• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts513

  • 6 weeks
    If you were looking at the shirts I sell...

    ... they're about to go away. My shirt printer is retiring, and I have no replacement.

    After May 5 I'm going to take down the online order links on my little business's online store, and after this summer I'll clear out of whatever shirts I have left.

    So if you'd noticed any of these before, now's effectively the last chance.

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    1 comments · 139 views
  • 12 weeks
    Not back to KSP yet, but I did do some space stuff.

    I haven't touched KSP since my early experience with KSP2 was a combination of glitchy game and impossible-to-read UI. I've been thinking about it here and there, but I've had other things to do.

    But that doesn't mean I'm not doing space stuff, and yesterday I finally edited and posted a video of such.

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    9 comments · 356 views
  • 13 weeks
    My muse is nagging me.

    I've done very little writing the past five months, partly due to being busy, but mostly due to recurring headaches when it's writing time.

    I have a couple weeks off, and I'm going to try to make time to get back on my projects (the Octavia story and novelizing Peter is the Wolf). But my mind... well... it's trying to jump ahead, or possibly back.

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    7 comments · 260 views
  • 15 weeks
    Life imitates art...

    So, a privately built and operated space probe became the first US lander to soft-land on the Moon last week- Odysseus.

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    16 comments · 684 views
  • 18 weeks

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
    --- probably not Mark Twain

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    6 comments · 491 views

So who wants to be a meat shield? · 9:30pm Feb 22nd, 2020

In a few hours (7 PM Central tonight, 02-22-20) I'll be livestreaming XCOM: Long War on Twitch.

(http://twitch.tv/redneckgaijin/ )

Assuming bandwidth holds up, who wants an XCOM squaddie named after them?

(Probably won't be sent on the first mission of the night, though: we're starting out with the St. Johns bug hunt mission. Sending my first team out on that, if they're available. Of course it happened just before my lasers were finished...)

Comments ( 6 )

Well I suppose you can use my name. Though honestly my personal habit is to seed the character pool with a stream of characters named Krieger (nine-digit string of numbers) all with the same black uniform, assorted German voice pack, and Kevlar-gasmask combo. I make a new one every time I boot up the game, and by this point X-Com is entirely staffed by members of the Cult of Sacrifice.

I don't know why I've done this, but it's very entertaining.

You can use my name and I like the color blue and yellow on the character and wearing glasses with a beard and a fro

I wouldn’t mind. But are you still giving people in the stream named characters?

5208144 If they speak up, yes.

Gimme! Bravery is the most important stat. I am suited for scouting and suicide missions :D

There were several people in chat, so they got the names for now.

And pour one out for Sol Invicta and Axel Azabash, who met untimely deaths at the hands of alien forces. (Sol whiffed a close-range shot on a Muton, whose return fire didn't miss; and Axel Azabash got outflanked by an EXALT while protecting an operative going for a relay hack.)

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