• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2015
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Thought Prism

Founder of Thought Prism Games. Check out my work at thoughtprismgames.com!

More Blog Posts132

  • 6 weeks
    Another Rising Flames Progress Update

    It'll probably be another two weeks before chapter four is ready, give or take. It's needed far more editing than any chapter so far, and also more than any chapter to follow, most likely. Actually, this single chapter has probably undergone more revisions than any other piece of fiction I've ever worked on. I went overboard on the original version due to my desire for drama, which led to drama

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  • 16 weeks
    Rising Flames Progress Update

    Just letting everybody know, it's going to be a bit longer before Chapter Three drops. In addition to refining our editing process to be more collaborative (I was letting my mindset from my game development work bleed into here, when my priorities with Rising Flames are very different), Spell Check and applezombi pointed out a bunch of issues with my outline that I've been diligently

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  • 20 weeks
    My new company: Thought Prism Games!

    I’ve got an exciting announcement today! Some of you might have been wondering what I’ve been up to outside the fanfic front, and now I’m ready to share at last. I am proud to announce and launch my new card game company: Though Prism Games! I have two fresh releases: Carddrop, a nifty little dexterity game to enjoy with regular playing cards, and Veebar, a fun two-player experience for all ages.

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  • 27 weeks
    Rising Flames Release Date!


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    5 comments · 189 views
  • 33 weeks
    Free Giveaway of my book!

    Since it’s been over a year since release, and I don’t think anybody else is going to buy it at this point, I’ve decided to release my original fantasy novel from last year for free! You can read it right in dropbox here, or download the file. It’s an EPUB, so it’ll

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Is this a good idea? · 1:36am Apr 16th, 2020

So, I've had this concept reflecting around in my head for a while, though I'm not sure if it would bring an amusing bit of closure to people or just come off as a tad mean-spirited. Basically, I've been thinking of planning a sort of mass eulogy for the best fanfics posted to the site that never got finished, either by myself or with help from other interested parties (probably the latter, if I can gather interest). Because, well, there are a bunch of excellent works that authors just couldn't bring themselves to complete for one reason or another. We could come together, probably after the current crisis is over, and move forward by wistfully looking on at what might have been, theorycraft endings and sing the praises of what's on the page. Obviously we'd have to make sure the writers involved, assuming they even still frequent the site, won't be offended or take a blow to their self-esteem if we call them out, and that it's all meant to be in good fun. Who knows, seeing more people express interest might rekindle the spark of passion for somebody to keep writing, especially since our fandom has been slowly dwindling now that the show's ended. I know most of you reading this are lurkers, but I really am on the fence here, so your opinion would be appreciated.

Comments ( 5 )

Hoo boy. Definitely get the author's okay before doing any given work, because this could easily be taken in a poor light. It could probably work quite well if done properly.

I'm afraid I don't know; sorry.
FanOfMostEverything's comment sounded good to me, though?

That'd be cool. I agree with FoME


Yeah, makes sense. I'll see if Majin or somebody will help me round up folks later, maybe.

Hey, if the RCL can track down the guy who wrote Cupcakes, I'm sure it won't be too bad finding whoever you need to (or their next of kin, in cases of actual death).

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