• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem

More Blog Posts885

  • 181 weeks
    Here and back again

    Things are rough my darlings.

    Its a cold, rainy morning. My favorite kind. No snow. No slush. I adore this. Even more so that I am under a heavy quilt.

    I'll write more when I wake up I think...

    18 comments · 2,505 views
  • 185 weeks
    A story in three parts

    And home. Well. I'm not dead. Fancy that. Whatever the pain is, it's not my kidneys. Which is as baffling as it is reassuring. I very much am grateful of course, but...also...wtf darling. They handed me some pills and told me to get some rest. They plugged me up with all kinds of machines which will cost and a leg, but I'm home, and my kidneys are okay. And I'm alive for another day. So darlings,

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    7 comments · 893 views
  • 185 weeks
    The room

    31. Thats the number they gave me. Thats where I am. Room 31.

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    8 comments · 1,055 views
  • 185 weeks
    This art, this life

    Has...has it been a month already? I suppose it has been. More than that, even. How are you my darling little ponies? I've missed you. And writing. And having a properly functioning laptop that can handle little things like opening up an internet browser and loading writing programs.

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  • 191 weeks

    As you were. Oh, yes. Rarityeqm tis alive....sort of. Only sort of, these days. Mostly, I sleep. During the day. Restless, horrid sleep that does ever so little to stave off your wretched thirst for the sun. I'm drowning in darkness, my darlings. Tis cold here, in the wee hours of the morning. Behind me, my television muted. My coffee mug lovingly kissed and caressed the pot still bubbling across

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Lockdown pt 2 · 9:35am Mar 24th, 2020

Today, our state issued more levels of lockdown. Nopony allowed out of their homes unless it's an essential need. (Grocery stores, doctors appointments. Gamestop employees) It's making me begin to wonder if this epidemic is a lot more serious than we're being lead to believe. Like our government is lying to us to keep us from panicking. And they're right to do so. People are losing their minds over this. Did you know Florida Sewers are backed up due to people using shredded t-shirts as toilet paper? Of course they are. Because people are outright insane, and if we weren't panicking then, we'd be rioting in the streets if they told us the virus was as bad as the one in 'Contagion'

My friend has it.

One of my besties, actually. I hold regular calls with them, and they can't stop coughing and they claim they feel horrible. We can stay in contact with technology, but I'd be remiss to claim I was not worried. I wonder if perhaps it will get worse before it gets better. In the midsts of all this, I still need to pay rent. Ugh. And I've still no employment. Things are bleak.

Tonight, our Carbon Monoxide detector began to chirp at us. Every minute there was an exceedingly loud bleep. Now, common sense suggests it was the batteries that need be recharing. Occam's Razor. Still, though, with the potential of a gas leak, tis better to be safe than sorry. About a year ago, our hot water heater began screaming at us in the middle of the night. (really, why can't these things happen in the middle of the day?) and several parts had to be replaced. Since the heater is a potential source for gas, I was a tad concerned. We called maintenance, but, of course who is going to come over here to help us at 1 am in the morning in the midst of a deadly virus making the rounds. It took fourty-five minutes for them to get back to us, only to tell us a gas leak is impossible, since everything in the apartment is electric.

Well, that's great, but if that's the case, why have the detector at all? Regulations, one would assume. We changed the batteries and put it back on the wall, but it began chirping again. Curious. And, also unsettling. We pulled the batteries out just so we could get some sleep. But now, I'm here, listening to the rain outside my window and writing this 2:30 blog post. For the last month or so I've been managing some decent sleep, but as of a few nights ago, I fell off the wagon and insomnia scooped me back up. Guess it's time to go back to medication. I was so enjoying getting natural sleep. It's a shame, but I took to medication again and soon I'll be knocking upon Morpheus' door asking for entry.

I miss writing. It's been far too long since I've developed another story and actually finished it. Perhaps, with my newly gained time, I can commit some of it to a story or so. Perhaps something tantalizing. When's the last time I wrote any clop? Perhaps that's what I'll start with next.


Report RarityEQM · 264 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Not to alarm you, but millions of people are going to die from this.

I'll send some facts along in a bit, Lady Rarity. It is a serious situation but very survivable, if precautions are taken.

Be safe and stay healthy!

"Safer at home" executive order...
Too bad I'm an "essential" worker.
Because that's what's important during a pandemic, LED light fixtures...

I really hope your friend gets better. And I hope ya have a good day as well! :)

Hope you stay well. Drink plenty of echinecha tea and follow an anti-vial diet (lots of onions.) Just some ancestral wisdom.

We're holed up as well. Things will get worse before getting better. Stay safe.

Breathe. The worst thing we can do in times like this is panic.
Stay safe.

Garlic is good too.
Good for the heart which means good for the lungs, which is what the virus hits the hardest.

You have no way of knowing that! This may all blow over by summer. I hope I'm right, but I do expect the deaths to be in the 100 thousands. That's horrible, but it's better than MILLIONS.

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