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Interview with TheLegendaryBillCipher · 1:32pm Jun 1st, 2020

“Snow Heart had been calmly relaxing in her castle, when all of a sudden, the entire place seemed to shift, and suddenly, she was pulled out of her own dimension into another. Blinking and staring at what appeared to be a triangle, she questioned if she had a bit too much coffee this morning.

“Um hello there. Who are you?”

“Bill Cipher, of Legendary rarity. Just call me The Legendary Bill Cipher.” He tipped his top hat.

Snow Heart looked puzzled, as she tilted her head towards him, continuing to blink. She pushed her mug away from herself. “Okay Snow, relax, just pretend this is all a dream.” she muttered to herself. “So I guess since you’re here I could perhaps take some time to ask you some questions?”
“Sure.” An armchair floated over and he promptly took a seat in it.

“Alright. Well let’s see here.” Snow Heart looked over her list of questions. “What interested you in MLP?” she asked, as she took out her quill and began jotting down notes. She felt slightly odd considering she was talking to a triangle. Though strangely, this wasn’t the weirdest thing to ever happen to her.

“Well, to be honest, it just seemed so popular.” With the snap of his fingers, a glowing blue tea cup, with accompanying coaster plate, appeared in his hand. It filled with a dark brown liquid as a tea bag tag drooped out, featuring his prominent eye. “I’ve been to other universes and invested my time there. This just seemed like the next endeavor. But it was just so big. And it had such a friendly air about it, and that’s what I was sorely lacking.”

“Friendships are great. I’ve made so many friends through mlp myself. And even met a guy I like a lot...Anyways. Ahem.” Snow Heart paused as she considered her next question. “I’m talking to a triangle. I think I need therapy.”

“Hmm...what is it that you enjoy about writing fiction? And I do of course mean to include both pony and non pony words here. So tell us, what inspires you to write?”

“Hmm, that’s a tough one.” Bill rubbed just under his eye in place of a chin. “I guess writing a story someone might like, someone might take something away from or just make them happy. I like writing happy stuff, but I’ve tried darker things. Building worlds is also a plus, when applicable. I’m pretty good at that too.”

“That’s a good mindset to have. I also write to make others happy, and hope they can find meaning in the words I bring forth. Now...this next question is of high debate. Who is best pony?”

“Pinkie Pie, of course.” He sipped the tea -- with his eye. “I think highly of all agents of chaos and randomness.”
“Fascinating. I’m guessing you also might be a fan of the Lord of Chaos as well? However I do think I ought to find out why you’re a triangle. Care to explain that a bit? For those outsiders that haven’t seen Gravity Falls?”

“Well, I picked this persona because to me, Bill Cipher represents the multiverse. I may like some universes more than others, but I’m not tied down by any particular one. That, and I do have a thing for crossovers.” He took another sip of his tea.

“Crossovers. Reminds me of Fallout Equestria. Even if I’m not a fan of Fallout, it is rather curious how other authors are able to weave such tales together, and have it all just make sense. Like it’s not really something I ever really considered myself. Sometimes my ideas seem like crossovers, but I have yet to actually write one myself. Anyways, is there anything you’d like to tell your fans about you? As in you the writer?” she winked behind the screen. “Now’s your chance.”7u 

Bill set the tea cup on its plate and pressed his hands together. “Well, my end goal in all of this is to work on original fiction, and build up a reader base for it. Maybe even write a book or two. After all, all fiction is fan fiction -- I just need a good enough story.”

“Everyone needs a story, and I’m sure there’s an interesting one about you, just as there is about everyone and everything. In writing I often take inspiration from my own life, or my desires, or what I’d like to see, and that is why I write a lot of romance, fluff, and just cute slice of life moments. It is something I lack, therefore I write and hope that...Oh dear. I’m rambling on. You don’t want to listen to me. I’d be here for hours. So tell me my dear friend, what would you say to a new writer just getting their feet wet? What advice would you give?”

Bill rubbed just under his eye again. “I wouldn’t try to be great at the beginning. It takes time and practice. And if you’re doing speedwrites, don’t worry about winning. Just focus on writing the story.”

“It sorta reminds me of how I learnt to swim. You either sink or swim. Of course I was a terrible swimmer at first, but at least I knew enough to stay afloat. You have to start out somewhere, and sure you might cringe at your poorly written first story years down the road, but you have to start somewhere. I know I still cringe at Spring Love, and how terrible it is, but everyone has to start somewhere.” smiled Snow Heart as she jotted down more notes.

“Just a few more questions and then you could return me to my own dimension. That’d be nice. What is one thing that mlp has taught you? And how has it helped you to grow?”

“MLP has taught me to find joy in bringing joy to others. That’s why most of my stories are hurt/comfort or just fluffy. At least one person has said that my story was what they needed, and it makes me feel good. And, well… as someone terrible at socializing, MLP’s taught me how to be a better person on that front.” Bill sighed.

“That is very good to hear. Now before you put me back to my own dimension, is there anything else you’d like to say?”
Bill hummed in thought, looking skyward. A hand stretched off the screen, and reappeared next to Snow Heart, patting her on the head before retracting back. “Not off the top of my pointed head!” he remarked cheerfully.

Snow Heart purred loudly at the headpats, and leaned forward, nuzzling her white mane against his hand, seeming to have this love struck look to her pink eyes. “Headpats...my one true weakness. Now as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I really should be getting back. For all I know, my guard Skyward sword has sounded the alarms that the Princess of Kindness has been kidnapped. So...if you could um put me back where I was? Thanks. Also...to you guys and gals out there, if you have any questions you’d like to ask. Now’s your chance. Don’t be shy. Thank you Bill.”

“No problem,” he replied, vanishing her back in a blue flash with the snap of his fingers.


Fimfiction Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/356065/TheLegendaryBillCipher

Report Nailah · 134 views · #writing #interview #mlp
Comments ( 2 )

Myself approves of this interview, you rock Bill and me hahahaha.

lol, this was cute.

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