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The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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    *eye roll*

    me checking the dislike ratio on my new story

    Glad to know bigotry is still alive and well in this fandom.

    It's glad to see some of us didn't watch the same series as I did.

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    So where I've been

    Okay, uh... how do I begin this? Well, I suppose I should start with the obvious. Yes, I've been distracted. If you follow me on Archive that should be obvious. And if you don't, you totally should btw. Yes, I'm shameless.

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  • 145 weeks
    Final chapter up

    Been a hell of a ride, honestly. I just apologize for dragging it on for so long.

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Top 5 Jedi · 6:31pm Feb 3rd, 2020

So, just for the hell of it, I decided to do this list. More after the break.

1. Ahsoka Tano

Do I really need to say why she made it to the top of this list? And yes, she's totally a Jedi despite what she said to Vader. A new type of Jedi, for a new age in solely need of some. Lived to see the end of the Clone Wars, lived to see the Fall of the Empire at Endor. Need I say more? May have even lived to see the Battle of Exegol. Trained by the Hero with No Fear, perhaps she surpassed the Master...

2. Starkiller AKA Galen Marek.

Yeah yeah, I know some of you were probably expecting Darth Revan but it was I, Galen! Seriously though, jokes and Dio memes aside I'm not sure Revan counts as a Jedi. He's not a Sith anymore either. Gray Sith? Is that even a thing? Anyways, yes I realize the picture is of his clone but as Kota said does it really even matter? In his timeline, Galen dueled the Emperor, and kickstarted and founded the Rebellion. Gave them a symbol to rally behind. I think that alone merits his high spot on this list. And he remains one of the only to come back from the Dark Side of the Force. And on Rebellion symbols...

3. Kanan Jarrus AKA Caleb Dume.

You know, for someone who was only a Knight? I'd say he did pretty good. Was one of the founders of the Rebellion, and trained another founding member. Do I need to say more about any of that? The Jedi version of Daredevil, Kanan Jarrus.

4. Kylo Ren AKA Ben Solo.

A life of tragedy seems to follow the Skywalkers. You know, I can sorta see why Cade wanted nothing to do with it in his timeline. Poor Ben, it was only at the end of his life he found solace. Raised by both Palpatine and Snoke, no groomed by them, the last of the Skywalker Bloodline -poor fashion aside- was possibly the most tragic. At least Anakin had some happiness, a wife and knowing he birthed two kids. Ben never got that.

5. Master Yoda

What can we even say about Yoda, hmm? Trained countless Jedi, including the one who would redeem Vader. We still don't actually know a lot about Yoda really, but what we do know is that there probably will never be another Jedi with this much wisdom under his belt. And yet even he had things to learn. The Dark Side, clouds the mind it does.

So, who are your picks?

Report The Bricklayer · 313 views · #Top #5 #Jedi
Comments ( 25 )

Nice list! :scootangel:

Ahsoka Tano, that's definitely on that list.

Obi Wan. Cause it's Obi Wan.

Kit Fisto, friggin' love that dude's smile and upbeat personality.


Ahsoka Tano, Plo Koon, Anakin Skywalker, and Qui-Gon Jinn.

Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn. and Galen Marik.

Not bad choices. My list is as follows:

1) Obi Wan Kanobi
2) Galen Marek
3) Yoda
4) Qui Gon Jinn
5) Ben Skywalker

Honorable mentions go to Revan, Mace Windew, and Ahsoka.

Yes! Kit Fisto Needs Love!!!

Revan all day. He was a jedi first.

See, the thing with Revan... he's a bit beyond that. He's neither Jedi or Sith. He's something a little bit more. He's what I call a true gray, someone who can walk both sides but tempted by neither.

My list would be :

1. Ahsoka Tano
2. Plo Koon
3. Qui Gon Jin
4. Shaak Ti
5. Quinlan Vos

Honorable mentions : Aayla Secura, Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto and Ki-Adi-Mundi







I notice an interesting trend here, aside from Ahsoka topping a lot of lists... Anakin's made nobody's list at all! Huh. What, no love for the Hero with no Fear?

He was on mine............

also, for good reason! Qui-Gon is one of the truest Jedi to ever live! Also, on Reven. he isn't a Grey Jedi or a Grey Sith, he is simply a Grey. Period. I think you said it somewhere else, IDK.

Whoops, so you did. My fault. But yeah, as I said to Famous Revan is a true neutral. He can tap into both sides of the Force without any issues.

And yeah, Gui-Gon is to me what it means to be a Jedi. No political allegiances, he just does what's right.

Indeed. Fav hero is Anakin. Fav gray Jedi is Galen. Fav Jedi is Qui-Gon. And the fav Grey is Reven.

(and fav outcast is Ashoka.)


For me it had to deal with both of their falls and redemptions. I enjoyed one more then the other. One was a hail mary while the other was earned through hard work.


I hesitate at first to put him in, but when you think about it, Anakin was always a lousy Jedi.

He sure was powerful, kind and courageous, but he was vastly arrogant and undisciplined. Though not entirely his fault. From the beginning he was said to be the chosen one with barely no one to restrain him, not fault to Kenobi either since he had to pick up where Qui Gon barely started when himself was not just promoted as a knight. Not to mention that most of the other Jedi were skeptic of him being the chosen one, especially the high counsel who didn't want him to be train at first which infuriated him to no end.

To be clear, his best moment as a Jedi was actually when he was in presence of Ahsoka. She was the reason he became a better man and the hero of the clone wars. Until the order turn their back on her.

In the end, the time where he was at best, was has Darth Vader. Despite all the cold, fear, suffering and hate he brought to the galaxy, he was a way better duelist and force user as Sith Lord than a Jedi. Which only amplifies the tragedy of his life, since he had to lose literately every thing to accomplice his peak while at his weakest.

Yeah, the problem is he was told he was the chosen one over and over without anyone to reign him in. Ahsoka was good for him, and Anakin could improvise a plan on the fly but they weren't always good ones. He's too reckless and impulsive, sometimes I wonder if Obi-Wan was the best Master for him. Obi-Wan was at times too regimented, or maybe the Code was just too regimented for Anakin. The Code, sadly only works with certain types. Anakin just doesn't fit with the Order as it was.

Yeah, Galen's a very different sort. He was even more isolated than Anakin, and really he was much liable to change even sooner as he was even younger than Anakin in a lot of respects, not just physically. Easier to meld but also easier to lose to something else. It helped his love interest was the only one who didn't stab him in the back.


It's actually both. As I said Obi Wan was not even knighted when he took Anakin under his wing. And for the Jedi order, they have long lost their way and have become short sighted.

That is why it was Qui Gon Jin who found Anakin. He was the perfect mentor. He was consider a maverick among the Jedi, being more grey in nature and openly oppose many times the counsel itself, following more the Force itself rather than the Jedi code. He was only allowed to stay with the order mostly because of his wisdom and despite their conflict believe the good the Jedi brings to the galaxy.

Yeah, I think Qui-Gon probably would have been the perfect mentor for so many reasons. No political ties, and willing to bend the rules just enough when he has to. That's what a Jedi should be, not the complacent lot the Order had become in later years. Even Yoda would later admit to the Council growing far too fat and proud, as of Rebels.

My picks?

1) Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's always been my favorite. He endured so much crap, so many horrible things, and still he kept going. I just find that infinitely admirable.
2) Qui-Gon Jinn. A good example of a Jedi not tied down by the Council, driven to do what is right.
3) Kanan Jarrus. Never made it beyond Knight, but he was just amazing the way he was.
4) Yoda. *The* old master. Need I say more?
5) Ahsoka Tano. Because she was awesome.

Honorable mentions? Anakin Skywalker (for The Clone Wars), Mace Windu (for Shatterpoint), Luke Skywalker, Shaak Ti.

Haha, indeed! XD
I thought you'd approve of seeing him on there. Rebels really became a great show, didn't it?

Yeah, season 1 started out 'eh' but as soon as it really got into gear with season 2... Oh yeah, that's when the fun began.

Agreed. And then Season Three came out... XD
Obi-Wan's final showdown with Maul is honestly one of my all-time favorite scenes from a Star Wars work, ever.

Yeah, it's not flashy but there's so much emotion behind it. Two old foes finally laying one rivalry to rest, I think it's a neat touch that Obi-Wan uses Soresu for the beginning of the duel but then switches to Ataru for a perfect counter to the move that felled his Master. Maul just quietly accepting defeat is... well, it's something. It's basically him finally being given his peace. Funny note, a Certain Point of View actually revealed apparently Obi-Wan respected Maul enough to make him his own personal pyre. Says it all, doesn't it?

I know, I know. It's not a flashy and stylish duel, but really, it doesn't need to be. These are two masters of combat, veteran duelists both of them, facing each other down for the very last time. A flashy duel would have detracted from the impact of the scene, not enhanced it.
And yeah, Maul's last moments are honestly quite moving. I really get the feeling that in some ways he was just relieved that it was finally at an end.
And Obi-Wan's compassion for Maul is just awe-inspiring. Again, it's moments like that are why I love the character so much.

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