• Member Since 30th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Anthro Fanatic

A fan of MLP, Steven Universe, Infinity Train, The Owl House, Eurovision Song Contest, Dance Dance Revolution, and BBC Sound of... longlist

More Blog Posts657

  • 4 weeks
    Unfortunate news...

    Hey y'all! It's been a while since I logged in here. Life has thrown me and my family a curveball for the first 4 months of 2024. As the title suggests, I regret to inform my friends and followers here that my mom passed away on April 9, 2024 at the age of 65 due to stage 4 non-smoker lung cancer. I'm going to tell you what happened to her in another blog.

    2 comments · 53 views
  • 29 weeks
    Panini is a creep

    Panini having the audacity to tell Chowder he's the clingy one is a form of gaslighting. She's the one who's clingy and obsessed with him and constantly stalks and harasses him. She doesn't get Chowder's "I'm not your boyfriend" message into her thick skull.

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    0 comments · 191 views
  • 30 weeks
    A particular instance of a white actor voicing an Asian character

    I can imagine the outrage on the Internet if Jeff Bennett providing the voice of Raj in Camp Lazlo exists in today's time.

    People would call him a racist for using an Indian accent for the character yet he's not of Indian descent.

    1 comments · 138 views
  • 31 weeks
    Update on my Discord situation

    I got my old account back, but I don't want to use it anymore because it was compromised by the hacker. I also removed all my friends from the list to protect them.

    I created a new account. The username is anthrofanthe2nd. The display name is Anthro F. II. My profile pic is blue northern lights.

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    0 comments · 80 views
  • 31 weeks
    I don't want to use Discord anymore

    The whole debacle that occurred last night left me absolutely traumatized. I ended up crying and sulking because that motherfucker put me through shit and the other motherfucker threatened to call the police on me for something I didn't do. This was the first time I've ever experienced this on the site. The hacker who has stolen my account is going after my friends to victimize and/or scam them

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Things I hate about boomers · 9:19am Mar 3rd, 2020

1. They don't take responsibility when they did something wrong
2. They refuse to apologize for the mistakes they made
3. They don't admit their faults for hurting others
4. They pretend that these things never happened
5. They always use the "I'm old" excuse to get away with wrongdoings

The time to break this toxic cycle is now. Stop sweeping stuff under the rug and start acknowledging the fact that when you're wrong, you're wrong. Not only to boomers, but to people from all generations.

Comments ( 13 )

The sixth offence they commit is assuming that the job and housing market is the same as when they were kids. It isn't.

They also get free healthcare, free prescriptions and bus and train passes. Most of them are millionaires.

Guess who pays for their freebies? We do.

And they think that they pay for their child's college when they are the reason why students can't afford it.

Yes indeed. Unfortunately, governments won't move against them as they vote, and young people don't.

Comment posted by Lunas prince deleted Mar 3rd, 2020

A good friend of mine has dealt with a couple of boomers who didn't follow the rules at the gym. The management didn't do anything about it. What's worse is that those boomers bring food like it's a fiesta when the gym is supposed to be for working out to lose weight and burn calories. They try to shove food in her mouth, which clearly pissed her off because they have no idea that she's busy exercising and trying to achieve her fitness goals.

Comment posted by Lunas prince deleted Mar 3rd, 2020

It's not generational hate. It's economics. Most boomers can afford to pay for their own healthcare, and yet they get it for free. That isn't right.

Well hate is too much i dont hate them its not in me to hate them just annoying

The ones who call all millennials lazy and entitled irritate the hell out of me, especially when they tell you just to be grateful for a minimum wage job. Granted I'm from the tale end of Gen X, but at least many millennials seem like they're trying to fix the world, rather than just pretend it's okay.

Never actually seen a bomber like that,
Personally I am more annoyed by the stereotypical millennial.

There are boomers like that in the East, especially where I'm from and it's hurting the youth's mental health.

I also think the youth should be able to take that things will not be easy in life and that life does not cut much slack. Don't stop them from falling, be there to pick them up. Excessive bullying I can understand a toll on mental health, but I think helicopter society and bulldozer parents are far worse, they produce the exact millennials who shriek at everything, the kind that Seinfeld refuses to do comedy for because they are entitled brats who won't be able to function in society.

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