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Interview with Stinium_Ruide · 2:35pm May 26th, 2020

Snow Heart was a bat alicorn, blue fur, white mane and tail, with the cutie mark of a heart inside of a snowflake on her flank. She sat at a table in a local cafe. Calmly sitting there, with her notepad in hand, ink feather at the ready, with her reading glasses on. She gestured for her guard Skyward Sword to let her next interviewee in.
       “Hello there hun, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I’ve heard a lot about you. Good things I promise, but tell me what would you like to tell them about you?” she gestured to the “invisible” crowd, breaking the fourth wall a bit.
Snow Heart observed a Pegasus with turquoise fur stepping forth, somewhat cautiously towards her. As he moved up, she could observe the cutie mark of a pencil overlapping a globe with three stars beyond the globe’s edge. His eyes were twitching at the unfamiliar environment he was in; the lights, the sounds, even the ambience of the place.
   “Good day…I’m Sirius,” the Pegasus spoke with slight stammer, as he tried to focus his gaze onto the bat alicorn before him. “Firstly, I would like to say that I am very appreciative of the community around me. Well, as you can probably guess, I am pretty new to this place and I do hope that we can hang out…and have fun as we interact and learn from each other.”

“Of course, I would be more than happy to be friends with you. I’ve earned lots of friends over the years, but I never tire of making new ones.” Snow Heart smiled, gesturing for him to sit across from her. “Sirius, do tell me what made you interested in reviewing the works of others?” she asked, while scribbling more notes onto her pad. She unfurled her wings, and stretched out a bit. It was quite the calm and refreshing day beyond the little cafe, but she had no desire to go outside. She was fascinated by this new strange pony, that had made such a name for himself, in such a short time.

“That is fantastic to hear,” Sirius spoke, making himself comfortable on the chair opposite. “Well, I think that stories that people write are avenues in which they would like to portray to the world; and I am more than happy to sit down and learn from others in a world of diversity.”

“I see, well I myself dabble in reviews but we aren’t here to talk about me. We’re here to talk about you. Have you considered writing yourself? With how much work and effort you put into reviews, I’m more than positive you’d be a great writer. Any plans for that, or do you prefer reading and giving feedback to others?” Snow asked as she jotted more notes down. She smiled softly, towards her new friend. 

Sirius contemplated for a moment, his eyes wondering into the distance. He brought his hoof up to his chin and closed his eyes for a short, momentous time. 

“Actually, I have already begun writing on this site. It’s an adventure that I wanted to delve into, and explore my creative writing,” Sirius replied, gesturing with his hooves. “It has been a while since I have written fiction, and this community gave me an opportunity to explore my love of writing. I must say that I have gleaned something about myself when I began writing on this site, and I am more than certain that I will rediscover myself as I carry on my journey touring around.”

“Oh? You do? Well then I will certainly have to check that out. I enjoy reading others’ works as well. I think it’s rather sweet that you would take the time out of your day to comment on someone else’s story. It’s not something many do, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Getting feedback on stories you write can be hard, and often if the only feedback you get is bad, it can discourage you from ever writing again. I know I recently felt this sting myself, so hearing your words really brought a smile to my face. Anyways! Let us not get distracted.” she giggled into her own forehoof, feeling rather silly.

“You said you are new to this fandom, yes? It’s never too late to be a part of an amazing community such as mlp, what keeps you here?”

“Thanks for checking my work out, it is gratifying,” Sirius responded instinctively, without any hesitation whatsoever. “I firmly believe that reviews should not only help improve the author’s writing, but also the author’s confidence in his/her work. I must credit the good points and consider the perspective of the writer. And indeed! I do understand the pain that you feel...even I feel it sometimes, when my own friends check through my work. I opine that it must be taken positively, as a stepping stone rather than a roadblock to your writing, so that you would help yourself and your writing.”

Sirius paused for a moment, beaming at the alicorn right in the eyes, as he recollected the reflections he has written from her short story.

“Hmm...what keeps me here?” Sirius repeated, tilting his head slightly to the right. “I am constantly impressed by how this show could communicate lessons of life in such a simple, yet powerful method. This community extends on that, and builds over it. This is the pivotal reason why I joined this awesome society.”

“It really is an awesome community. This place is full of amazing people, and wonderful stories. There was once a time, I asked myself this same question, why was I still here? And it took awhile to find the answer, but I realized what it was before long. I’m here to spread the message of friendship to others, help new authors and old ones as well. Shed light onto these amazing, and wonderful ponies, that make me continue working hard every day to bring cute and heartwarming stories to this site and to the many ponies that stalk me. Now I’m sure a lot of ponies out there would love to know about the real you, the one that isn’t a pony. Is there anything you’d like to tell them?”

“I couldn’t agree with you more!” Sirius exclaimed, his head nodding feverishly. “Hmm...what would I like to say? Oh wait, I can feel the soul that lives inside of me speaking to myself. Oh no, I have no idea where to start! I guess I could start by introducing it to you all. It personifies a young man that has a huge diversity of interests, excited to share his thoughts and experiences. And together, we all can learn from each other as a team.”

Snow Heart giggled softly, as she found her new interviewee quite interesting indeed.

“I see, that’s a very unique way to tell others about yourself. Lots of ponies ask about me, I typically hide in a bush to refrain from answering. I did notice that you had a picture of Rainbow Dash on your profile, is she your favorite? And if not who is your favorite pony and what is it about them that inspires you?”

“I understand,” Sirius replied, as he shifted his position on the chair he was resting on. “Oh, Rainbow Dash? Actually, I find her quite relatable to me; her character ties in quite well to the spirit that resides within me. That’s probably why I chose her from the get go. Perhaps, to be more specific, her outspoken character really speaks to me.”

“But she reminds me of something - no pony is perfect. Granted, perfection is an ideality, but we are unfortunately living in a reality. But that doesn’t stop me from striving for it, in myself, in my character and so on,” Sirius continued after a short pause of much-needed air. “Her brash attitude is also something I see in myself, and I do want to change that.”

“I also love Rainbow Dash, believe it or not, she’s the reason I’m talking to you right now. I admit, I used to think ponies were “girly” I know. It’s terrible that I assume this without seeing it for myself. But here we are, and I’ve no regrets. I’ve met so many amazing ponies, all because I thought this pony looked cool. So as you may or may not already know, the canon show is over until we get a new show. How would you suggest keeping this fandom alive? And helping to inspire both new and older writers alike?”

“Wow, you have given me much to say,” Sirius noted, thoughts trickling into his mind as he tries to formulate some sort of response. “Okay, let’s discuss the so-called girly aspect of this cartoon. I believe it is unjustified to judge this show to be so. When I told others of my adulation of this show, they were surprised, to say the least. Some are open to my thoughts, and I am very appreciative to have friends such as these; but others are more...rigid in their thinking, which saddens me, but I will follow where my heart leads me to.”

“Secondly, I understand that Friendship is Magic is over, and on how to keep this fandom alive...I will say that if fans are ardent, and they genuinely believe in the magic of friendship, I doubt the fandom will fade into obscurity. They will owe much to the show, as it had taught them so much and even offered them a direction in their life. As for new people, such as myself, to come into the fandom, I believe that exposure is key. If others do not try watching this brilliant show, the number of new fans trickling in would diminish over the years. They need to give the show a chance, and we should offer this chance to them, for starters.”

“As for encouraging new writers, I will add that they should not be swayed by negativity, stand strong and improve. Follow the thoughts in your mind and go for it. You would never know where a small thought would lead you to. For the more veteran writers out there, rest assured that there will always be an audience for the story you create. Do not give up after witnessing a diminishing number of comments or hits.”

“It is quite fascinating that I could give you so much to comment on. I do hope you don’t hate me for my more naive days. We grow, we learn, we embrace friendship in such wonderful ways. I admit that even though I am an alicorn now, I am constantly learning new lessons each and every day, and I hope that my own stories can inspire others, and help them grow. Because I know too well how hard it can be to put yourself out there. You’d never believe this, but I’m actually very shy and skittish beyond this world of ponies. Being here with everyone has helped me understand not only myself, but to understand that these friendships and stories we all unite to create are worth standing out of my bush to see. Is there anything else you’d like to say? Now’s your chance.”

“Interesting,” Sirius spoke enthusiastically, as he could sense the evolution of the alicorn before him. “Somehow I feel that...aura from this conversation, though I didn’t want to mention it explicitly.”

“Anyways, I feel that everyone should constantly absorb the small snippets of life that you observe everyday, and think about it. It might change your perception and your lifestyle. Please, never, ever, hesitate to try something new.”

“And finally, is there anything else that...I would like to say?” Sirius echoed, as he stared down in contemplation, observing the grains in the wood of the table before him. 

“Well, what would you like to know more about me?” Sirius whispered, his face turning away from the table to face the discerning reader scanning through the lines. 

Fimfiction Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/381526/Stinium_Ruide

Report Nailah · 287 views · #writing #interview #mlp
Comments ( 6 )

Now kiss ask him already if he wants to be a reviewer :trollestia:

Also nice to see this interview format again!

BUT boss. *blushes*
I already did ask him this.

Good batpony! *Head pats*

Thanks for the interview experience! I had a lot of fun writing it out. :twilightsmile:

Well, with such a great society here, I’m certain that the question of whether I will be a reviewer is not a matter of if, but when...

I love these new interviews.

This is an awesome interview format, I love it! Hope to read more of these again soon.

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