• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem

More Blog Posts885

  • 180 weeks
    Here and back again

    Things are rough my darlings.

    Its a cold, rainy morning. My favorite kind. No snow. No slush. I adore this. Even more so that I am under a heavy quilt.

    I'll write more when I wake up I think...

    18 comments · 2,489 views
  • 184 weeks
    A story in three parts

    And home. Well. I'm not dead. Fancy that. Whatever the pain is, it's not my kidneys. Which is as baffling as it is reassuring. I very much am grateful of course, but...also...wtf darling. They handed me some pills and told me to get some rest. They plugged me up with all kinds of machines which will cost and a leg, but I'm home, and my kidneys are okay. And I'm alive for another day. So darlings,

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    7 comments · 893 views
  • 184 weeks
    The room

    31. Thats the number they gave me. Thats where I am. Room 31.

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    8 comments · 1,051 views
  • 184 weeks
    This art, this life

    Has...has it been a month already? I suppose it has been. More than that, even. How are you my darling little ponies? I've missed you. And writing. And having a properly functioning laptop that can handle little things like opening up an internet browser and loading writing programs.

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    9 comments · 502 views
  • 190 weeks

    As you were. Oh, yes. Rarityeqm tis alive....sort of. Only sort of, these days. Mostly, I sleep. During the day. Restless, horrid sleep that does ever so little to stave off your wretched thirst for the sun. I'm drowning in darkness, my darlings. Tis cold here, in the wee hours of the morning. Behind me, my television muted. My coffee mug lovingly kissed and caressed the pot still bubbling across

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    10 comments · 585 views

Lockdown · 10:27am Mar 16th, 2020

Hello, darlings. Rarity here. I've been a tad on the reclusive side of late. A very select few know why. I haven't really been terribly vocal about it, but: I've lost my job. It was coming, surely. Layoffs, you see. Numerous ponies where I work were forced out, but...there's more to it than that. Regardless, Lady Rarity was afforded another chance. Oh, yes. They offered her another position, and said she'd get confirmation on the 16th. She gets to start her job, get paid, make rent. Take care of herself.

And then...

Last night I got the news. Seattle, neigh, the entire state of Washington is on lock down due to Corona Virus. That means restaurants, bars, or establishments of recreation or entertainment will be shut down. Closed until further notice. No gatherings of more than 50 and no gatherings of under 50 without safety guidelines put in place. In other words, Lady Rarity is screwed out of a job, yet again.

of course, There are bigger issues at stake. A deadly virus roaming the country side, killing people. Yes. I've not been about very much of late. Nothing to write. No interest. I've been preoccupied with other things in life. My laptop is where all my stories come from, and as of late it's not been very useful as it's on its last legs. My darling brother Olden has offered to send me a replacement but as of currently, I'm not terribly interested in writing anything. At all. I've been trying to, but the mojo simply isn't there. Perhaps tis due to other reasons.

in other news...

I lost a friend today. Another to add to the list of several over the years. Lady Rarity is not terribly good at communication. I've several skills I've acquired in life, but prompt responses have never made the list. I'm bad at keeping in contact. A character folly of mine. A personal flaw. I'm terrible at it. Chalk it up to A.D.D. Chalk it up to crippling depression. Chalk it up to forgetfulness. Do not attribute it to me believing I'm too good to respond to you. That's not the case at all. That's nothing of the sort. I'm just bad at responding to people in a timely manner. Maybe I get distracted easily. Maybe my brain just doesn't have anything to say at the time of receiving the message, and I forget about it or maybe I just flat out am a trash pony who doesn't deserve to be spoken to in the first place. Probably. A number of ponies on this site have spoken to me about this, that or the other and a number of ponies are probably waiting responses form me. I promised Mochastar I'd read their Rarity story, and give them a shot out. I did, but I forgot about the shout out part. (You really should go and read it, though, Found here) and NC mares still has a story I promised I'd write them, but never got around to finishing because I ended up hating the project and I'm dreadful with deadlines. B_25 has yet another story I promised them, and dozens of others and lord I'm sorry.

This is why I only do gifts for other people and never touch commissions. I'm dreadful at following through with things. If I end up dying from this disease roaming through Seasaddle, I should like you all to know I'm dreadfully sorry for being so behind in my promised literature.

Report RarityEQM · 236 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
Wanderer D

Hey chin up, we're here for you if you ever need to chat.

I hope you are in a safe place and have plenty of necessities on hoof, Lady Rarity. First and foremost, stay safe and healthy!

Though you didn't say, I'm presuming that all businesses are closed, but business doesn't stop entirely, as I've heard that many places that can have their employees working from home. You might contact your future employer today and establish whether that have closed completely or are still working at a limited schedule. In either case, you can find out what they are doing during this crisis and leave a message or be put in contact with someone who can help. Letting them know you are still interested in the position and finding out specifically what they are doing will make a good impression on them and ease some of your own concerns, at least in as much as possible.

I can only speak for myself, dear Lady but I've come to regard you as a lovely pony and a dear friend. Part of friendship is learning about others and accepting them as they are; everypony and every person has strengths and flaws. But each and every one of us is important and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm sure your ADD and depression are frustrating to you, but a friend whom cares about you will know this about you and be supportive. Those who cannot are missing an opportunity to know a pony (and person) who is a good friend and a talented writer. Hopefully, there are many that think as I do, Lady Rarity.

Please do take care and know we are thinking of you and hoping for your health and success. Please keep us informed and know our most positive thoughts are with you!

I think a lot of people struggle with communication, you're not alone with that.

Be safe. And sorry about the friend, but people like that who jump to conclusions are rarely good at friendship.

You may very well be right about that, darling.

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