• Member Since 30th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Sarah Dino Runnerhoof

Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.

More Blog Posts82

  • 134 weeks
    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night!

    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night Everypony!
    I hope everyone is having a great night and staying safe.
    I am having a great time as well. I had a few trick or treaters. I am currently hanging out at a Halloween party with my family so I can't be on here for long.

    I hope you all enjoyed all the music blogs that I did.

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    3 comments · 238 views
  • 135 weeks
    Just Halloween Music! Plus Ponies!

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Halloween and Ponies one!

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    0 comments · 191 views
  • 135 weeks
    DOOM and One winged angel (A Re-do)

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's DOOM and One Winged Angel edition! This has to be my favorite one!

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    0 comments · 204 views
  • 135 weeks
    Halloween Music: Requiem For A Dream

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's the Requiem For A Dream edition!

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 135 weeks
    Halloween Music: Rock Edition

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Rock Music Edition!

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    0 comments · 130 views

Coronavirus outbreak and other things!!! Must read!!! · 4:54pm Mar 18th, 2020

Hello Everypony!
I have been offline and online a lot because me and my Dad, we haven't been out in public. My Dad doesn't have wifi and i don't want to burn up his phone data. My grandparents have wifi so i am currently at their place. I only come on here to check blogs, a friend, and my Boyfriend when i am not in a wifi place.

Since Virginia closed down all of their schools, I have been sitting around playing Final Fantasy 10, doing some research on the breakout, talking with my mom who lives in Washington State, and doing other things. There have been some cases near the county were I live and I am pretty scared about it. I hope me, my family and friends, and you guys don't get this pathetic Coronavirus crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you do go out in public, remember to do these 5 safety tip things that I came up with and take it seriously:

1. Don't touch your face!
2. Wash your hands a lot!
3. Stay away from people that seem or are sick!
4. Cover your cough and sneeze!
5. Don't overbuy things! Only get what you need people!!

Don't go out in public, unless you need to, because you don't really know who has it.

If you start to show these symptoms, according this link:
immediately seek medical treatment and stay away from your family members and friends!

Don't just rely on people's blogs, videos, and other social media stuff because they might be very wrong or spreading wrong info. Please use your common sense and follow the advice of the govt. Look at official sources like these link which is VERY reliable: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

Here's a link to updates about it:

I have been talking to my boyfriend, Bradybunch, alot these past few days because I am really worried for him. I am also worried for other people, not just him. I have told him to be safe told him the 5 safety tips (above) and he takes it seriously. He just came from Idaho to Maryland and he's doing alright. I did say to him if I do come down with the Coronavirus, I would let him know.

Tomorrow is our 4 mouth anniversary because we've been dating for 4 mouths and I am incredibly happy about that, despite we have created some issues which is mainly my problem but he still loves me very much!! Every time when he talks to me, I feel so happy, warm, and comfortable! He's like a light that brightens up my day and he said the same thing to me. He said that I'm like a light that would be very hard to replace and I absolutely agree with him. Me and him, we love each so freaking much and we don't want to split up which I hope never happens.

I said this to him one night and he loved it:
"You are a light in my life that makes me feel warm, comfortable, and safe. I am a light in your life that makes you feel warm, comfortable, and safe as well. Me and you are very lucky to have each other in our lives. We love and care for one other. We support one other and talk to one other. We look out for one other, making sure that we are doing alright. Whenever one of us is not doing well, we comfort each other. We are honest with each other, telling each other how we are feeling and what we are thinking about. We tell each other what we have planned for the day ahead of us. We take our time to be together and talk to one other.
What I mean is… We love each other so freaking much. I love you so much baby and I really mean it! I know that you love me so much as well Braden. We are like soulmates. I really do wish that we could meet in real life darling."
I worked so hard on this message to him that night!

I would like to make an apology to one really good and silly friend of mine, FourShadow because i saw a conservation between her and my boyfriend on his profile page and i thought they were flirting. This happened on Friday the 13th! I was crying really badly because I thought he didn't love and the reason for that is because she's more cuter and sillier than me. I even wished that coronvirus would my take life but i don't it! But my boyfriend said this to me, I do feel a little better, and I do believe him wholeheartedly. I did apologize to him, then later to FourShadow.

BradyBunch said:

We've been over this before. FourShadow isn't an option. I can have friends that are girls. Don't feel bad for yourself for thinking that way, though. You're still mine. You and I are still together with no issues except the ones we create.

FourShadow, my dear, please forgive me for being jealous and fast thinking without thinking it though. I can get like that sometimes and I can get pretty ugly but I am still your friend. I just got to control my emotions so please don't think any different of me.
*Boops da silly and snuggles with da silly!*

Speaking of Final Fantasy, I have been listening this song over and over again because it's so freaking good!!!!!!! It's from this blog!

I have been listening this and thinking about the spread of the Coronavirus! I think this song represents the outbreak extremely well!! I have listened to the song so many times now and I haven't gotten sick of it yet!

Well, everypony, I hope you all will stay safe and don't get the Coronavirus!
Have a great day!

It took me about two hours to type all of this on my computer so go easy on me!!!

Comments ( 28 )
Comment posted by Bronycommander deleted Mar 18th, 2020

Dino, it's fine.

Look, if it's any consolation, I honestly don't have any romantic feelings to Brady or really, anyone that I'm friends with on this site. I'm just a silly ole goofball trying to make people happy. I can understand that it doesn't work for everyone, but I do try. So as far as we're concerned, you're fine.

Yeah I am trying to make the best with what this whole virus ordeal causing chaos and such. I'm lucky I'm still able to attend work at the library, though now we got this daily ordeal of having 'Zoom' meetings which are kind of like 'Skype' but it's all strictly business. In any case, most of the events and stuff around the county are either postponed or cancelled entirely not to mention it's been difficult finding certain meats and other means. Course, I'm not letting this ordeal bother me as much as I do take care of myself (Mostly washing up). Even with things like fitness training being cancelled for my Monday sessions, I still work out from home though I'll be severely mad if I can't do karaoke sessions at the bowling alley for a while as singing in a way is kind of my escape from this harsh reality (Among a million other escapes and such).

I'm just hoping this whole ordeal is finally done because at least this isn't as bad as hurricane season, thankfully we still have electricity and 'somewhat' plenty of water (So long as we don't have to ration it).

It's my fault actually because I shouldn't had that type of feeling towards you anyway. I can be funky sometimes about certain things so don't take me the wrong way at times.
I am glad that we are fine Four!

*Boops your nose and scratches behind your ears*

And thank you for the follow!




Hey, no prob. Figured I'd give you one, since you're already following me.

Yeah, I understand that feeling. I'd rather stay home instead of going out!

*Scratches your cheek, ruffleing up the fur!*


Well, as long as you're taking full care of yourself that's all that matters.

For me, I'd be find staying at home after the 'first' few days it would be like, 'A few days of isolation? Sure, I can do this..."

But then eventually...


The irony of that in my head is that it would probably only be five 'minutes' (Though it would feel like 'six').

I hate staying in the house for a few days but I keep myself occupied!

Well at least it's not like hurricane season and we still having running water and electricity.

Yeah. Just be thankful for that!

Stay safe, luv!

Also very mature mindset of you, good for you!

You also stay safe as well!

Yes, I wanted to make sure that people take this seriously and someone said to me that I'm making a big deal of it but I want people to be safe

I pray we all stay healthy

may we both see the other side of all this

I use Zoom for all my classes as well. Everyone of my generation is using Zoom now because of the pandemic.

Fifty years later our grandchildren will be telling us:
"Ok Zoomer" :facehoof:

Possibly... If not 'probably'.

I just hope what we find on the other side is a nice place

speaking of, how are things now given the time that has passed?

Well, where I live there have been some reported cases and new ones coming up. I am trying to stay relaxed and calm.

I have heard my neighborhood has it bad, so i feel the same

I just hope this disease just dies down soon.

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