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    Signal boost

    I know I'm not active here much. And I know many of you won't probably see this but please. If you can.


    Go to this link and if you can. Help this person out! I hope I'm not too late to make this blog

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    New year.

    This year has had a lot of ups and downs for me. I've lost friends and made new ones. Found some new interests and such. I have big plans for writing I need to get started on.

    Overall. I can't wait to see what 2024 brings.

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    Happy Halloween!

    I had a Halloween story planned but uh...too late.

    Next year, I guess!

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    Happy late anniversery.

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    I was 13. I'm now 19.

    Six years. Man...

    Oh how times change. I can say its been a pleasure for all its ups and downs! And I eagerly await what the future will bring!

    Here's to another six years!

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    Life Update

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Host Codex Entry One:Vampires. · 2:30pm Jan 10th, 2020

Excerpts taken from the Host Codexes. Read with discretion.


Vampires are by far the most diverse of the monsters in the multiverse, with different versions in each different version, having differing powers and weaknesses. But, since most of these different ones can be found with a wiki search for that dimension, I will only do the monsters native to the Prime Earth. 

How they turn a victim.  

Traditionally, vampires bite the neck, yet, any point of the body will do, and to bind a victim, the vampire will force-feed the victim it’s blood. Note: While this can be used to turn a non-virgin instead of turning them into a Ghoul-like Twisted Soul, but the mind will eventually degenerate into an instinct-driven vampire, similar to the Level E’s in Vampire Knight called Primals.
Now, a virgin victim, opposite sex or not, can be turned, but, unflowered victims will turn to Twisted Souls if bit instead of Blood-fed (But, as I said, they will degenerate, and will not be bound to the will of the vampire that turned it, and as such, are a danger to humans. Kill on sight, as they are unable to be reasoned with due to the mental degradation).      


Vampire powers. Their powers vary on what type. Bitten, Dhampir, Pureblood, or Original. So, I will categorize as such:

Bitten are vampires who were once human, but turned into a vampire by means of bite-and-blood. They are the most common type of vampire, and as such, are the grunts of the vampire world. Spreading the plague of the vampire across the world for the Pureblood masters, whether they know it or not.

Politically, they are the bottom of the barrel, getting few votes in the Vampiric Senate. 

Their powers are standard: Speed, strength, durability, and immortality through blood. Some can develop mesmerism or misting, but that depends on age and who turned them. 

Think of them as grunts, or worker bees. Doing the bidding of Purebloods, and spreading the dark influence of the creatures of the night.

Their weaknesses are also standard: destroying the heart and/or cutting off the head. (Note: It doesn’t need to be silver or a wooden stake, or even a stake, so long as you destroy the heart.)
Sunlight severely hurts them, and prolonged exposure will kill them, though fire works just as well. 


Pureblood vampires are vampires that were born as Vampires. Created from the union between a vampire male and female. They are also one of the more powerful vampire types. They too have the usual powers, but they have more as well. For one thing, they can control blood, and use it as a weapon. This skill is commonly called Blood-Control. The scientific name is Hemokinesis, to those who care.

Dhamphir. Powerful vampires which are the result of a union between a vampire, and a human. Whether that union is happy or not doesn’t matter. Think Blade from Marvel or Alucard/Adrian Tepes from Castlevania.

Dhamphir are said to have all the powers of a vampire, and none of their weaknesses. Even Purebloods are vulnerable to Holy Symbols or Weaponry. Dhamphir, however, are not. Mysterious, and cryptic. They oft keep to themselves, and are extremely reclusive. 


The Originals are the most, powerful, breed of vampire. Beyond even Dhampir and Purebloods. As their name implies, they are Original vampires. They weren’t bitten, and they weren’t born as vampires. 


These men and women, were humans who rejected whatever gods they worshipped, and turned to a life of darkness, and blood. Corrupting their bodies and souls, twisting them, making them Vampyre, Nosferatu, vampire. 

All vampire races, clans, and subspecies come from these Vampires. All universes have one. A common Original is Dracula, or Vlad Dracula Tepes of Wallachia. Others are Draco Sanguis, and a few others. But these are the most dangerous vampire type, and any of their direct brood has power second only to them.

Scary, right? The Host who wrote this knew what he was talking about. Unfortunately, he died while writing this. It was recovered posthumously.  

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