• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

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My Episode Review on Three Pests in a Mess · 9:33pm Mar 29th, 2020

Greetings, Kemosabes?

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 29th episode analysis, I'm gonna be giving you guys my take of the Three Stooges's "The Pests in a Mess".

Here's the summary of it:

During an attempt to sell a patent, the Three Stooges are mistakenly thought by some crooks to be three other men who won $100,000. After escaping from the crooks, they accidentally shoot a mannequin. Thinking that they killed an actual person, though, the Stooges decide to take it somewhere to bury it.

Having been wanting to review this short for quite some time, I really must say that, similar to "Uncivil Warriors", there was a slight plot hole that I can't help but be unable to overlook.

The plot hole is this:

After the Stooges try to stuff the "body" into a barrel, a cop approaches them and, thinking that it's trash, tells them to take it somewhere else, only to later discover the dummy and think that it's an actual body.

The prime problem was that it never showed how the Stooges got away from the cop after he started chasing them. That, and it was easy to tell that Curly dubbed a piece of dialogue at the last minute in the moment he was taking the body out.

Other than that, though, this short was another that I found to be nonstop fun!

Taking the chairs of both writer and director, Del Lord definitely didn't stop making himself known as one of the best Three Stooges filmmakers around. The comedy throughout the short was literally nonstop hilarious and fun, and the way Lord was able to make a ridiculous concept so entertaining was astounding. Despite how unbelievable a person mistaking a dummy for an actual body would obviously seem, the premise worked perfectly as a Stooges short.

The performances of the cast were great as well. Despite Curly not maintaining the same kind of splendor he had before, he still gave quite an energetic and funny performance. Plus, it was nice to see Moe and Larry have equal time to shine, and the trio's commitment to their material and their ability to deeply be into what they're doing hardly ceased itself from amazing me.

In the end, "Three Pests in a Mess" was another fun-filled member of the Three Stooges filmography that was absolutely hilarious and entertaining. Additionally, it's one of the very best shorts of the fourth volume set, even with the slight flaw in the plot being clear as day.

So, I rate "Three Pests in a Mess" 4½ out of 5 stars.

Comments ( 2 )

This episode has a special place in my heart because it was how my great gram (rest her soul) introduced me to The Three Stooges

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