• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

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My TV Show Review on Star Trek: The Original Series · 2:26pm Feb 27th, 2020

Greetings and salutations, my friends.

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reviewer here reporting for duty.

Today, I'll be giving you all my 21st TV show analysis by doing my take of "Star Trek: The Original Series".

Here's the summary of it:

Taking place in the 23rd century, the series follows the adventures of James T. Kirk as he commanders the Starship Enterprise and travels the galaxy, where he also faces off against foes that not only endanger the lives of him and his crew, but the universe too.

Accompanying Kirk on these missions are Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, and Pavel Chekov among others.

In all honesty, this franchise wasn't something that I had gotten into ever since I was born, so I wasn't a Trekkie. However, I did grow an interest for the franchise after seeing the three reboot films, and I even found myself wanting to give the older installments a shot after seeing them.

And I really must say, I can see why this show is so significant. IT'S PHENOMENAL!

For instance, the acting, casting, characters, and character development were among what I found to be the best parts. The diversity of its cast and characters was deeply admirable, especially in terms of ethnical and country background. The performers themselves portrayed their characters with strong emotion, personality, and sense of dimensionalism, which helped them to be extremely human.

Out of all the cast members and characters, my favorites were that of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley as Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. I especially enjoyed the brotherly bond that the three of them shared and how much the real life friendship of the three actors translated into their characters.

The special effects that were used here and there were impressive as well. Even though the characters were mostly on either the ship or the planets, it astounded me on how the production team made great use of their budget and had everything seem like the characters really were in space or on another planet.

The music that was composed by Alexander Courage was a magnificent showstopper, if I may say. For a composer of a television series, Courage certainly did know how to emotionally invest himself into his music to where it was on a cinematic level, and there was a vast amount of epicness to accompany it.

Finally, the overall storytelling and direction of the series was nicely done as well. Aside from repeating the same storylines a lot of times, I found everything to be overall intriguing and well-thought to a tee. My favorite part about it was the sense of balance it would have. In this case, many episodes would not only be dramatic and thrilling enough to put viewers on the edge of their seats, but there would be others with a humorous and witty tone to help ease the tension caused by the dramatic ones. At times, there'd even be ones that are dramatic with snippets of wit.

Now if I'm gonna be honest, the only detractors I couldn't help but note were how pushy the series would get about saying evolution is an actual science when it really isn't, as well as the anti-religious messages that were incorporated in many episodes. In terms of the latter, I can understand that its likely intention was to teach the dangers of worshipping things such as machines and statues. But, when you push it so far as to say that people should debunk their beliefs entirely, whether they're a Christian or a person of some other type of religion, that's where it's taking things too far.

In the end, "Star Trek: The Original Series" isn't flawless, but it's fun, intriguing, and extremely worthwhile.

So, I rate "Star Trek: The Original Series" 4½ out of 5 stars.

Stay tuned for the listing of my favorite and least favorite episodes of the series coming at some point in the future.

Comments ( 13 )

I still have a hard time deciding if I like this crew or the Next Generation crew better. I love 'em both. Spock, Scotty, Chekov, Bones, Kirk, they're all so charming and lovable. But so are Picard, Riker, Geordi La Forge, Data, Worf, and not Wesley.

Still my favorite show of all time. The original crew will always be the best, IMO. Can't wait for your best episodes list, and I can't wait to see your reviews on the original six movies.

Live Long and Prosper.

The TNG crew is okay. But I think all things considered I like TOS better.

But I could never really get why so many people hate Wesley. Maybe I just haven't watched enough of TNG to really get it.


Now if I'm gonna be honest, the only detractors I couldn't help but note were how pushy the series would get about saying evolution is an actual science when it really isn't, as well as the anti-religious messages that were incorporated in many episodes. In terms of the latter, I can understand that its likely intention was to teach the dangers of worshipping things such as machines and statues. But, when you push it so far as to say that people should debunk their beliefs entirely, whether they're a Christian or a person of some other type of religion, that's where it's taking things too far.

What’d you guys think of this part, by any chance? Was it reasonable?


The only races that are devoid of religion are the Borg (soulless machines) and the Vulcans (extremely logic and evidence driven to the point where emotions are considered taboo).

Romulans believe that all steps in Evolution are carefully planned by their God.
Klingons are a race of spiritual warriors.
Q is a Divine entity, part of a race of other Divine entities.
Even the Ferengi have a core concept of a religion, albeit a Capitalism driven one, which to me is bizarre but whatev.

This show has a lot more anti-atheism subtexts than anti-religion ones.

I think your problem is that you didn't spot any representation of your specific beliefs.:applejackunsure:

I haven’t even seen “The Next Generation” yet.

I think your problem is that you didn't spot any representation of your specific beliefs.:applejackunsure:

That wasn’t why I even criticized that element to begin with.

You're right: Q and the Borg are from TNG:twilightblush:
I do beg your pardon, I have the flu:twilightblush:

I actually have a hard time as well. Worf is pretty tough to deal with sometimes but is very cautious about certain situations.


This show has a lot more anti-atheism subtexts than anti-religion ones.

In all honesty, that was probably due to production standards of 1960s television. It's certainly not the central focus, but Star Trek has definitely gotten bolder in denouncing religion over the years. One episode of "Discovery" flat out said "faith is a lie".

Considering who the 'Real Gods' in the Star Trek Universe are: is that statement wrong?

Q for example is an absolute troll, even when he's objectively doing something good

I’ve finally gotten my list of what my favorite and least favorite episodes of the show are all ready, in case you guys are interested.

Way ahead of you, pal.

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