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Perpetually Confused

I can say in no uncertain terms I have no idea what any of this or why I'm doing it

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Anime is a abhorent dumpster fire · 4:40pm Jan 22nd, 2020


I said it.

No. Stop. Take you're dorito dust smeared fingers from the keyboard. Do not bloviate to me about the romance sub plot of Sword Guy squintillion and twelve redux Master wank edition Redux, do not lament ye poor souls of the tragedy of Magic Girl Another one, I do not care.

And before you say it, yes, there are good anime out there. But that proves my point: you, and millions like you, don't like it because its good, you like it because anime. You like the style and couldn't give to strands of errant gushing fan boy about things like character or story.

Why am I getting my proverbial tail in a twist over this, you may ask. Because, dearest reader, anime and manga have become so prevalent and ingrained in our culture that I must.

Okay, lets take, for example, our first anime. The one we all know and love. The first anime we ever saw here on our shores of the good ol' USA. No, not Sailor Moon, shut up. I mean the actual one.

Yes, Pokemon. The property thats made Nintendo obscene amounts of dosh more or less re hashing the same premise again and again largely to the point they're literally making more of them by putting angry eyes on keys. Pokemon is more popular then chocolate and cunnilingus, and inspired such passion and adoration in our collective unconscious that when the inevitable live action was trotted out, it was actually good. And no doubt Hollywood hernia nearly popped like a zit from the effort of doing so.

I followed the series faithfully until Brock and Misty left, because after that what was the point, and was a avid AshxMisty shipper back in the day. Looking back I can see that their's was a brother sister dynamic, but to my young mind they were made for each other. But lets go past that guff, and focus on the characters themselves.

None of the main characters can be what one calls generic like most of anime. Yes, they do use familar tropes, but they're people. Characters in a story who have their own likes, dislikes, and dare I say it, actual personality. Ash is a honest earnest idiot, Misty is the loving if bitchy older sister, and Brock, God love him, is a loveable dorky pervert who would send our modern college cunts into apoplexy with his unapologetic objectification.

And more importanly, there characters in an actual world. What drove the show, and for that matter the game, was the fact the world and its characters, even the unimportant bit players, were brimming with that all important personality. Yes, it was focused on Ash and the original characters, who I count as the only ones worthwhile, shut up, but it was framed in such a way that they were merely parts of a larger story, of that aforementioned world. Didn't like the movies so much because they took a lot of that away, but I don't really count those as canon in any case.

Lets take one moment in particular that stood out to me: It was Ash's first tournament in the big leagues. He had worked his ass off, earned his badges, got the glory, was on the road to victory and accolade, to be the greatest... and lost. He made it, I believe, to the second or third tier and lost. More to the point he lost in perhaps the worst way one can lose in such a meritocratic system as theirs: Charizard refused to fight. He was publicly snubbed by his own monster, an insult that couldn't have been worse even if Ash had gotten slapped by the torn of cock of his own absentee father beforehand.

And he acted as one would expect a kid would act. Oh he took it in stride, was a good sport and all that, but then he went and sulked. It was the first actual defeat he'd ever had. Before he could just, like literally, go back the next day, but this wasn't like the gym battles. He worked his tuchus til it was ready to fall off, and still lost. He acted like what an actual human being with our icky actual feelings would act in the same scenario.

Now, lets take its nearest rival Digimon. Digimon is tantamount to exactly everything that is wrong with anime as a genre. Now, if it was something like say GI Joe or Transformers, solely there to drive toys, fair enough. It could fall in the sarlack pit with the rest of that garbage and I'd pay it no never mind. But no, it tried to have a story, so onto the hobbling wheel it goes. Digimon is, like most anime, abject shit. The third... season? Series? Whatever the fuck it was, the one with that fox chick you furries are always being gross over and her cunt of a whatever the fuck they call that relationship, at least tried to have interesting nuance. It failed, of course, but it at least tried. But the first two... ultimately my problem stems from the fact they didn't have character. They had angst masquerading as personality held up by generic sticks of what kids like these days held together with stucco and spit.

And most anime is just that. Look, when one is being out by GI Joe of all things, when that comes back and turns its toys into characters into people with personality, and its a fucking western cartoon, you know your in the shit. Anime these days does not inspire or engage, and what is good is soon drowned out in the endless mire of awfulness that is the genre. The american comic industry is failing because its being dragged into the political sphere. Anime fails because its shit, and that angers me.

Okay. Rant over. You can go about your day.

Report Perpetually Confused · 329 views · Story: The Two Days War ·
Comments ( 35 )

Anime Doesn't exist

I followed the series faithfully until Brock and Misty left, because after that what was the point, and was a avid AshxMisty shipper back in the day. Looking back I can see that their's was a brother sister dynamic, but to my young mind they were made for each other.

My childhood:rainbowlaugh:

Wow, you guys got on this quick:twilightoops:

I think it was also because she was also the only girl we really some him interact with, and it seemed to me rather odd they didn't hook up at the time. I wasn't disappointed exactly, largely because I didn't really care all that much, but I remember thinking "What was the point then? She just followed him for the bike? Okay, that was the point, but come on."


Anime Doesn't exist

There but for the Providence of God would I Nil.:pinkiesad2:

At least we still have Berserk. And apparently will for sometime because he's gone on another of his walkabouts, the self caring and emotionally stable with a decent and healthy sense of work life balance slug bastard:twilightangry2:

Yeah, Misty was the childhood crush of many a boy:twilightsheepish:

Nah, not a crush. I tended not to get that invested in anything as a kid, largely because it was inevitably going to either be destroyed or given to someone else. The show was just a brief escape once a week from life.

You were a wiser child than I lol

Not wise, just beaten often enough

The beatings did more for you than mine did for me.

Well, in any case, that's neither here nor there. I think though you see my point about the genre though.

Hell, lets take mlp, which blows most of the modern shit out of the water, and I've barely even watched it.

lol in all seriousness I totally agree with you, most people, myself included, don't enjoy stories just because they are traditionally well written, they enjoy them for a large variety of different reasons, a large part of that being style, and tropes.

Why else do you think trashy romance novels are so popular? lol

Anime may be a dumper fire, but its my dumpster fire :3

That's exactly my point though. I think it should, as a genre, aspire to greater things then it is largely because its so prevalent in both of our cultures. But no, can't have that.:ajbemused:

The mlp story-line frankly kinda blows, and, while its not a hopeless sellout toy advertisement like some similar shows, it doesn't even compare to some of the better animated shows of the decade.
MLP is watched for the same reason people like trashy romance and shitty animes - they like the aesthetic and they like the characters, even if neither is especially good by traditional metrics.

At least the ponies are characters. Not cut out generic catergory 12 sub type b with optional bowling ball tits


Do you know what really gets, and what ultimately is what honks me off is that people not only defend this crap... but then tell me I just don't don't get it.


No, I get it. Its shit. There are people who compare this

to Dragon Maid, and claim its as good.

.... No offense to you padre, but this line of reasoning, as the Japanese first said to Perry, can fuck right off:flutterrage:

Its a rant blog, what did you expect:pinkiecrazy:

What has been seen, cannot be unseen...

But its not about what people like or dislike, in all honesty. People are free to like whatever they want. But when they try to make the claim that it doesn't matter, that stories don't really matter and its all relative, then I have a problem

Kimba the white Lion was actually the first anime ever televised in America. That and the original Voltron were my childhood.

I mean the first to reach main stream appeal. Oh sure those were popular, in their own way, but they never got to the level of pokemon. Also... well, they weren't bad, exactly, but... they were more like what people used to call kiddy entertainment, you know? I don't mean that in the kick in the school skirt it sounds like mind, but yeah, I never got into those. Of course, I read Berserk when I was a kid before I got into pokemon, which opens with a man fucking a woman in a orgasm that turn her into a stygian pit dweller before he shoves his man cannon into her gob and blows her to Narnia.

That's literally what happens, and no that wasn't a euphemism

And I have a down vote on that comment, which tells me I'm doing something right.

The truth is never popular:ajsmug:

Maybe. Again, my subjective opinion. I don't ask for much, just don't expect me to bite a shinola sandwich and smile.

I do hope you've taken note I've avoided hentai, which is a spunk and spider sandwich I'm apparently expected not only to have taken a bite of at some point but am expected to regard as avante garde haute cuisine. No thanks, I'd rather poke both the chef and patron with a stick:trollestia:

Just avoid all of that immoral soul-poison.

Well, I don't see such thing as that. Its a based appeal to the lowest common denominator is all. Now, I have friends here, for example, who write about such things, and I've poked fun at them (and they're good sports about it) and I've found them to be wonderful and upstanding people. Ones that write about, of all things, marshmallow cuddle horses frogging, but that makes them nerds, not immoral:rainbowkiss:

Well, you know where I stand on sexually explicit writing. I cannot approve of it

I'm a proponent of free speech my good sir. I may or may not approve what one says or writes, but will defend to the death their right to do so. And I think that, with some very stringent and noted exceptions, I can be friends with those who act in, shall we say, less then admirable ways in certain behaviors.

Where we differ though, I think, is what we regard as inherently malevolent. I hope we can agree to disagree on some things because we seem to agree on everything that matter.:twilightsmile:

We could get into a huge debate on what it means to be free. Freedom does not mean free to do and say whatever one wants, that's not freedom, that's license. Freedom means to have no constraints in doing/saying good. You are free to be as good as you want, to unleash your good potential. 'Free speech' is how pornography became legalized. In fact, a current court case is being argued about child porn being 'free speech' if you can believe that madness.
Remember, for an act to be morally just requires that the action, intention, and circumstance must all be good. It is not enough that your intention is good, or that you mean no harm. Some actions in and of themselves are always wrong regardless of the person's intention (called 'intrinsically evil'). For example, murder of the innocent is intrinsically evil. There is no intention or circumstance that can justify it. Pornography is also an intrinsic evil. While I'm sure your friends mean no harm, that is not enough to justify their actions.

Do not worry, I do not require everyone to agree with me in order to be friends with them or enjoy conversation and healthy debates with them:twilightsmile:


We could get into a huge debate on what it means to be free.

Humans are naturally so. Now that does not, nor should it ever, mean that one should act in ways that overtly harm, disrupt, or otherwise inhibit others or the society at large, but one, or a group, do not have the inherit right to demand of others the right to harm or inhibit them. In short, be in my clubhouse, follow the rules.

Freedom does not mean free to do and say whatever one wants, that's not freedom, that's license. Freedom means to have no constraints in doing/saying good. You are free to be as good as you want, to unleash your good potential. 'Free speech' is how pornography became legalized. In fact, a current court case is being argued about child porn being 'free speech' if you can believe that madness.

And here we'll have to disagree again. Yes, people should, and do, have the right to do infinite good. But that good, sadly, must allow the freedom to some ill. Rules for thee but not for me does not a just and right society make.

And you know my opinion on such people, and my position hasn't changed. And no, I don't believe such things should be legal, but a child and an adult are not the same.

Would I like people to not view others as things to be used? Absolutely. I would like nothing more then for us, as a species, to see each other as sacrosanct, as others as valuable as ourselves, and act accordingly, but we are a fallen people and hard to live with. And I'd rather cope like a big boy with the "intrinsic evils" of materials I couldn't care less about and what is ultimately fantasy then the actual evil of someone from the Powers that be coming down from their Ivory Tower to dictate to us little people on what they, not God, They, regard as evil and what They must do for the greater good.

Remember, for an act to be morally just requires that the action, intention, and circumstance must all be good. It is not enough that your intention is good, or that you mean no harm. Some actions in and of themselves are always wrong regardless of the person's intention (called 'intrinsically evil'). For example, murder of the innocent is intrinsically evil. There is no intention or circumstance that can justify it.

Agreed. But there's a world of difference between chucking a kid onto a iron fence and drolling over naughty pictures. And I in good conscious cannot put the same amount of loathing of one act as I can the other because I cannot in good conscience conflate what two or more consenting adults do, regardless of how self destructive they might be (and yes, I do extend this to substances to some degree) with what I know to be our God given duty to protect others.

Pornography is also an intrinsic evil. While I'm sure your friends mean no harm, that is not enough to justify their actions.

Sorry mate, gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. The only one I can really see them harming, if you are correct (which I'm still on the fence on by the by), is themselves. And if they are harming themselves, the only right you and I have to them is to tell them so. Teach the world, but love the world padre. That's the key.

Do not worry, I do not require everyone to agree with me in order to be friends with them or enjoy conversation and healthy debates with them

That's all I can ask of anyone, if only the rest of the world agreed. If only their was some sort of, oh, I don't know, sort of legal framework that allowed us such a thing, a sort of amendment thing that promised a lined off part of a continent the inalienable to such expressions of thought and opinion.

Oh to live in such a world. Now if you'll excuse, I'm late for my re education. Peeing in my pants and all my french lessons and learning the tuba burnt aside, all the electro shocks to clear away my misogynistic and problematic thoughts have done wonders for clearing out the sinuses:pinkiecrazy:


Rules for thee but not for me does not a just and right society make.

I was never arguing for such a thing. The same moral laws apply to all.

Teach the world, but love the world padre. That's the key.

Absolutely. But I teach because I love. I don't want anyone to go to hell. True, I do not have the authority to enforce morality, but society does.
A society is made up of individuals, none of us live in a vacuum. What happens to one affects the rest. Sin is like a stone cast into a pond, the ripples will eventually reach every part of that pond. If a person is harming themselves, they harm the rest of society, the common good. This is why a society can enforce morality because to care for the individual is to care for the entire common good. There is no such thing as a victimless crime. Someone is always hurt. We do not have a right to harm ourselves for we do not belong to ourselves, we belong to God.

Now if you'll excuse, I'm late for my re education. Peeing in my pants and all my french lessons and learning the tuba burnt aside, all the electro shocks to clear away my misogynistic and problematic thoughts have done wonders for clearing out the sinuses

:rainbowlaugh: Oh dear...

I followed the series faithfully until Brock and Misty left, because after that what was the point, and was a avid AshxMisty shipper back in the day. Looking back I can see that their's was a brother sister dynamic, but to my young mind they were made for each other.


I knew you'd pick up on that:rainbowkiss:

Its like I said she was really the only female he interacted on a regular basis. It was weird. I guess he was... distracted

(Seriously though, it was weird. Like she was just like literally following two schlubs across christiandom and back for a bike. I know that's shits expensive, but fucks sake...)

But I think you see my point my good Shakes. In terms of narrative and style anime as a genre is stagnating, and that which isn't stagnant is objectively bad.

And if you doubt my words... Look at Berserk. Berserk wasn't ruined by the modern iteration. It is untouchable, the top tier in term of the medium, and amongst, in my opinion, the greatest literary endeavors of man. What it does though is prove that anime is shit: Anime is a genre that demon lady fucking man cannon can't save:facehoof:

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