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Powerful Bernie Sanders Speech by Killer Mike · 9:13am Feb 1st, 2020

Powerful Bernie Sanders Speech by Killer Mike

I just want to say one of my favorite writers growing up was a man named James Baldwin, and I remember Baldwin saying, "You asked my father to wait, my brother to wait, my uncle to wait. How long must I wait on freedom? How long must I wait on rights, and equality, and liberty?" And as a black child, that resonated with me because I knew I had been denied, and I personalized that.

But as I grew, I started to understand: Poor white people have been denied. Women are being denied. Gays and lesbians, transgender people been denied. Immigrant children been denied. Everybody outside of that 1% has been denied. So I want you to take a few seconds to look to your left, and look to your right. Look to your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, the time is now. There are more of us. We're stronger. We will wait no longer." The time is now.

When you go to that booth next year, I need you to carry in that booth the memory of this room: Black. White. Straight. Gay. Men. Female. We are together. We are united. Our time is right now. We will not wait four more years. We will not wait 20 more years. We will not wait two more presidents. We will not wait two more presidents.

The time is now. The time is not in the future. The time is not some abstract time. The time is not something that might be. The time ain't something that could be. The time ain't nothing that should be. That would be. It ain't tomorrow. It ain't the day after. It ain't coming next week. The time is now. The time is now. The time is now. The time is now!

Senator Bernard Sanders will be the next president of the States America. Thank you all.

Comments ( 9 )

¡Viva la revolución!

"You have no individuality. No race. No gender. No ethnicity. You serve the State."


Like pre-Reformation Starlight Glimmer. If you showed Sanders the MLP S5 premiere would he see the problem with Our Town? I don't trust politicians who espouse "unity." Unity in this context means the individual crushed by the collective.

Yes, because American models of individualism has served the common person ever so well! First world countries are supposed to have massive wealth gaps and systemic poverty and concentration camps and slavery disguised as a prison system!

The US on its worst day is still better than the Soviet Union's entire existence.

Well, there are a lot of statistics that disagree with you on that one. And socialism doesn't necessarily mean the Soviet Union. Revolutionary Catalonia was not at all similar, and indeed the soviets actively sabotaged it. Conflating all communists with soviet communists is inaccurate, insulting, and entirely in line with american standards of education.

5196073 That's literally what Marxism aims to do, to remove gender, race, identity and individuality. True communism requires true equality. And that's what true equality is: the absence of the individual, and the prevalence of the state. Yes, we did indeed learn this lesson from our beloved show (at least some of us did) that being different and unique is what makes you special, and what allows people to thrive. Starlight's little cult town was in many ways similar to a communist state (obviously intentional on the writers' part). State-enforced uniformity, brainwashing for education, complete lack of free thought and speech... and most importantly, lack of the right to question the government. Things that are already taking root in our country. Do these things sound scary to you? Good. They should scare the living shit out of you. Vote as if your freedom and your life depends on it, because it does; there are communists running for president.

Also to answer your question, I believe Bernie would identify the problem with 'Our Town,' just like anyone else. The difference would be the failure to relate it to anything he says. It's called 'doublethink.' It's an unfortunate reality with people like this.

m8, us scary commies just want everyone to thrive, we don't want everyone to be exactly the same. That would be fucking boring. Like, yeah, we want some people to change some aspects of how they think and act, but so they stop doing things like hating trans people or licking the boots of rich assholes, or so they care more about helping their community, not make everyone watch the same TV shows or have the same favorite color or eat the same cereal brand or agree that Paul McCartney was the best Beatle. (He was though.)

Can you understand how there's nuance here?


"You have no individuality. No race. No gender. No ethnicity. You serve the State."

collectivism and autonomy are not mutually exclusive

5196217 Of course I understand the nuance. I wonder if you can see it on the other side? Does the scary commie think I'm just an evil capitalist pig? Why do you believe communism is a requirement of prosperity, community, and mutual respect? Don't use those excuses as a crutch to hold up your flawed system.

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