• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 31st


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  • 7 weeks
    Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining.

    You probably know how this sort of thing goes. There you are, mowing your grass on a day that can't decide whether to shine or drizzle on you, a few years and counting into your non-writing streak. Whatever thoughts you're having are at the expense of your lawnmower picking a fight with every passing tuffet and losing.

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  • 19 weeks
    Tyomnaya strana

    Just as alicorns descend upon parched wastelands bearing storms and seeds, so too do kindly translators upon my horsewords. Dark Country's received a Russian translation by the kind efforts of

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    Stellarum voces

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  • 92 weeks
    On Brains

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    Amber in need

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Legends, at last · 9:25pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Heyo, all! New story! Legends, a sequel to Treasures.

(Lilfunkman is a cool dude, can art good, and was unreasonably accommodating of my nonsense commission. Check out more of his work here.)

Legends picks up three years after the events of Treasures, and continues the adventures of a young Daring Do. This time, she’s jetting off to Corva. I’ve touched on Corva in other stories — a totally-not-Scotland-honest land inhabited by clans of the setting’s pony-sized and sapient corvids. If you’ve ever been curious to read more about them, here’s your story. If you’re just in this for wee Daring, adventure in foreign parts, appropriate amounts of tomb-desecration, undead horrors, dark magic from bygone aeons, and/or things exploding, this may tick some of those boxes. Whatever your interest in it, I hope it pleases!

A caveat; folk who read Treasures when it was published may recall it had all been finished. Legends isn’t as yet, though there are a couple of completed chapters acting as a buffer. They’ll be released as and when they’re proofread, as will whatever I flail out of a keyboard thereafter. If you’d sooner read a complete story, best to hold off till whenever it’s done. Folk who also recall the time between Wedding March updates may be muttering and predicting that ‘whenever’ to be sometime north of the Day of Judgement. I could be wounded by that sort of cynicism, you know, deserved though it may be.

Pre-reading for this has been kindly dispensed by Cursori, Infernus Noctis, and MrNumbers, all excellent souls in their own right, and all of whom I’m very much grateful to. Go read Cinéma Vérité by Numbers. Go pester Cursori and Infernus to write things so I can urge you to read those too.

Beyond Legends, two other things I’d like to share.

First up, courtesy of Cyan06, a Chinese translation of Sledding and Other Horrors! People deciding that my stuff’s worthy of translation and taking the effort to do so always flatters and delights my atrophied soul, and I’m much obliged to Cyan06 for it. My hopeless monolingualism prevents me from properly appreciating the translated piece beyond what Google Translate makes of it, but if you can read Chinese or can forgive Google Translate’s efforts, take a look.

(Also, the Chinese site has a wee Twilight in one corner offering helpful advice, and FimFiction now seems bereft by comparison.)

Secondly, courtesy of GrandCat, a Russian translation of Flash Sentry and the King’s Ghost! I’ve always been fond of this piece of Flash Sentry apocrypha, and I’m very grateful to GrandCat for translating it in its entirety. My hopeless monolingualism hasn’t improved since the last paragraph, but if you can read Russian or understand that Google Translate’s just trying its best and its brave effort ought to be rewarded, check it out.

(The Russian site has no helpful corner-Twilight, alas. Everything seems bereft.)

Take care and keep safe. And if you read and have feedback on Legends, feel free to dispense it with wild abandon.

Report Carabas · 387 views · Story: Treasures ·
Comments ( 20 )

Christ, Wedding March began in 2016. This is what it feels like to be an old person. Time is moving faster. I feel this mortal shell of mine rotting. Please write the Crystal Empire Palaver sequel before it expires and I am forced to find new flesh.

Treasures was an absolute gem. I can't wait to check this out :pinkiehappy:

Wedding March is about a presidential term old, and oh god, I just made myself feel ancient.

I am forced to find new flesh

Don't dissemble, we all know that's what you call a 'dull weekend'.

Glad you liked Treasures! I'm glad you'll check this one out, and I hope it measures up. :pinkiehappy:

I was just linking people to Treasures! I must add this to my "Read It Sooner" list!

Flattered on both measures! :twilightsmile:

Hah, cheers for recommending it there! I remember Ilsaw praising it back in the day. He'd have been tickled to have it recommended back to him.


I'm at least as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to get it out there at last, guaranteed.

The Chinese site's really cute. Lovely people on it, smart commenters if you can ask a translator to sit down with you.

Apparently looking through them's messed up my search history though, because I tried to buy a copy of Cat's Cradle from Amazon last week and they assumed I wanted the Mandarin translation of it.

They do seem like a nice, wholesome crew on that site. Get that Mandarin copy of Cat's Cradle. Immersing yourself in it could increase your already-high niceness and wholesomeness tenfold.

To whoever interacts with MrNumbers after this and finds him wholesomer (a word, honest) and nicer, you know which Chinese-language website to blame.

A sequel to one of my top favorite stories? Yes, please! :pinkiehappy:

Glad the first was accounted among your top favourites! I hope the sequel lives up to it. :twilightsmile:

Ooh, nice. Not sure when I'll get to it, given how horsewords-packed my reading queue already is (I was hoping to get through all of that today, but, you know, then a bunch more horsewords fell in, as they do), but it's going on a short list, at least. :)
(And nice cover art! That corvid looks quite cute, especially given the species's, ah, reputation. :D)

Nae worries about time taken! With everyone biding at home, I suspect horsewords are thicker on the ground than they would be otherwise.

That corvid looks quite cute, especially given the species's, ah, reputation. :D

Even the most dreaded of recorded Cormaers started their careers as wee balls of grey fluff.

"Nae worries about time taken! With everyone biding at home, I suspect horsewords are thicker on the ground than they would be otherwise."
Thanks! And aye, I'm suspecting that myself. :)

"Even the most dreaded of recorded Cormaers started their careers as wee balls of grey fluff."
A: True, true. :D
B: However, now I'm wondering which exact wee ball of grey fluff that is in the cover image. :D

That's a new corvid there, so don't worry, that particular wee ball of fluff's not a terrible harbinger of things to come. Not to say that previously-established terrible harbingers might not show up in some capacity. :raritywink:

Ah, righto; thanks. :D

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