• Member Since 18th Aug, 2018
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Quillsy: Bookwyrm and epic level Keybard

More Blog Posts67

  • 8 weeks
    Notta April Fools!

    Hey everyone,

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  • 24 weeks
    Two Chapters Released for Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision

    Hey Everyone,

    Today I released not one, but TWO chapters for Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision. I hope you enjoy them.

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  • 26 weeks
    New Canonical Side Story Released

    Hi everyone!
    Today I uploaded the latest Canonical Side Story for Clockwork Precision. It's the one I promised during my last post and is Gearing's First Nightmare Night.

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  • 26 weeks
    State of the Story / Behind the Scenes Peek

    Hey everyone,

    I’m writing today to give you a bit of a heads up on what I’ve been doing and what I’m planning to do with the story.

    So, as some of you may have noticed, I’ve been posting once a month around the same time of the month. This isn’t merely a coincidence. This has been planned. I’ve made a lot of effort to try and get some form of consistency with my updates again.

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  • 41 weeks
    Saturday morning Cartoons

    Hey everyone,

    I managed to get some things figured out, and it helped me get a new chapter out faster. So I thought I'd go ahead and release it and give everyone a little Saturday morning treat.

    I hope you enjoy.

    As always: Comments, questions, suggestions, or critiques are welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated.


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State of the Library Address · 4:08am Apr 28th, 2020

First, I would like to thank the various individuals that have been regularly checking on me to find out if I was okay. Per request, I'm writing this post as a bit of an update on what is, and has been, going on with your neighborhood bookwyrm. And to that end here are a few answers to some questions that have been posed so far along with an update.

Recently Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision has reached another milestone. We just broke the 5k mark for individual reads! I know that doesn’t seem like much to many others, but it’s a lot for me. And, given how short of a time I’ve been on this platform, it’s out right miraculous to me to hit this mark so soon. So thank each and every one of you that have joined on on this journey. Both those that have been around since the very beginning, and those that have only started trotting along recently. And everyone in between. Thank you all. Now on to the questions several have posed over the last month of silence.

Q) Have you given up on your story, Clockwork Precision?
A) No! Definitely not. I won't stop working on this project unless something catastrophic happens to me or I finish it. Victory or Death! For the wooooords!

Q) When will the next chapters be out?
A) I'm sorry, but I can't be sure about a schedule anymore with things as they are. But they will be out as quickly as I can get them out, make no mistake. My claws can only work the keyboard so fast, but I’m going at full speed when I’m able.

Q) Does this virus that's running around and ruining everything have anything to do with the delays?
A) Absolutely. YES. Unfortunately.

To explain a bit more, 'No' I have not personally been infected by Corona, as far as I'm aware, and I' haven't been hospitalized. But, the entire situation and environment has created a atmosphere where things just aren't conducive to writing in general. Everyone has things going on in these unfortunately historic times, make no mistake, and people have higher priorities to deal with, along with the very real threat of disease and death. So I have been hesitant to say anything at all about my own trials and tribulations. Thus my silence. Because, like everyone else, I now have previously unforeseen things to deal with, and it just eats into any time I would have otherwise set aside for writing. Add in it wrecking the writing 'mind space' with its stressors and constant distractions and the whole deck of cards comes down in a perfect storm of chaos. One where even technically having time doesn’t mean having the ability to do so.

But this seems, to me at least, like a pathetic thing to complain about when others are out there losing their life or loved ones. However, it's the truth of the matter. And I wanted my readers to know that I hadn't abandoned them. I hadn't abandoned you. I'm just out here doing what I can in this battleground that’s spreading over the planet.

As bad as that all sounds, and as bad as this may or may not get in the future, there is one thing I can promise you. We'll get through this. Together. And as long as I'm able, I'll keep pouring as much of my energies into this project as I can spare. Because I'd like to help as much as I can, and I might not be able to do much more then draw a chuckle every now and then with my characters’ antics, but given the situation, every little bit helps in the long run.

With that in mind, here’s an update of the current chapter I'm working on:
The chapter is going to be one of the biggest chapters released, and I couldn't find a good way to split it up without hurting it's flow in some way. I feel it's a stronger piece together in its entirety, so I'll be releasing it as such.

Chapter 62 is currently around 75/80% through of the first draft. After which, as I do with each chapter I write, I perform a rewriting pass, then an editing pass, then I hand it off to a beta reader who goes over it to figure out what I'd missed, and point out any problems if they are there. After that I give it one final pass where I make changes as needed, using both new insights as I’m rereading it and info from my beta reader, before uploading the entire thing here.

Given how big the chapter is, and the schedule of my beta reader, it will take at least a full day+ to get it back from them. So, if everything does swimmingly, we might be done by Friday the 1st of May. But I can't guarantee that. Especially with how seemingly some of Gearing's luck has rubbed off on me. The bad kind at that.

TL;DR Version: I'm not dead yet and neither is the story. Expect more pony words as soon as I claw them into existance.

If you found this blog post at ALL helpful, and would like me to keep you all updated on my progress, so you can be sure I haven't just absconded with the ending, please leave me a message below to let me know. While I was really loath to write this, given it was requested I felt obligated to do so. Which gave me an excuse to do so. So if this is helpful, let me know, and I'll make sure to update on progress regularly (maybe weekly or whatever you guys and gals suggest).

Because, as I've said many times before, the interest you all have shown in my work is a great motivator for me. And if it helps my readers, then I'm more than happy to comply.

As always, questions, comments, or critiques always welcome and encouraged.

Stay safe out there everyone


PS: Don’t forget to wash your paws, claws, hooves, mitts, or other graspy bits.

Comments ( 2 )

i for one am vary happy to have the privilege of being allowed to read this work of art.
i may be a new-bey to this story but dang it has garbed hold of me hard and as you say if i am alive i will be here till the end how ever long or how ever many millions of words that be.

and as Professor WyrmQuil says be sure to wash your hoves.


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you are still continuing the story as I have really enjoyed it so far. As for reaching the 5k mark, congratulations. I would love to have those kinds of numbers for my story. You have earned it sir.

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