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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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The First Seven Years: 2013-2019 in Review, and the Journey Ahead · 10:48pm Dec 30th, 2019

Hello readers! No, there’s no Being a Better Writer article today, since I’m still on break. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any content to be had! No, as we’re about to head into a new decade, 2020 now just two days away (less, depending on when you read this), it’s the perfect time for a look back. Two looks back, actually! For one, we’ve got 2019 to look at, to see how it stacks up against 2018, but we’ve also got the decade as a whole. Well, minus seven years, as my first book—One Drink for those that have joined us since then—was only published in 2013. But as we look back today, I’d be remiss not to look over the decade as a whole and see where it’s taken both myself and you readers. To see the growth of this grand adventure as it continues to build!

So then, let’s dive right in and talk about the year! How’d 2019 stack up?

Obviously, the big elephant in the room is Jungle. The titan (literally, check out that word count) of a Colony sequel that landed in November. Jungle was 2019’s only book release but … what a release!

Jungle was a titanic effort, taking months upon months of work from myself and dedicated Alpha and Beta Readers to polish and prepare. But in the end?

Jungle has been a titanic success. Though only out for the last two months of 2019, it’d be impossible to talk about the state of things without it. While not quite reaching the pre-order and high-burst numbers Colony did at its release, Jungle has instead remained a steady seller, even as it garners reviews with greater speed than Colony ever did. Reviews which have so far entirely been positive. As of today, Jungle is still sitting with a perfect Five-Star score across Amazon and Goodreads, with a lot of praise lauded on it in its reviews for how it moves the story forward while taking it in surprising new directions!

Of course, this means good things for sales as well. Jungle catching eyes has only brought a renewed resurgence of interest in Colony as well, which has seen a nice sales increase as a result of Jungle catching reader’s eyes and then going on to read both.

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Comments ( 2 )

But the decade doesn't end until 2020 does! [/Pedantic Curmudgeonry]

Silliness aside, it has been a good and interesting decade, hasn't it.

I'm always a little sad to hear that Unusual Events never did well in sales. That was when I started helping alpha read, if I recall correctly, and I was quite fond of some of those stories. (Particularly the one where the teacup poodle got nommed, and the superhero one. And the one with the werejaguar.)

Great to hear that you appear to be reaching critical viewer mass, both on the blog and with the books. Here's hoping you'll get to a point soon where you don't need to work hazardous part-time jobs to make ends meet and you can pursue writing full-time.

Speaking of LtUE, me and my dad will be attending this year! Maybe we'll run into you at some point.


I'm always a little sad to hear that Unusual Events never did well in sales. That was when I started helping alpha read, if I recall correctly, and I was quite fond of some of those stories. (Particularly the one where the teacup poodle got nommed, and the superhero one. And the one with the werejaguar.)

Me too, because I really did enjoy those stories, and was fond of them. It could just be that my market didn't really know what to make of them. Or maybe that cover hasn't helped. I don;t know. At some point, there will be a More Unusual Events as I do have some shorts I've worked on, so it won't die.

And who knows, with my LTUE appearances this year, especially the ones revolving around my story in their anthology, maybe there will be a sudden spike in interest for my short works as opposed to the titans I usually pump out. Maybe Unusual Events will have a surprise in store yet.

Great to hear that you appear to be reaching critical viewer mass, both on the blog and with the books. Here's hoping you'll get to a point soon where you don't need to work hazardous part-time jobs to make ends meet and you can pursue writing full-time.

Oh I truly hope so. I'm basically at the end of my rope otherwise. There have been a lot stressful, near-sleepless nights over these last few weeks, since I don't appear to have that part-time job anymore (long story, but also good riddance) so my income has been ... Well, let's just say I'm poor and call it good? Critical mass feels so close. I just need a little more in the way of pushes ...

Speaking of LtUE, me and my dad will be attending this year! Maybe we'll run into you at some point.

You will? That's fantastic! You'll absolutely run into me! I'll be dropping some more details as we get close to LTUE, but I'll be there paneling and even doing a reading (in fact, it looks like as of the New Year, you can click on their guest list, go to F, and there I am!)! I'll be on six or seven panels plus the launch party for A Dragon and Her Girl, but spread over three days that means I'll have plenty of time to say hello and shoot the breeze for a bit!

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