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Ether Echoes

A star drifting through the cosmos.

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Black Lives Matter · 8:15pm Jun 6th, 2020

In solidarity with this post.

Black lives matter.

All lives will not matter until black lives matter.

I oppose racism.

I oppose sexism.

I oppose homophobia.

I oppose transphobia.

I especially oppose TERFs. (Goes double for me, given my status.)

I oppose classism.

I oppose ableism.

And I oppose fascism.

If you support any of these ideologies, get the fuck out. You will not be missed.

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Comments ( 14 )
KMCA #1 · Jun 6th, 2020 · · 4 ·

I'm seeing these posts go around, I posted one with my thoughts myself and while normally I try to stay out of these issues, stating nothing more that all people deserve fair treatment I feel that now more than ever is a moment where change is possible. All it's going to take is more people to step up.

Those of you like me who've stayed quiet while seeing these injustices, I'm asking that you step up NOW while there's still a strong pressure and attention on the issue. We're at a point where I believe we can actually have a chance to see more than token changes.

Comment posted by Charedfirescale deleted Jun 6th, 2020

For those who don't know, TERF stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist", in reference to transphobes who incorrectly use feminist theory to try and justify their bigotry. It's a thing, unfortunately.

Good luck and stay safe, everyone.

Author Interviewer

If we're going to have them, the American police need to be remade from the ground up. That won't happen if we leave the onus to change in their hands, because it never has.

In the meantime, we can live in a police-less society if we follow a radical notion I was just introduced to: Don't call the cops. It sounds strange to white Americans -- the post which introduced me to the idea, and which I now cannot find, framed it as responsibility of white Americans to not get their black neighbors killed over minor issues -- but it can work if we want it to.

You really are not welcome here, Chared. I thought I made that clear.

I'm not going to let you spread your hateful ignorance.

Fuck the police - we can replace them with community focused alternatives.

Comment posted by Charedfirescale deleted Jun 7th, 2020
Comment posted by ImAbronyFagg deleted Jun 7th, 2020
Comment posted by ImAbronyFagg deleted Jun 7th, 2020
Comment posted by Max Rainwell deleted Jun 14th, 2020


Fuck the police - we can replace them with community focused alternatives.

Interestingly enough, this is pretty close to the actual intent of the Second Amendment: render a standing army redundant by giving people the means to do the same job. The reason why the US has the largest military budget on the planet but hasn't repealed the amendment that was supposed to make military spending completely unnecessary is left as an exercise for the reader.

Right? It's been so horribly misinterpreted for reasons that I'm sure have nothing to do with a large and powerful industry.

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