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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

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I bruised my tailbone and I haven’t been doing tailbone bruising things. · 8:08pm Jun 4th, 2020

Comments ( 12 )

"Delousing" border-crossers by bathing them in chemicals was popular as early as the 1920s, when controls on the American border with Mexico were just starting to be implemented. These were the bad old days of the racialist National Origins Quota Act which today's far-right wants to bring back (by abolishing the IRCA, which has its own problems including sitting like a tumor in the pancreas of American labor law, but which did abolish the old system whereby national origin quotas were determined according to existing US population share).

Thank you for ending the blog the way you did, because I am immature enough that it made me snicker and that’s a nice change of pace from all the other blog posts in my feed that are reasonable and articulate but make me think about things I don’t have energy to think about right now.

Majin Syeekoh

Yeah I read up on how they used Zyklon B on them and I was like “yo that’s kinda fucked up”

Trust me, I know; it took me a few hours to collect myself after I woke up(and for good reason).

The use of Zyklon B is a squicky coincidence. The manufacturer and patent holder was one of only a few big chemical firms making commercial insecticides in bulk, and they successfully marketed their product to all sorts of unsavory buyers. What's more damning is that Nazi Germany explicitly used American eugenicist laws as a model for its own, even toning them down somewhat to mollify public opinion (which was more heavily influenced by socialists and Communists than American public opinion, even though the parties had been driven underground and were subjected to ongoing persecution).

Ooooh, next to gettin' your balls busted, that's got to hurt:fluttershyouch:.

Yeah...well...if you really bruised your tailbone, twice, without a clear reason, I have bad news for you. It´s very likely you´re developing a pilonidal cyst. Wich is a very fun thing to have. I´m 46 years old and I´m still developing the courage to go through the necessary operation.

And, please, don´t look for videos about it. Just don´t.

Majin Syeekoh

Oh god

I fear for my tailbone now. I don’t like the way a pilonidal cyst sounds.

Do you have a dump truck?

R5h #9 · Jun 4th, 2020 · · ·

Thanks for sharing this. It's easy for this latest horror to get lost in the furor and protests surrounding George Floyd's death - a very well justified furor, to be clear! But I'm glad you've taken the time, and used your platform, to spotlight an issue that people might have been less familiar with as well.

Condolences to your tailbone.

Ouch. I fractured my tailbone a couple years ago and it hurt like a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. Had to sit on a pillow that I had to carry around with me for like 2–3 months.

Thank you for bringing other ongoing issues back to the forefront. The protests in George Floyd's honor are all well-founded and I completely support them, but people forget that they aren't the only thing happening. I've been seeing right-wing conspiracy theorists that claim Covid to be a hoax saying things along the lines of, "See, now what happened to this so-called pandemic? It was all a scare tactic until the next thing came around!"

spraying prisoners with gas

"HDQ neutral" is a liquid. Not that that diminishes your point.

I looked up the SDS. Nasty stuff. https://www.spartanchemical.com/sds/downloads/AGHS/EN/1204.pdf

Yeah, that just replaces it with "waterboarding, only the water is replaced with something even less pleasant".

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