• Member Since 8th Aug, 2017
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Not Enough Coffee

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ~ Marcus Aurelius

More Blog Posts73


"I Ern't Dis..." A Introduction By B_25! · 7:03am Feb 26th, 2020


Coffee has been my pal for over three years, through many servers and groups, reviews and editing and stories and people and—these kinds of lines can go on forever, can’t they? He is my pal. And has been so for over three years.

Lore for places like this is easily forgotten, maybe for a good reason, perhaps for a bad one, or possible for none at all. But once upon a time three years ago, there was a reviewer’s group called ‘Reviewers Cafe.’

As you can guess. The theme was that of a cafe and the goal, as you may have guessed, was to review stories. How that resulted in so many fires… one can never know. Only this. The overvaluing of one’s opinions, followed by strange ambitions, muddle by insecurity, can lead to a lot of civil discourse. 

But that’s another topic for another writing.

Coffee and I used to be admins and reviewers for this group. The early components of our friendship were composed of three things. First was analyzing the qualities of stories; second was shit-talking the other members; third was devouring NC’s artwork. 

It should be said that, for a place set on fire, people hating each other, the one thing that brought us together… what everyone could agree on… was NC’s art. No matter the heat between members or the changes fought to the group. When it came to the banner and such decoration of the place—everyone voted NC.

This is not to overly praise him or anything of the sort. And these after-words are stripped of my usual rambles on morals logical-progression on ideas of that kind of thing. Writers plant seeds in their stories and blogs and, sometimes, they grow into fantastic things. 

And sometimes those seeds are a dud. But they come from a place, a time and a period composed of certain people to unique memories. When that cafe spread with flames and everyone, hating the other, sat around a wooden table… despite the mutual detesting of each other (Coffee and I never partook, of course), everyone found a hint of something special in those banters. 

It was the one time these people, lost to themselves, were then lost to something else. The admiring of art. Of remarking of every quality of a picture, matched by everyone posting their favourite, respectful of the other’s opinions, all settling, in mutual agreement, which one would go up. 

It was the only time in my most petty of days, where I was still much a loud-mouth kid, where I could drop any matter at all to talk about the art. It’d be a gag. Going off on a rant only for someone to post a piece from NC—”How the fuck are we going to accept bad dialogue when—holy FUCK he shaded that well.”

It became a meme.

Comments ( 3 )

you've got me tripping, I thought you were talking about me

Let's just say there are too many coffee names, am I right?

Anyway, I've had the same confusion with others of a similar name. Kek.

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