• Member Since 28th May, 2012
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Sometimes you lose yourself in your own narcissism. That's when you find out you might be the bad guy.

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  • 2 weeks
    Played the new G5 game.

    Got an idea for a story like how the first game gave me a couple story ideas.

    Overall, way better game than the first one. Had some issues with it but it felt way more interesting than the previous game. Plus having all the G5 Mane 6 in it to do things felt better than having Sunny run around Maretime Bay and sometimes meet her friends.

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  • 7 weeks
    Watching MLP G1 and G2. There's Definitely Ideas In Here To Use For Stories.

    Finished watching the entirety of the G1 series (84-87) and halfway through G2 series (93)

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  • 11 weeks
    Going on an unexpected, but short, vacation

    I will be mostly away from all things electronic due to the vacation.

    Writing still going well though- won't write stuff on my phone unless inspiration strikes, since this is a family vacation over at least a few days of my nieces' spring break, and I know I'm all about some vague idea of "routine" and editing on my phone is possible but not my favorite thing to do.

    See you in a few days.

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  • 15 weeks
    Writing Again

    Have been chipping away at the next chapter of my big G5 story and I relaxed by playing the new Yakuza/ Like a Dragon game. Almost no lifed it, had an absolute blast with the story and characters and coming back to writing my own stuff feels fresh again.

    Dunno when its coming out because sometimes I work on two stories concurrently but stuff is back to normal and that's a good thing.

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  • 18 weeks
    Released another story- not my normal fare

    I work on a few different projects between the big ones I focus on. I've spent like 2-3 years on this one to make me even comfortable to release it.

    Plan to release a chapter a day until its done. (There's 3 total chapters so its going to be a rather quick release)

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Day 2 of Corona: Finding Stuff So I Don't Get Bored A.K.A This Is A Zombie Shill Post · 3:22am Mar 18th, 2020

I'm not dead. Sick, probably with some type of flu symptom that i wsn't going away fully, but not dead. So let's see what changed in about a week.

Had to stay home for two days cause I got told I was exhibiting some cough like symptoms. Understandable and with me interacting with a ton of people frequently due to my position and where I work, I could have easily extracted a strain of the virus (note: I don't think I have it, but to be sure, I went with the idea that I did because I'd rather be safe due to knowing a lot of people with immunosuppressed systems) so I've had even more time just watching the world collapse into a mess of local hotspots. And its not like I can do shit. I mean with the ban on any gatherings above 10 people where I live, I have no ability to work due to my theater job (and fucked if that was going to go well if it wasn't shut cause every movie in at least a few weeks, if not everything is pushed back, the weekend hauls of movies are cut to near zero, and even before the theater was shut, we were cleaning like the beginning of a plague, with theaters being locked at, at most, half capacity.

It was like being on the Titanic and watching the water come over you in slow motion while the band plays. Everyone was paranoid, everything was unknown, and each day was a new challenge and fear that things were going to be bad. Not to mention that the stock market is just shitting the bed right now, so my mom's rather worried about her stocks and all that, a possible recession due to this, and the supermarkets look like something out of a zombie movie.

So what in the hell have I been doing? Playing games. Reading cookbooks, playing instruments, and writing. Also a lot of sleeping cause I know when a depressive episode is coming on, and the mix between the coming pandemic and the chance that I would have no job for an as yet undefinable amount of time wiped me out mentally. Totally honest, but even though I have prepared for every eventuality (I'm actually kind of an end of the world scenario fan. Either that's my millennial ennui coming out or the diagnosed anxiety and depression numbing me to the situation.

So what if the world is out of toilet paper, the restaurants are carry out or delivery only, and everything is an online situation? I'm just observing a zombie outbreak in reality. Well, with some modifiers. No zombies. But the government ordering everyone to remain calm and stay in their homes? Stopping funerals? Stopping gatherings? Stopping the general happenings of everyday life that we take for granted? That's a zombie movie.

So I would have wrote more story, but a niggling idea came to me. I love zombie movies. And this situation is like a zombie movie. So why not make a list of good zombie material to watch. It would have been a longer list, but my Facebook was acting up, and with this being a copied post of mine, well I had to end it there.

Biohazard: A Handy List of Entry Points Into Zombies (Or What Is My Favorite Zombie Stuff)

I really like zombies and this current climate made me think about a lot of zombie stuff cause what else can I do. More a one take, stream of consciousness thing than a fully edited research paper of the psychological effects of zombies. Only includes zombie media I have actual experienced due to the genre being chock full of stuff and even I had to be selective. So if I forgot one, you can mention it.
In effect, I had a lot of time to think about zombies. Note: I did not include the Night of the Living Dead and its sequels due to it being really well known and the example of a zombie classic. In effect, this is a pass to say, while Romero wasn't always a hit, his creative mind made each of his zombie movies interesting. Even if their social commentary might miss the mark sometimes.


White Zombie (1933)- Often seen as one of, if not the first, zombie movies. Interesting since it has a voodoo origin for the zombie curse since the Romero hybrid was non existent. Stars Bela Lugosi as the evil zombie master.

Train To Busan (2016) South Korea likes their zombies, and with this movie, we have zombies on a train. Well, actually South Korea falling apart while a zombie outbreak happens. But I just call it the "Zombies on a Train" movie cause it's good and spoiling stuff is not cool. Plus, this is easily found on Netflix last time I checked, so the accessibility factor is high.

28 Days/ 28 Weeks Later (2002, 2007) The British take on the zombie formula. Similar in tone to other movies around this time (see 2004's Dawn of the Dead- the first R rated movie I ever saw, and the movie that really got me on zombies in general). Fast moving zombies with some rather fun gore at times.

Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) A rare Christmas musical zombie film. Is it good? Depends. Is it memorable? Definitely. Wished this had a wide release since it felt like this got shunted to streaming real quick. But its a stupid fun time and seeing all the chaos in the background while our protagonists sing about the end of the world is worth at least a mention.

Zombi 2 (1979) A sequel to Zombi- the Italian re-edit of Romero's Dawn of the Dead. Lucio Fulci, Italy's own Godfather of Gore builds a fun little movie. Extremely memorable for a scene where a zombie fights a shark. Low budget and still rather impressive for the limitation. Italian horror in the 70's and 80's was pretty hardcore. (For similar movies by, or involving Lucio Fulci, see Zombi 3, and the Gates of Hell trilogy.

Black Sheep (2006) A New Zealand horror comedy? where zombie sheep bite people and they turn into human sheep hybrids. Kind of a B movie and all kinds of silly, with the irreverent black humor that a premise like this needs. Also the weresheep transformation, while odd, holds up due to practical effects and a whole lot of darkness.

Braindead/ Dead Alive (1992) Peter Jackson's take on zombies is bloody and comedic. Seriously, this is one of the goriest movies I have seen- sure, its comedic gore but its just so in your face and constant that it gives Evil Dead a run for its violent gore money. Weirdly, one of the funnier and odder takes on zombies. This also might have been Jackson's pitch for directing 2005's King Kong since Skull Island is mentioned as where some scientists get an infected monkey or whatever.

Cabin In The Woods (2011) More a parody of every horror movie trope ever- but still a decent enough horror send up with a mention of zombies and a few to deal with. Also its one of the only movies I know of where a unicorn impales a person. Probably on my top ten list for favorite movies.

The Dead Don't Die (2019) Odd Jim Jarmusch take on zombies. Has an odd self referential ending, but the pastiche of small town cops fighting zombies with a katana wielding lady with like aliens and zombies and a whole mess of stupid stuff happening? With an A tier cast? Check it out cause while it was not my favorite movie of last year, it was at least memorable.

I Am A Hero (2016) A Japanese adaptation of what I think of as the best zombie manga- I Am A Hero is just so fun and cool that I don't want to give away much of anything besides that a fat dude who is a fan of guns has to deal with a zombie apocalypse and twists and turns and everything. The movie goes places, the manga does even crazier things.

I Am Legend (2007) Will Smith does his best in the third adaptation of I Am Legend. Except this time the vampires are zombies. Seriously, the original book is great, but don't read it if you want a zombie story. The atmosphere in this is good and the shots of destroyed New York are beautiful for the time. Love this movie, even if its not 100 percent accurate to the source material.

Pet Sematary (1989) First, and personal favorite, adaptation of Stephen King's Pet Sematary. Its a classic. Love me some Stephen King and his takes on folklore and zombies is fun.

Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) Ed Wood's supposedly "worst movie in the world" is a charming, if bumbling, take on a mess of 50's movies. Aliens, zombies, weird sets, and mistakes abound in this independently made film. Ed Wood had a vision, a never fully realized one, but a vision.

Rampant (2018) A historical drama with zombies, Rampant is focused on the Joseon period in South Korea and has some good fun kung fu action and sword fighting with zombies. While I would choose the Netflix, and much more grounded, version Kingdom (I still have no clue why two different projects focused on the same plot, probably never will) this is a fun intro to how crazy Asian films can get.

REC (2007) A Spanish zombie movie shot in found footage style. Probably one of the scarier entries on here- at least to me. Also well known because of the American remake Quarantine (2008) Personally, I like the Spanish version better and it has that kind of scare factor I don't see often with the news reporter being caught and quarantined in an infected apartment building.

Return of the Living Dead (1985) A spinoff/ sequel to the Night of the Living Dead. Made its own series of sequels so this is full of fun movies. Not as well known as Romero's stuff, but still cool and like Peter Jackson's Braindead, the zombies are almost impossible to kill. This nihilistic take on Cold War, 80's punk movie is one of the more memorable takes on zombies. There's some smart zombies. And I like smart zombies.

The Crazies (2010) A remake of George Romero's 1973 film of the same name- the film is set in a fictional Iowa town. Which, with how infrequently Iowa is used as a setting, is a fun little detail and it feels fun. The makeup in this is really neat, with the final infection look featuring tons of black veins and odd bugged out eyes. And I'd take watching this over Twister, since this was a good take on a crazy zombie or paranoid zombie, while, like Twister, being shot in Iowa. Or at least partially shot in Iowa. Give me more midwestern zombie movies. A real corn filled masterpiece of zombies.

Scooby Doo: Zombie Island (1998) Yes, a Scooby Doo movie gets on here cause it is still the scariest one of the bunch and the nice twist of monsters being real and the homage to The Blair Witch Project in the sometimes found footage feeling of the animated film give it some more heart than the average Scooby movie. And I love me some Scooby Doo, but this is my favorite. Probably shouldn't have watched it when I was like seven, but it definitely scarred my mind about zombies for a while.

Shaun of the Dead (2004) Another one of my favorite films in general, this zombie comedy is something I could rewatch all the time. It's irreverent, goofy, and kind of stupid; its also well shot and has decent makeup and an okay plot for a movie that honestly didn't expect a plot besides "loser dudes try to survive zombies and go to pub". 10 out of 10 laughs were had.

Zombieland, Zombieland 2: Double Tap (2009, 2019) Probably the most consistent series of zombie films. Horror comedy done right with some fun twists in the sequel. Also a star studded cast that gives the material some heart. Love these movies and I want a third one.

TV shows

The Walking Dead: 10 seasons, some better than others, but the AMC adaptation of the comic book of the same name by Robert Kirkman was the cutural zeitgeist when it first came out. Probably gave people ideas that comics could be translated into well liked shows. And so, even if the later seasons dipped and rebounded in quality, I will give the show that. Also, for a tv show, the gore in this is pretty good and the story is decent if dragged on a bit too much- though I blame the source material at points.

Kingdom: South Korean period drama. Also probably the most consistent and good two seasons of tv I've seen in years. The zombies look amazing, the violence and gore in this is admirable, and the sheer amount of effort that the cinematography and costuming that the production has is wonderful. I may be hyping this up a tad bit, but this was the one Netflix show I watched like a hawk to make sure stuff was coming out and when I could binge it immediately. It's like if Game of Thrones was Korean.

Santa Clarita Diet: A well off family has to deal with the fact that their mother is now a zombie and needs to eat people to survive. Not really my thing since it was good, and focused more on the family dynamics and drama, but it is something creatively different. And Drew Barrymore is in it and she's great.

The Returned (Les Revenants): French drama about people coming back from the dead. Wished there was more seasons, but its fine. It's a small town drama with twists and emotional beats and everything. Plus its foreign. So that's a plus.


Kabineri of the Iron Fortress: Zombie like creatures and steampunk like setting mix in an Attack on Titan-esque plot where the main characters have to save the day. It's fine, but the setting alone makes up for the fineness of the series. At least it doesn't have a lot of fanservice, which I usually despise with a passion.

School-Live!: Cute girls doing cute things at school or at home isn't a genre that would blend well with zombies. Well, then there's School-Live! where three girls do cute things at school. But the twist is everyone they love is dead, their classmates are dead, and they are the survivors of a zombie apocalypse. By the plot alone, I decided to pick up the manga and its fun and decent.

The Empire of Corpses: An alternate reality version of 19th century England where zombies are used as manual labor. Stars John Watson and a mix of historical and literary figures in this odd take on Britain and a tale on John Watson retrieving a method to reanimate corpses with souls. Odd story, cool premise. My kind of thing.


GYO: Junji Ito's odd tale of zombie fish connected to metal legs with a serving of zombie apocalypse and body horror. Junji Ito knows how to draw horrifying nightmares that are both goofy and disgusting at the same time. He is probably my favorite manga creator because he knows how to use a page to tell a horror story.

I Am A Hero: As stated above, probably one of the better takes on zombies in manga. Also goes further, is more horrifying, and weirder than the movie. It is a creative mess and I love it.

Biomega: A scifi zombie story where the main character has to find and protect the girl who can cure and stop the oncoming zombie apocalypse. Beautiful artwork and a plot that sticks with me somewhat after more than a decade after reading, I'd say check it out.

Magical Girl Apocalypse: Combining two of my most disparate loves of Japanese manga- magical girls and zombies, this take on the zombie plague is brutal, gory and odd. I mean it goes immediately into the action and most of, if not all, the zombies are superpowered magical girls versus primarily normal people. So they explode into goo. It's not pretty.


Dead Winter: Not a lot of choices of zombie webcomics, but this was one that was okay. 13 years and still going decently strong- so while the art is okay at the beginning, it gets better. Plus zombie outbreak fiction is always fun and this weird sci fi action plot takes time to get going but it has some lighthearted moments and its at least better than the average webcomic. At least its not dead.


Revival: A rural noir comic where the dead come back to life. Violent and gory scenes interspersed with some weird immortality talk. Was it perfect? Probably not, but it got me to start buying comics again a few years ago.

Zombies vs. Robots: Zombies vs. Robots in a postapocalyptic world fighting over the last human. Short and to the point and collected in one graphic novel.

Marvel Zombies: Marvel Universe meets zombies. Sometimes is of variable quality and art.

DCeased: DC comics meets the antilife equation technovirus type plague. It's the most recent comic on here and it kind of is just okay with some odd characterization issues

Comments ( 3 )

Train To Busan (2016) - I was super impressed by this film.
Shaun of the Dead - All of these guys films together are amazing but this and Hot Fuzz hold a special something..
I Am Legend - Another I rather liked. Got me Will Smith, who I very much enjoy seeing on the big screen there too...

And that's about it for me... I'm not usually big on Zombies (I prefer cute stuff...)

Sounds like things are mental over there...
NZ isn't that nuts yet.

If I ever had a chance to do a movie script it’d be a horror movie. Zombie film cause they tend to have a wide range of tones and can be creative with the social commentary when done well. Plus you can do a lot of fun things with peoples reactions to a global pandemic. Ironically seen in how people are acting like the entire world is ending.

And yes. It’s pretty bad here. Can’t remember the last time I saw a supermarket without stock. Or restaurants in effect closed. Limiting gatherings is a new one though that’s really rare.

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