• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen April 23rd

Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...

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The Stars Revolt: Why Me? · 6:10pm Feb 24th, 2020

Shepherd: "Why did I end up here and not someone more qualified to analyze all this magic stuff? Like Neil deGrassi Tyson? Or Michio Kaku? Or Michael Collins?"

Twilight: "Who?"

Shepherd: "He was the third astronaut on Apollo 11."

Dash: "The guy who didn't land on the moon? Why him?"

Shepherd: "UGH! The reason he didn't walk on the moon is because, if the spacecraft computers failed-which they almost did-he was the only one who could do differential equations in his head and plot out a course to get Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin off the moon, to the command module, and back home safely! He was a math and science genius!"

Dash: "So... He didn't get all the fame and glory and had to stay behind because he was smart?"

Shepherd: "I-NO!"

Comments ( 3 )

So... He didn't get all the fame and glory and had to stay behind because he was smart?

Hey, when you're the least replaceable one on the mission there's no room for taking risks. Just ask Princess Celestia... wait, the linked story is a retelling of the premiere so none of that has happened yet. Never mind. No spoilers.

Dash: "So you're sayin' that nerds get shafted in your world?"

Shepherd: "No! ...Not really... I mean, not usually..." [Long pause, and then sighs] "....Yeah."

Dash: "Makes me glad I'm just plain awesome."

Shepherd: "Yeah? What's Fleetfoot's best time in the 1000 length dash?"

Dash: "5.4 seconds, but only on days she has a tailwind of at least fifteen trots per hour and has a carefully calc... cu...lated... light breakfast of... just about three hundred..."

Shepherd: [Looks smug and crosses his arms]

Dash: "...Shut up."

Shepherd: "I didn't say a thing, egghead."

Dash: "I know where you sleep."

Shepherd: "I know where you're ticklish."

Dash: "..."

Shepherd: "..."

Dash: "...I'm fine with that."

Shepherd: "OH FOR PETE'S SAKE"


Fluttershy & Twilight: "WE'RE NOT FINE WITH THAT!"

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