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Interview with Not Enough Coffee · 9:22pm Jun 3rd, 2020

Interview Style Rp.
Nailah as Snow Heart
Not Enough Coffee as Coffee

Snow Heart

Snow Heart sat in her local coffee shop. She admitted she had a weakness for coffee. She sipped at the french vanilla, as she brought her quill and notepad along, in case she had the inspiration to write. She wasn’t really planning any new interviews. She figured it was good to just take some time to herself, and eat some good old caramel candies to go with her caramel coffee. The blue bat alicorn got the typical stares from some of the waitresses, and other customers, but she was used to it by now.
I mean how often does one see a bat alicorn? She still hadn’t figured out how she ended up this way. That was a long and complicated story, that maybe her writer would stop being lazy about and actually write. Until then, she would sit here, being a mystery to all, and yet she got to interview so many colorful characters, and see all sorts of different ponies, and yet. She felt lonely. She wished they’d talk to her more than just during the interview. Oh...who wanted to be friends with a bat anyways?


The audible noise of scribbling came off from the side, a short earth pony writing away in his notebook as he frantically sipped at his coffee. “No no no, that’ll never work…” He grumbled out loud.

Snow Heart heard a noise, her bat ears perking. Writing? Some pony was scribbling notes like her? Her curiosity got the best of her, she stood up from where she was seated, ignoring the stares from the crowd, as some even gawked at her. 

“Momma it’s a bat!” the one filly shrieked in fear, hiding behind her mother.

Snow Heart was used to it. Ponies don’t like bats. She didn’t know why. She approached the pony, following the sounds of scribbles.

“Um...Hello there, might I ask what won’t work?” she asked as she had heard his grumbling. “Maybe I can help?”


“Who and the what now?” He uttered, shaking his head and looking to the bat alicorn before him. “Huh, sorry. What was that, I was distracted.” He sighed. “I’ve been stuck on this one story for too long now, but nothings coming out right.”

He then realized that it was indeed a bat alicorn who took an interest in him as he became more aware of his surroundings. “Wait a second, who are you?”

Snow Heart

Snow Heart listened to him as he prattled on about being distracted. She wasn’t sure by what though. She didn’t think it was her. She continued listening to him as he spoke but was surprised when he asked her a question. Well, um. This wasn’t normal!
“Me? Um…” she shuttered and flushed a bit. “I’m really no pony special, but the name’s Snow Heart.” she glanced over at the notes he was writing, she recognized something. Her eyes lit up like a filly at heartwarming. “YOU’RE Not Enough Coffee! *screes* Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. What should I say? He’s um...you’re not a dream right?” she reached out and booped his muzzle.


Not Enough Coffee’s muzzle scrunched up as his eyes went wide. He was not used to the attention, as he was a solidary pony. He scooted back just a bit, shaking his head regaining his bearings.

“Oh… Uh… Seems I have a fan.” He cleared his throat and set his notebook down on the counter. “Yes, I’m Not Enough Coffee. I sometimes write stories ponies like, like you I noticed.” He nervously chuckled. “I… Uh, I’m not too used to a fan coming up to me.”

Snow Heart.

Snow Heart’s eyes were wide, and in awe. This was real? *screes* Calm down, he’s going to think you’re weird. You don’t want to scare off a new friend. She took a seat across from him. 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I call you Coffee? It’s a cute little nickname.” she smiled as she admired him. She coughed into her forehoof. Awkward, stop staring. “So Coffee, do tell me, what got you into mlp in the first place?” she asked him as she did her best to focus on her notepad, occasionally sneaking glances to see if the story he was working on was one of the ones she was following.


Coffee took another sip of his cappuccino, and then rubbed a hoof through his mane. “Well, that’s actually a funny story, Snow. And yes, I actually do go by Coffee within my friend group.”

Another sip.

“I, when I was still in school, lost a bet with a friend and had to watch ten episodes of the pony show. Much to their chagrin, I fell asleep within the first ten minutes of the first episode. So, I kinda thought I dodged a bullet, since I thought it was just a show for little girls and nothing more.”

He chuckled. “Well, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. This was back when there were only three seasons, and pony was still taking over every single corner of the net. I could not avoid it no matter what, so I decided ‘why not?’ Why not give it another try for the sake of it.”

A smile spread from ear to ear. “The rest is history.”

Snow Heart

Snow Heart nodded, scribbling down notes. “Sweet Celestia, I’m doing it again. I said I was going to take a break from interviewing ponies.” she sighed, as she attempted to push her quill away from her. That didn’t stop her from wanting to ask him questions.
“So...Coffee. You aren’t weirded out by me right? I swear I didn’t mean to become a bat!” she sighed, curling her wings against her body, and digging into her satchel for her hoodie, putting it on quickly. Less stares the better. She didn’t want to be noticed. Crowds...well. Needless to say she was a Fluttershy type. 
“Your story, do you wanna talk about it? I must say, I was quite the fan of Journey to Hope, it’s such a shame it got cancelled, but it happens. Things change. We writers must learn and grow from our beginnings. Heck my first story was a smut piece, and I try my best not to write those nowadays.” she chuckled at herself. Or maybe she shouldn’t say such things in front of her new friend. Her cheeks darkened a deep shade of red, she fidgeted nervously. It was clear, Snow Heart wasn’t used to talking to people, especially people she admired. She still couldn’t believe she was talking to him. 


Coffee’s eyes lit up, and he felt himself grow embarrassed from the mentioning of his first ever story on the site. “Wow, I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting to be asked about ‘Journey to Hope’ today. Well, I guess I should openly explain why I canceled it.”

He leaned forward, getting into the zone. “I started writing that story fresh out of high school as I made my way into the adult world. As such, the state of mind in which I wrote it is entirely different from where I am now years later. The story ultimately focused on Octavia finding hope in her life, and a place in which she sees herself belonging.”

He sighed. “Well, I’m no longer in that state of mind when I wrote it. Not to mention it was not that popular, so I wanted to let it rest from my mind as I moved onto other projects. I still have a fondness for it, and it brings me great joy and embarrassment that you mention it. I don’t talk about it often.”

He leaned back in his seat. “Also, I can’t judge anypony from writing erotica, since one of my own stories features erotic themes.”

Snow Heart

“Well, honestly I didn’t know what to write when I first joined the site! I really liked Starlight and Trixie as a couple, and I kind of liked how Trixie messes with Twilight, and had this idea that would eventually lead to a threesome between the three mares, where Trixie was the mistress to both Starlight and Twilight. ACK.” *blushes* “New Tricks, you can go find it over on Fanfiction.net, under the username Daceria, if you really are curious. BUT I swear I’m better now. Nowadays, well I write a lot of silly little fluff one shots, but I really like writing stories about romance. The reason that story touched me so much was the message, and a story doesn’t have to be “popular” to be good. I hope you know that Coffee.” she smiled, reaching over and petting his head.

“Now...I’m going to ask you another question. What advice would you give a new writer? One just joining this site?”


Coffee blushed from the compliment, his heart doing a flip inside his chest cavity. “You’re too kind. I do actually have a few pointers I can give new authors, as I was one myself.”

Coffee found himself feeling calmer as he got used to the interview, something he wasn’t used to doing in the slightest. “George Orwell said this himself, and I’m going to paraphrase here. Do not use a large, complicated word where a simple one will suffice. Essentially, set down the thesaurus, and write what fits naturally. If you try to cram a word you barely know for the sake of sounding fancy and smart, it’s gonna fall flat and make your writing weaker and less comprehensible.”

“Secondly: This comes from Ray Bradbury’s ‘Zen in the Art of Writing.’ Let the ideas follow you. Say your idea is a cat that is curious with you. If you just up and grab the furry animal, you’re gonna end up with a few scratches and an idea that’ll go nowhere. Instead, what you want to do is let the cat follow you, let your terms be what dictate it, and when it least expects it, catch it off guard and run for the hills!”

Coffee threw his hooves into the air in exaggeration. After a moment, he settled down and continued with his advice.

“Lastly, don’t be afraid to publish. I write many stories I know aren’t strong, or aren’t something that’ll hit it out of the park, but I publish them anyway. I get feedback, I gain a following, and I learn what not to do going forward.”

Snow Heart

“Hmm I see. That is very good advice, but I will also put in, don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. I know us big authors with these big numbers of followers, might intimidate some and I don’t want my fans, or other writers to be afraid to approach me. I may not say a whole lot, as I’m typically the listener, but I am more than happy to help where I can.” Snow Heart spoke, with a gentle softness, as she sipped at her coffee. She considered her next question. Hoping she didn’t come off as too intrusive?
“Tell me Coffee, is there anything you’d like your fans to know about you? The man behind the pony?” she asked curiously. She couldn’t deny, she was curious to what sorts of coffees he enjoyed. He might have caught on that she was addicted to carmel.


“Hmm. I’m always the worst when it comes to talking about me. I tend to be more of an observer or listener. Well, I like to think of myself as a learner. I read a lot more than I write, and I go out of my way to try new things for the sake of finding new joys in life.”

He went to take another sip of his beverage, noticing that it was getting low. Oh well, he had to keep the interview going.

“I also fancy myself an artist. I’ve been drawing far longer than I’ve been writing, since I was around eight years of age. Other than that, I’m a hard worker, and I care deeply for virtue and morals. I think pony speaks to me for that reason.”

Snow Heart

Snow Heart’s eyes lit up again and she screed. “Oooooh! Let me see Let me see!” She was quite interested in seeing others' artwork as she also dabbled in art herself. Though hers really wasn’t anything to go “Oh” or “Ah” at.
“I just have a few more questions to ask, and then...maybe...we could. You know, be friends?” she asked nervously, still fidgeting awkwardly. 
“What is one story that has helped inspire you? And how has it helped you to grow?” she asked him. “I can say with certainty, “Journey to Hope” helped humble me, but we’re not here to talk about me. I’m sure no pony wants to hear me ramble on for hours.”


“I’m a down to earth pony, I’d like to be friends, easily. I enjoy the company of friends after a long day’s work.”

He sipped the last of his coffee voraciously. He was sad to see it go, but happy that it was in his life to begin with. “I do have one story that got me into writing pony, and that is ‘Background Pony’ by Shortskirtsandexplosions. The themes the story played with, the flowery language, and the virtue Lyra showed are something that touched me deeper than I can possibly describe.

I actually recently bought a physical copy of the story, because of how much it meant to me. If you’d like one yourself, you can pick them up from The Ministry of Image’ website. They are rather pricey, and ship from Russia, so the shipping is where a lot of the financial decision making comes to play.”

He stretched his shoulders. “I would like to recommend other stories on the site that hit me nice and hard. ‘Biblical Monsters’ by Horse Voice, ‘Awakening’ by Solocitizen, and ‘For Every Answered Prayer’ by Lunausescaps. Every one of these stories are amazing, and deserve all of your praise.”

Snow Heart

“My praise? I don’t know if I’d phrase it like that. No pony...Oh dear my boss will get mad at me if I start to self doubt myself again!” She put both her front legs to her cheeks and looked nervously around for the dragon that she listened to, and helped him with his reviewer group.
“So...I’ll definitely put those on my list, but right now I’m reading this story called “what do you mean friend” by MyNameAintGreg. And typically I don’t read much HIE, but well I’m a reviewer over at “My Little Reviews.” You should totally check it out. Just um tell the boss I sent you and I’ll get headpats.” *screes*”
Snow Heart coughed, and finished her coffee. It was sure nice to just have a more normal conservation, then worry about all this other stuff in the back of her mind. Would she be noticed? Would any pony interview her? Oh she hoped not. That’s what I have my bush for! It’s a good hiding spot.
“I do thank you for, um, coming, or maybe I came to you? Wait that sounded wrong. NO. Not like that! You ponies I swear. Wait, I’m a pony. Oh dear...Um is there anything else you wanna say?” she fidgeted more, blushing like a school filly.


Coffee let out a hefty laugh. “Thanks for the interview, and I do have a few parting words. Thank you for reading my stories. Some better than others, but all the same it means the world people enjoy what I do, and it really brightens my day. I wouldn’t keep going without my readership. They’re lovely people.

Also, since you mentioned reviews, I have my own series of reviews in my blogs. I only have two installments so far, but with the more stories I read on the site, the more I plan to review. It’s a good critical exercise I find exciting.”

Snow Heart

“Oh? Well I’m sure the boss of the reviewer group would love to know that too. He’s always looking for more reviewers. But you’re welcome, your stories are interesting, and that is why we readers read them. I do thank you kindly for sitting down with this bat pony. I don’t bite. I promise.” she glanced over the forth wall with a slight wink. “Unless you're into that stuff.” laughing at her own joke, she went over and huggled the earth pony.
“So you like coffee huh? Me too. We should meet up every now and again, and just know talk about our stories. Well mostly me listening to you, unless you really want to hear me ramble on for hours!” she chuckled, and with that, would get up and head out of the coffee shop. She did glance at him one last time.
“So...like do you think I should write the origin story for Snow Heart? It involves like D&D stuff, alternate universe, and a bit of fourth wall breaking for how I became a bat. Think ponies would want to read it?”


“Write what pleases you, and let others follow you for you. That’s something I keep in mind, and something Rubberross of GameGrumps fame said to posting content on the world wide web.” He replied with a smile, waving to her a good day.

Comments ( 3 )
NBQ #2 · Jun 4th, 2020 · · ·

Nice! :twilightsmile:

Your interviews are getting nicer and nicer, Nailah! :pinkiehappy:

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