• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
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A Warning to Others

More Blog Posts501

  • 5 weeks
    I Miss This

    I do. I just wanted to say. I'm trying to get back in, but focus is hard and time is limited.

    Probably best to post things when I finish them, anyway.

    7 comments · 56 views
  • 17 weeks
    Conlang Ponish

    Has anyone ever done a conlang workup of Ponish? It doesn't have to be GOOD but I could really use some idea what it might sound like to a non-Ponish speaker. I'm a novice conlanger and I COULD go down that rabbit hole, but it's probably not an effective use of my time.

    It's an effective use of someone else's time, tho. :ajsmug:

    Any help is appreciated.

    6 comments · 108 views
  • 41 weeks
    Getting Some of My Mojo Back

    Not sure what I'm going to do with it. Doing a lot of furry art and comics right now on Furaffinity, and my normie erotica is still what keeps the lights on.

    Miss horse butts and horse drama tho. And I have SO many unfinished fanfics.

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    3 comments · 186 views
  • 45 weeks
    This Past Year Has Sucked

    And it's still ongoing. There are some things you want to do, something things you have to do for loyalty, and some things you have to do for survival. If there's an afterlife, I hope I can just write and draw and put things in a library when I'm done with them. It doesn't matter if anyone but God sees them. I want to make things forever without being interrupted by the needs of life.

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    3 comments · 134 views
  • 53 weeks
    This is Tremendously Important

    Brave new world, that has such thestrals in it.

    5 comments · 147 views

How Are You Today? · 2:36am Apr 5th, 2020

I'm isolated at home with my dogs and my family, but I'm not bored? I don't do bored, actually. I really like it when people don't bother me. I'm seventy thousand words into my Fallout: Equestria. More than halfway through! I hope! Except it might need a sequel? I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

The novel would be going faster if battles weren't so hard to write. It's like, I want the action to be high stakes, and I prefer it at least sort of realistic-ish (not super realistic but there's a lot of X-Com mixed in with my Fallout in this), but I also don't like to kill off major characters if I can at all avoid it. Luckily stimpacks, but healing magic has stakes-deflating qualities all its own.

I think this is a sign I should steer towards more dialogue-based projects in the future? IDK.

I'm also feeling perverted and surfing Twicest art and wishing I could stay interested in clop these days. :P The tension between "I need to make this long enough to fap to" and "the most effective erotic writing steers away from the anatomical and towards the emotional" in my mind is cusing me inner artistic conflict. Not sure how to resolve this. I have SO many unfinished clopfics where I just got bored writing that biological minutate. Honsetly I'm not sure what to do.

But. I'm alive, and writing, and... honestly playing an appalling number of roguelikes. Like, two or three AT ONCE sometimes.

How are you?

Comments ( 4 )

I'm okay! Kind of a frustrating day, writing wise, but did a lot of planning for future chapters. Releasing a new one tomorrow. Also went out to get groceries, so that's sorted for a couple of weeks at least.


Groceries: once a tedious chore, now a death-defying adventue. :rainbowdetermined2:

That balance sounds so hard to strike!!!
I've just been watching HUUNDREDS OF John Oliver, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert clips. God they're the perfect men.
Been yelling at people on the Internet about Pathfinder rules, as usual. It's incredible how many people unironically believe a 14th-level monk or druid shouldn't be able to die of old age just because . . . it's a new edition, I guess? Even though the Pathfinder campaign setting has remained the same old campaign setting it's always been, PF1e lore explicitly said that being able to ignore the stat penalties from aging doesn't change the fact that you still die when your time's up, and hundreds upon hundreds of years' worth of immortal randos just popping up who we'd never heard about before would make no sense.
And been making Damian do Discord calls with me so I get to listen to his voice. It's so dreamy.


People make no damn sense sometimes.

Tell Damo you're the best he'll ever have and to ship you over to Australia. :raritywink:

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