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Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

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Public Service Announcement · 12:42am Jun 6th, 2020

*ahem* Racism is dumb.

I know that sounds a bit short, and perhaps a massive understatement, but others have already said it in much more eloquent fashions than I could. So I'll just keep things short and blunt.

Racism is stupid. The whole concept makes absolutely no sense. It's a horrible, terrible facet of this bittersweet thing called humanity that I hope gets stomped out, or at least severely crippled, in the very near future, however unlikely that may be.

And all that is putting it lightly.

This has been a public service announcement from a middle-class white guy who has never truly known racial discrimination, but I have a heart and I care about people so I thought I'd throw in my two-cents on the matter.

Thank you and good night.

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Comments ( 20 )

Well said. 👏🏻

Thanks Jade. People from all places need to hear that.:heart:

But will racism realistically be stomped out? Gene Roddenberry was really imagining things when he made a universe where everyone gets along well with each other. (Or, if we're counting alien races, where at least every human gets along well with each other.) I'm not sure if we'll ever reach that kind of utopia before Christ institutionalizes it.

Yeah, Roddenberry's utopia is quite the stretch when you really stop to think about it.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try, though.

And to be fair, the Star Trek version of Earth basically got dragged into a new dark age via World War III before things started changing for the better.

The only reason it's still around is because it has been kept around for political gain.
There is no race other than the human race.

Especially when you consider the origins of the word "utopia". Coined by Thomas More in his book of the same name describing a perfect society, he made it from the Greek words for "not" and "place", making it literally mean "not-place" or "place which does not exist". It was satire, though the meaning of the word nowadays forgets this.

All that being said, though, I agree. True perfection is impossible, yes, but that shouldn't stop us from striving for it.

"A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias." — Oscar Wilde


There is no race other than the human race.

And anyone else who might be out there. Might.

Well spoken friend.

Well said. Very well-said indeed.

I'm Jewish and I find this all bullshit... Sorry to say all lives matter... let's not play the Oppression Olympics, we all know Jews would win every time.

Yikes! This comment is just... Winceworthy! D:

No one is playing Oppression Olympics but you, ya egomaniacal nitwit.

And as someone with both Jewish and Irish heritage I can sincerely say, just shut up and accept the point he's trying to make.

Stop bitching about shit that didn't happen to you.

All lives matter, or do you not think we are all Gods creation... I was pointing out the stupidity of the whole thing...
This is why I can't stand the right and the left... it's time to see those ideologies fall flat on there faces.

All lives matter, or do you not think we are all Gods creation... I was pointing out the stupidity of the whole thing... ps... People who obsess about race for any reason are racist...
This is why I hate the right and the left... its time for those ideologies to fall flat on their faces.

This feels like it falls rather flat on its face since your post can only truly be taken as insulting to Jade Dawn by implying that, due to Jewish ancestry, you yourself have it worse..
Racism as a very concept is inherently negactive and does nothing to help. As someone who is an atheist, I look at this from a logical standpoint.

Namely: Arbitrarily hating soemone for something as pointless as religious beliefs or skin tone or place of birth is inherently negative and destructive to the human race as a whole.

Ergo, it should be gotten rid of.

I don't care what you believe religion-wise, no more than I care about my father's Jewish beliefs nor my mother's catholic beliefs, my point remains.

Your post was at its core, regardless of your intent, inherently inflamatory. And in this ongoing situation, doing that and then trying to play the 'high road' card like this right after is, frankly, insulting to our intelligence. We're not children, and we're not braindead enough to buy bullshit slung our way. Please, for the love of whatever deity you worship, don't go assuming we're THAT dumb.

clearly you can't understand my thick sarcasm... I was making fun of people who think they have it worse due to their skin color or religion. We are all human and humans make mistakes and do things to hurt one anotherin this fallen world. Stop seeing color... but sadly sin is in the world so color is all people see.

I think you fail to realise sarcasm doesn't transfer over the internet, and with this being a 'no joke' topic, the only option was to take it at face value.

This conversation is over, goodbye.

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