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https://discord.gg/HDp8sqW - I apologize if I haven't been the friend that you deserve. But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all. - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

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    Back in the Saddle

    Hey chaps and chapettes,

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    ... Before I Carry On....

    Hello, Chaps And Chapettes.

    How are you all doing? I hope you're staying safe. We might be on a turning point, but everything balances on a knife-edge, so only take risks if no other choice is apparent. That being said, it has been a hellish year and you all deserve something good to come out of the 2nd half of this year.

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    Hey Chaps and Chapettes,

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All Good Things… Be Kind, Keep Moving Forward... · 10:56pm Jun 5th, 2020

#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings…

5th June 2020

Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,

Got to the end of the week! Happy Friday, hello weekend, and hello… cold weather and rain. Typical. Mind you, at the moment we still cannot go too far and even if restrictions are being lifted, I am not sure we should be gearing up for the world to return ‘to normal’ or ‘the new normal’ as only business people and the news reporters like to call it.

Seriously, have you heard anyone normal actually call it the new normal? Neither have I! (I am assuming you answered that in the negative, otherwise, you will be making me look very silly). While I talked not long ago about the benefit of not being normal, I do think there are several levels to what people consider to be normal as well. What is the usual daily grind for one person is a joyful and challenging experience for another. We shouldn’t expect that what is going to feel new and unusual for one person isn’t going to feel like more of the same for another in the distant or not so distant future.

What would you like out of the rest of this year? That sounds like one of the old interview questions, doesn’t it? “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I hated that question because I can barely think past my next meal or paycheck, let alone a year or five ahead. However, that isn’t what that question means. Let me help you out a little.

What would you hope for when we do reach the New Year and are able to bid this wretched one goodbye? Would you just hope for health, family, and friends to be with you? I certainly would. There have been times so far, because we are not out of the woods yet, where I have genuinely feared for family and friends. I’ve been scared of losing them and I never thought I’d have to think of that in my thirties. The longer you live, the more you think the people you live with and love will ride the rest of the journey with you, but as we all know, that’s not how the path of life works.

How about the wealth, wellbeing, and happiness part? Personally, I thought this year was going to go far differently than what I am currently facing. I was made redundant last year, but given an extension (secondment is the proper term for it) in order to continue working until the latter quarter of this year. I was looking forward to taking the money and earning a short break, see and do some of the things I wanted to do and then try to get into a new career closer to my heart than my current occupation. Now, I don’t know whether to follow through with that or to find something at a place that will still be secure for the foreseeable future…

In the end, I think there are three important questions we should all ask ourselves about this moment - what am I going to remember about this, what lessons will I learn and how will it shape me to be the person I want to be when I walk out of this?

What I am going to remember, personally, is that while there were a few bad eggs in all walks of life, whether in the political streams or the social ones, when the chips were down, many people stepped up to help each other. People who hadn’t spoken for years, or even ever, talked to each other. Communities reached out. People cared more than they had since the days of the World Wars. Knowing that we can be better people and show our children how to act as good neighbors, family, and friends has made me feel a little more hopeful for the future.

The lesson I will take away from this is to trust my instincts. I don’t feel the world is as safe as some are telling us and that has been proven to me by some new cases that are a lot closer to home than are comfortable. Time and time again, our leaders have proven that they have not gotten any wiser than they were when they told the soldiers to go over the top at the Battle of the Somme. There are analogies of the soldiers then being lions led by donkeys, and I think we have seen both the same resilience from the people caring for, saving, and protecting lives as those lions and the same assery from our donkeys. You have to trust yourself and look out for those who cannot look out for themselves.

The person who will walk out of this will hopefully be wider eyed, more hopeful, and more honest to themselves than the person who locked down several months ago. I would like to think that they will put the cost of all lives, not just their own, at the heart of everything they do. If anything, I’d like them to just be kind, not walked on, but positive and a force for all that is good, just like the motto they adopted from an English teacher half a lifetime ago.

If nothing else, I hope that whoever you are when you find the world renewed, whenever that might be, you find ways to love yourself, to share that love, and to know that you are loved.

Be kind, and be kind to yourself, and remember that bad things come, but they always go, and leave the door open, for…

All good things,
Love, Scaramouche.

Comments ( 4 )

Yay outside. in Wyoming the state it could have 60 mile winds 110 dry heat and random tumbleweeds.

These are wonderful and positive thoughts. Exactly the things many of us need to hear and remember.

Best wishes and all good things to you, as well!

Thanks, I hope you're able to stay safe, positive, and look after yourself and the folks around you too :) Glad you could take some good from it.
All good things

Oooof, yeah, to be fair, I don't do heat. I'm a water person, so rain is great for me.
All good things :)

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