• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Azure Notion

Words have been written. Some of them by me. Those are here. Probably.

  • TUnchanging Love
    With the advent of the Canterlot wedding, change is coming. Sweet Leaf is an undercover changeling love collector, wife, and co-owner to the Sweet Roast Cafe, she can only hope that change is kind.
    Azure Notion · 24k words  ·  715  7 · 7.6k views

More Blog Posts17

  • 14 weeks
    It's That Time Again...

    So, as of now with chapter 17 up, I have another two chapters complete. Chapter 19 requires a bit of editing before it’s ready, but it shan’t cause any delays. Though, on that note... I have some less-than-great news.

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  • 20 weeks
    An Amazing Thing

    Hi all you guys, gals, and enby pals, I just wanted to share this thing I was made aware of. It's amazing and I appreciate it and the person who made it deserves an award. Seriously, she's awesome and this fits so damn well with the story, it's great. It's a homestuck parody, though, so if you're opposed to that in any way, maybe watch it anyway because it’s so good.

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    1 comments · 187 views
  • 29 weeks
    Doing Stuff Again!

    Well hello all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's time for an update!

    As many of you have known, depression has been a thing in my life for a long while. It still is and probably forever will be, but now, we might have found the right cocktail of meds, therapy, and other stuff to maybe, maybe get me really going again!

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    8 comments · 343 views
  • 42 weeks
    Everfree 2023

    Hello everyone!

    It's finally here! Unfortunately, there weren't any extra large plushies this year, so I bought a little Starlight instead. So, if you happen to see me wandering around, come say hello! I'll be hanging around the vendor hall and especially the Book Nook booth. If I'm not there, Dash or Corejo at the booth might have more info.

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    4 comments · 202 views
  • 67 weeks
    Figuring Things Out

    Hallo, everyone. I thought it might be a good idea to keep you all in the know as to where the writingses of Azure the Slow are. To get it out of the way, no, I'm not stopping or going on break again. Though, I guess I technically am on a break? Just not the same kind of break. Anyway, let me explain.

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Update · 12:33am Jun 6th, 2020

Hey everyone, it's been a while.

I feel you all deserve an update on the progress of Unchanging Love's sequel. I'm sure many of you are, or were at one point, curious about the egregious disregard of the deadline I told you all back in August of last year in my epilogue.

The first part of the matter is, when I started writing UL, I never intended there to be a sequel. It was supposed to be a quick and fluffy alternative take on a changeling and a pony who fell in love. Then it became more, a lot more, and most who preread it had the same question: "When are you going to write the sequel?"

Like I said, I hadn't initially planned on it, so when I posted the epilogue to UL, I only had a vague idea of what I wanted the sequel to look like. Off an on through the months, I worked at it, paving the path of the plot. Several times realizing the path I'd chosen wouldn't be as interesting or fulfilling as I'd wanted and I'd have to backtrack. I'd also get stuck, not knowing how to cross a metaphorical ravine or mountain and make it seem believable. When I could, I poured over it. I wanted to make sure it was the best story I could give you. Honestly, I thought four months would have been enough time to detail and outline the story and pump out the first few chapters. And maybe it would have been.

The other part of the matter is that life happened. Work began to take up a ton of my time and caused a great deal of stress from all sorts of directions. Then it looked like I was going to lose my job. It turned out I wasn't, but then I was, then back and forth again. Then alongside that, a health scare late last year ensured I wasn't in the right place mentally to work on the story for a while. These setbacks made me focus on making sure my life was in order before I dedicated a lot of time to the story.

So why bring all this up now?

At the very beginning of this year, I commissioned cover art for the sequel. Finally, mid-last month, the artist was able to finish it. Those of you who have seen it may have also seen that I posted a comment on Deviant Art stating the story would be up a couple weeks later. We're almost at week four and I still have yet to post it.

About a month ago, I had been working diligently on the plot and finally I'd finished. I had the framework for the sequel and I was and am confident that it is the best I can give you. Immediately I started writing the first then second chapter. I set my goal that once I finished writing chapter 3, I'd make a snazzy blog post about it and post the next day. I anticipated that would have been Wednesday, two days ago.

But then as I was working on the third chapter late last week, life decided it was my turn once again and I had another health scare. It turned out not to be life threatening, but I'm still recovering from it. I hope to start working on the story here again soon as I really want to get this out to you guys and gals, especially all of you that have been patiently waiting the past almost ten months.

So to end the rather somber post with a high note, I'm excited to soon post the sequel and I'm optimistic that I will have the first chapter out to you all within the next two weeks.

Please look forward to Unchanging Love's long awaited sequel:

Comments ( 4 )

Awsome! The story, and that art!

Yes! Can’t wait! The art makes them look so fluffy!

I'm glad to hear that your health scares turned out for the better! I'm also excited to read your sequel, when it's ready.

Also, sick cover art! Pridark did a great job with it.

I eagerly await the next part of the story - but please, don't apologize for taking care of yourself and your health. Horsewords can wait.

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