• Member Since 11th Jan, 2018
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Human. Still human. ["with sentences [...] reads like they were written by a drunk, stoned, and autistic disorganized schizophrenic", as one said]

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OMG, or I really hoped it will not come to this · 9:09pm May 21st, 2020


The Rex Position is not shortsighted or irrational once one accepts that climate change does not “produce” a universal human subject. One does not have to construe Tillerson as “evil.” Tillerson and those he works with are not in some kind of shadowy conspiracy. The Rex Tillersons of the world have taken a look at the same data, the same trends, the same underlying social and political conditions, and they have noticed that in the probable world in which nothing changes for them, business-as-usual, they end up on the “winning” side of a sharp global and local dividing line. Every structural incentive serves to reinforce such thinking. The best outcome in such a position is to push on with business-as-usual; the costs of climate change will largely be borne by those who already bear the cost today.

This .. is ... bold. I mean whole article, especially for those who familiar with fictional (so far) tales from Conversion Bureau by Chatoyance. Myself is nearly speechless. Because while yes, world' loss will be only "some 30 to 50 percent of species may be facing extinction by the mid-twenty-first century." and just few billions of humans having, ah, "problems" ..... for me it sounds damn TOO close to real alert! Like, something I absolutely can't ignore - because in such scenario there will be no seas for dolphins, no pastures for horses, no time/resources to truely care about anyone, including humans.

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