reality to his specifications, making him absolute as he sculpts the perfect universe into being.

He would not only be indomitable.

He would be everything there is, was, and might have been

He would be The One Being.

............................................. Question? Is this the REAL Ending where "Former" Tirek/Tirathos won???!!! And we have a Mess Up and Dark and Grim Ending where even the Canon Universe and the ENTIRE Multiverse/Omniverse full of Innocent Novemvigintillion ( 10^90, yes its a Real Word for a LARGE and LONG Number.) Killed and converted to fuel and Slaves to Tirathos????!!!!!

OR did Dusk Shine, the Main Five, Young Six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Starlight, Sunset, Trixie, Tempest, The Pillars, Scorpan, and Every Creature WON and saved the FRICKIN Multiverse/Omniverse!!!!!!!!!!???????

Oooi, I forgot to update things here. *mentally slaps myself* To tell you the truth, my plans involving this have changed, and enhanced. We're still using this story element for one of the final parts, but i'm gonna make a post about how things have changed. My plans, the story, and some other things have been renovated. This plot element, however, is outdated though some of it is still going to carry on into the story. That much I promise.^^;


I hope the Heroes WIN!!! Despite I kinda liking Super Evilcand Badass Tirek, the Real Grogar, Super Powered Chrysalis, Sombra, Shadow Pony, Storm King, and Cozy Glow of the Super Legion Of Doom X 10,000.

As well with a mix with Lord Of The Rings, Spyro/Skylanders, World Of Warcraft with the Monster Army. And EVEN Transformers with Trypticon/Nemesis from the Aligned Continuity??!!

Although, I DON'T like having Tirek/Tirathos want to not only kill Dusk Shine, his friends ( Possibly a Harem 😏), Spike, Young Six, Discord, Celestia, Luna, The Creature Leaders, and everyone/everypony.

But, also the Canon Verse and the FRICKIN Multiverse/Omniverse????!!!! And also want to invade the Transformers Universe and attack my Favorite Autobots and Decepticons!!!!???


( One, I HIGHLY Doubt Tirek/Tirathos and his Legion Of Doom have what it takes to beat Optimus Prime, and his Heroic Autobots. I like for Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and possibly Hot Rod to "Light Our Darkest Hour" and Help/Befriend Dusk Shine, Main Five, Young Six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, The Pillars, Scorpan, Etc... And I will LOVE to see Megatron/Galvatron, The Fallon, or even Unicron show Tirek/Tirathos who's the Best Villain here!!!!! 😈😈😈)

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