• Member Since 27th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen April 25th

No Raisin

I wanna return to monkey.

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We Can't Keep Living Like This (or How American Law Enforcement is Friggin' Cursed But We Can Do Something About It) · 8:46pm Jun 4th, 2020

Yo, my dude, my mans, the country of my birth is in a shitty spot right now. I mean, it's been shitty for the past several years, but these past few days have been particularly stinky, and we'll no doubt be seeing equally stinky days in the foreseeable future. But, and this is a big ol' but, we're not totally powerless. As a matter of fact, we have a fairly wide variety of options in which we can help PoC, along with anyone who wants to support PoC and/or hold American law enforcement accountable for their treacherous actions.

Now, as someone whose passions pretty much entirely lie in the arts, naturally I'm all for #BlackLivesMatter, but I'm also very much in favor of #BlackArtMatters. I quite like that hashtag; it has a lovely ring to it.


Is that an embedded link to the Black Lives Matter carrd I see?

Holy shit, is that an embedded link for another directory that itself provides helpful links to places one can support in a monetary fashion?

By the way, remember when June was supposed when we would celebrate Pride Month, or as I like to think of it, every month of the goddamn year? Naaaaaah.

Thank you, please come again.

Comments ( 2 )

Actually no. This is apparently a controversial opinion, but I don't think the "all cops are sociopathic murderers in waiting" mindset is very helpful. Something about it strikes me as childish, maybe even misanthropic. I do, however, believe that the police departments that give these cops a ridiculous amount of power and then let them run rampant with said power are pretty shitty, and that if you want to reform law enforcement you have to strike the providers of such power, as opposed to the people who merely use it.

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