• Member Since 8th Sep, 2018
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Your friendly neighborhood writer of entirely too many trans ponies! (Dashie | she/her | Discord: velvetred2004 | pfp by Malphym)

More Blog Posts142

  • 1 week
    The Horse Exquisite

    So I participated in another exquisite corpse.

    It took a hot minute to get uploaded but there's a very good reason for that. If you are unfamiliar, an exquisite corpse is a story in which different writers only have the chapter prior to them to read through and write something out of.

    Except for this one we were given two chapters ahead to read.

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  • 8 weeks
    The Curse of Creativity

    I want to write a story.

    My last story was uploaded in January. It was a gift exchange over QnS. I’ve started on many stories since then, I haven’t finished a single one besides the ones I’ve written for QnS. That’s all you’ll be getting in the foreseeable future, probably.

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  • 12 weeks
    Hey I’m Here

    It’s really been 2 months since I made a blogpost. This shit feels unprecedented and wrong somehow. Many things have happened since I got on HRT, but my work has been sucking my life out of me recently. They’ve scheduled me for 6-day weeks and most of the time I’m too tired to do anything (but I’ve told a manager so fingers crossed, and even if that doesn’t work out I still have my own plans

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  • 20 weeks
    Important News

    So, I really don’t know how much I’m going to say in this blog post but my life is on the up-and-up atm and I wanted to share it. Not much has happened but what has happened makes me excited just thinking about it.

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  • 22 weeks
    Behind the Story: SHY.

    I’ve been caught in a dreg of OC stories lately (and more to come considering I just experienced something it would be remiss to not write a Raining-Verse story about it). A lot of them have been good OC stories, but nobody reads OC stories.

    So here’s some good old-fashioned Rarishy (kinda).

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Rating My Favorites Honorable Mentions · 1:39am May 19th, 2020

I’m bored, and I have a broken toe at the moment. Therefore, I am writing this to distract me.

Just as a note: this Blog Post will probably be a slog to read. There’s almost 30 FHM stories. There’s will be a lot of them. I also write these because I want to, not because the other ones get popular.

First things first, what is my Favorites Honorable Mentions Shelf?

Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like, a collection of stories that just fell short of my Favorites mark. At the moment, Ashfur, my personal favorite writer, has the most, at three.

Without further ado, let’s get this show on the road.

We Are Forever

Rated as such because I don’t even remember what happens. I do know there was a quip in there about the Rainbooms being dropped from their label, and also tons of musical references. However, I don’t remember them. I just know that if I added it, it must’ve been really good.

Lyra’s Ultimate Item Emporium

Another one that’s placed so low that I don’t remember how it read. However, I do know that it updates whenever the heck it feels like, and I also remember that the crossover was so tastefully done that it made me want to play the game it was based on. I also recall loving Lyra’s characterization, so that’s a plus.

Never Meant to Be

This close. It was this close to being an amazing story. Unfortunately, this is one of the three stories that fell shy of my favorites on grammar and grammar alone. The tale it tells is a sweet one. It’s a really good story about a Changeling falling for Zecora but Zecora finds out he’s a Changeling and yeets him away.

But seriously, the grammar is the only thing keeping this from being amazing. It’s also the only reason why it’s placed so low.

Love’s Lost Decade

If something can get me to read an adventure, you have my money. There’s only a few stories which have won me over with pure adventure, and several of them are FO:E based. Even Empty Horizons, one of the most acclaimed recent adventure stories, didn’t win me over.

This story is one of those rare exceptions.

Again, the only thing keeping this from being amazing is the terrible grammar, but that in places makes the story better (especially when it used to be the ‘Angle of Death’ instead of the ‘Angel of Death’). As a sequel to Never Meant to Be, it’s great, fantastic even. It just has terrible grammar.

Into the Idol-Verse

I love Changeling of the Guard, this is one of that stories’ recursive fanfictions. It has not scored higher because I recently decided on favoriting the original. Ranked as such because I couldn’t exactly figure out what was happening, but Idol Hooves’ and his derivatives are always a joy to read.

Artistic License

Another one I don’t remember much of, except that the Pony POV guy commented that because the theories described in the story didn’t line up with his, the story automatically sucked. He got a faceful of dislikes for that one.

All that aside, I don’t exactly recall this one. But I do have a sneaking suspicion that it ended up being very deep.

The Vinyl Scratch Tapes


This used to be one of my favorites. That was because I favorited it right after I got an account. Why that slot didn’t go to something more worthy such as Antipodes, I have no idea.

Now, this story doesn’t load properly on my iPad, so I can’t even vouch for it properly. But the first part’s somewhat funny, at least.

Why is this so low? Well, upon thinking about it, I was like,”Why does this story only seem well-written? Why isn’t this comedy story making me laugh?” And bam, it’s knocked down. Several spots, may I add. It just isn’t funny. However, it’s still well-written, so it gets a pass.


Ashfur, the most self-deprecating comedy genius I know, came out with a sad story one day. This sad story was like MagicS’ Cold Feeling In My Heart, perfectly done despite his adherence to a different genre. It’s well-written, and even has an amazing song at the end. I volunteered string quartet, but I don’t have strings.

Reflections gets you in a certain mood. I really like it for that.

Letters From An Irritated Princess
Tired Old Man

So, I don’t know why, but I stupidly didn’t read this story all the way through back when I saw it on TVTropes. I’m so glad I eventually remedied that. Unfortunately, this story is probably dead because TOM isn’t really on anymore. However, it’s the best princess letter story for what it’s worth.

It’s hilarious, and unlike stories like this one more based in dark comedy, everypony is as in-character as they can be. So I tend to enjoy this one more than the others. It’s very well-done.


This story can be summed up in one sentence:

Hilarious story that never got anywhere.


Luna Never Went to the Moon
Rambling Writer

This story was written as the main story in a feghoot contest. It’s actually really hilarious for what it’s worth. The pun is hilariously bad, as most feghoots are. However, the main story is really good.

It reminds me of those wacko conspiracy theorists in real life who claim that everything is part of an elaborate conspiracy when all they’re really proving is how big of an idiot they are. I like it like that. Playful ribbing toward people who deserve it is always appreciated.

Put That Crown Back Where It Came From...

Hilarious. Typical Ashfur shenanigans. Dealing with the reaction of fans to the season 9 premier, it captures the feelings perfectly. It even goes right down to the fan stereotypes for ponies such as Fluttershy.

It’s Ashfur’s most controversial story, but I love it. It’s hilarious, and pretty clearly depicts fan reactions quite accurately.

Imploding Colon

This is one of the stories to win me over with pure adventure. Good description also plays a part, but it’s mainly the adventure. Rainbow Dash continues her fly east, and I stopped halfway through only to finish this story later.

I’m glad I finished it, because I cannot live in a world without Josho and 2E being awesome together. The characters introduced are wonderful, and the story really only gets better as you read.

It may not be as good as Austereoh, but it’s a well-done story in its own right.

Laughing Her Way to the Bank

This story’s about as hilarious as they come. This story follows Pinkie, who has gotten rich off of the stock market despite her not even knowing how she did such a thing. The best thing in this story, aside from the comedy, is the fact that this totally seems like something Pinkie would do. Namely, invested money in the stock market at random and making bank off of it.

There’s not much else to say, I just love the story.


This story is enchanting. It’s a simple premise, and perhaps even a controversial one, not unlike The Old Collector, which I recently favorited. However, it’s all in how it’s executed. The lone survivor trope is beautiful when done right, and Dust is no different. The only unfortunate bit is that I think it’d be awesome as a chapter story, but we have enough Fallout: Equestria stories that it’s more unique as a one-shot.

A haunting short story, and one I’d heavily recommend.

The Aftermath of Twilight’s Love Spell

It’s funny to think I used to not like ThePinkedWonder. Since then, he’s released fantastic story after fantastic story. This story’s hilarious. The fact that Twilight gets retaliation for a love spell gone wrong is hilarious to me. I haven’ even read the prequel, but this story stands very well on its own.

It gets even better when Starlight attempts to violate Twilight’s ‘filly code’ at the end, and it ends up backfiring. It’s a very funny story.

Journal of an Alicorn Clone
Tired Old Man

In a rare instance of the spin-off being way better than the original story, TOM brings us Journal of an Alicorn Clone. This focuses on Celestia and Luna’s on-a-whim clones known as Sunny and Moony and their ridiculous antics around the Canterlot Palace. The story really focuses on the innocence and naïveté of said clones and does it very well.

It’s also hilarious. Maybe not as much as Letters From an Irritated Princess, but still great nonetheless. It’s well-deserving of its spot here.

Dinner at Ravenloft
Meep the Changeling

Okay, I just want to know who the heck didn’t tell me that there’s a fantastic writer right under my nose. Meep’s not very well-known, but man, are their stories fantastic. They really like Changelings, as evident by their name. However, this story isn’t for that. This story focuses on Vinyl Scratch as a vampire.

Now, it sounds ridiculous, but I couldn’t put the story down, I highly recommend reading Meep’s stories in the Equiverse timeline as listed on their profile. This story is third on that list.

It’s really good, and Vinyl’s dad is fantastic.

The Bridesmaids
Meep the Changelings

This is truly one of the most interesting stories I’ve ever read. It goes so deep into Changeling society that it only solidified how much I love them. Both the Changelings and the author.

Meep has a ridiculous knack for knowing how to write lore. This story is packed full of it. It starts with the reveal that Twinkleshine is a Changeling and also several famous scientists of the past. The Changeling is naturally called Meep, but it’s so well-done that it doesn’t seem like a self-insert.

It ends really well, in addition. This story is easily one of the most interesting things I’ve ever read.

Thrown Abroad

And speaking of Changelings. This story contributed to my love of Changelings (arguably, Changeling of the Guard started it). While it isn’t the best Changeling story I’ve read, it’s made me excited to read whatever new ones come up. This story is hilarious. A random Changeling is exiled and has to figure out why these ponies are how they are.

It provides a wonderful interpretation on pony life through the eyes of other species, and the writing of Suncloak is probably a subconscious influence on Reinventing Music’s Mercury. Regardless, this story is hilarious, and I’m glad the author’s still lurking around, if not writing anything.

The Red Parade

Okay, I confess. I have a heart. This story is a perfect example of it. In contrast to the comedy of Thrown Abroad, this story is a serious lament about death. I don’t want to reveal too much about this story, because one of the best parts of it is the surprise. Instead of me sitting here and spoiling it, I suggest you read it yourself. It’s very deep and sad, and it’ll be great for anybody who relates to Johnny Cash’ Hurt.

My Little Changeling: Friendship is Weird

Yes, I think this story’s better than Thrown Abroad. There’s more ponies for Suncloak to bounce off of. We also meet Shining Nova, better known as best bug.

Otherwise, this story is much of the same, and I love it for that. It changes the humor enough that it isn’t a slog, but it keeps that flavor.

The Potion Shop

This story made me love Ashfur as much as I do. Arca is such a great character. The storylines are amazing, and Ashfur is such an amazing comedy writer.

From the antics of the Duck, to Celestia forcing Arca Insurance upon everyone, this story is amazing from start to finish. It’s not finished, but it might as well be with Ashfur’s dwindling activity. Regardless, it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever read, perhaps only topped by Fallout: Equestria- Duck and Cover and The Inn At The End of Equestria. If you somehow haven’t given this amazing story a read, I highly suggest it.

I Will Pass This Way Again

I confess. I’m a horrible person. I like the overused, clichè, ‘Twilight outlives her friends’ stories, and I’ve even written (a very bad) one myself. This story isn’t about Twilight, this story is about the Student 6. It’s great, and I love the discussions this story contains in it.

It also loves tugging at your heartstrings. By the end of the story, there’s only a few left. IIRC, they might even all die. However it’s that idea that I love. That idea of moving on, it saddens me. That’s why I love this story so much.

The Things We Left Behind

The thing putting this above the previous one is that FDR is one of the most consistent writers I’ve ever read. Easily one of my favorite writers, and in fact, her commenting on The Endless Cycle was arguably better than that story being featured for a week. This story outshines the rest, even Delirium.

Instead of focusing on a more natural pairing, such as Twilight and everyone else, FDR focuses on Cadence and Shining Armor. It has the sane outcome, but the life ends a bit differently. It’s genuinely saddening. It’s such a beautiful pairing to focus on. However, it’s relatively straightforward, and that flaw prevents it from placing higher.


Here comes your obligatory ‘Twilight outlives her friends’ story. However, I do have to say that the plot twist at the end is amazing. Perhaps a better word for it is heartbreaking, but it’s s9 great nonetheless.

The routines of trying to relive your past and your friends is beautiful. But again, I don’t want to ruin this story any more than I have, so I suggest reading it. It’s amazing.

Fallout: Equestria- Duck and Cover

I’m a little conflicted on this story. For one, it’s easily one of the best and funniest stories I’ve read. The satire is fantastic, and I don’t think I can take Fallout: Equestria seriously anymore. I even like how they satirize Xenith’s character by replacing her with an inanimate object that doesn’t do anything. Also, it’s done in such a way that I can appreciate both stories simultaneously.

On the other hand, nobody should ever take this story seriously. Not a single soul. That’s why I didn’t add it to my Favorites. Nobody should see this story resting in there and take it as seriously as one should take FOE:C or Tangled Up in Blues. So, it’s a super-fun romp, but don’t ever take it seriously. The author even advises against it.


The power of this story should be described as thus:
I remember this story more clearly than I do approximately how long ago I read it.

I couldn’t tell you when I read it, but I know what happens, and it’s heartbreaking. Twilight finds out about a Unicorn called Ashen Mane, and reads his ever more depressing journals. This eventually cumulates into said Unicorn killing himself, and Twilight crying over it because she cares about him, despite not even knowing him.

I can’t tell you how relatable this story is without sounding remarkably depressed, but it is. I’m Twilight, I find suicide notes too late and cry over what I could’ve done to save them. Or at least attempting to save them. I then decide to listen to DragonForce’s Silence on repeat for several days. I’m just glad that Holy’s alright, to be honest.

I think a comment I came across while browsing over the story again puts it best:

“There’s no description given of Ashen Mane aside from that he’s a Unicorn, but I have a feeling we all know exactly who Ashen Mane is.” (Paraphrased)

That’s the reason why Moody Blues is my favorite Tangled Up in Blues character, because he’s literally anyone you want him to be. Ashen Mane is similar, I admittedly imagine him as his given name, but it’s still powerful. That’s why I love it so much.

Trail Blazer

This is genuinely one of my favorite stories of all time. The idea is genius, the characters are genius, and the comedy is top-notch.

In addition, the story can be remarkably deep or sad when it wants to be. Trail Blazer is such a broken bird that once you find out her backstory, it’s impossible to not feel sad for her. That’s a remarkable feat in itself. Then, once you learn more about Lustrous and Steel Wing, their characters becomes fantastic as well. MagicS never tries to force their stories upon you, and iirc, Lustrous’ isn’t even given (though I could be wrong). MagicS is a fantastic, if underexperienced writier, and this story is living proof of that.

The ending, the ending is fantastic. Someone likened it to reading about their remaining fates in a history book, and that hits hard once you get so ingrained in their unique personalities and stories. I compared it to Darkness of Dragons, as the idea there is a ‘where are they now’, I love that type of ending, it’s up there with book ends for me. Somehow, the story leaves you sad, but makes you happy for where they went.

I didn’t put this in my Favorites because the grammar, but I’m actually debating just saying ‘screw it’, and putting in in there anyways. This story made me a MagicS fan, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

The worst part, it’s criminally underrated. Absolutely give it a read. You won’t regret it.


That’s the list, very long but fun to write. I don’t remember a few of these stories very well, so take note of that.

And until next time; be awesome

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