• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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The Emergency Update · 9:44pm Dec 19th, 2019

Initial Emergency post here.

First of all, thank you everyone who posted get-well wishes, sympathy, and support for my sister. It was passed on an appreciated. She’d had a rough week already before everything went sideways at 40+ MPH, making the collision and totaling of her car the cherry on top.

However, she’s doing really well. The first two days were the roughest, as all the muscles across her body were not having a good time after the accident, and so bruised and tensed and whatnot were stiffening, swelling, and pulling her broken collarbone every which way they could. Tuesday morning she was too sore and stiff after sleeping to even get up.

But the swelling has faded, the muscles healing and loosening up, and my sister’s adjusted enough to having one functional arm at the moment that as of last night I am back in my own home.

I slept way in this morning lol. Catching up.

Okay, so there are two things I need to discuss now: how my sister’s doing, and what the status of Christmas updates for the site will be.

First up my sister: She’s well-cared for now. Her collarbone is broken, yes, but it’s a clean break and should heal well. She’s already seeing a sport-doc for it, and insurance, while a tangled, complicated mess, has at least let the wheels roll forward. It appears that she’ll be on leave from work for some time, but it’ll be covered, as well her medical and whatnot. There’s plenty to do going forward, but she’s gotten past the start, which was pretty much all uphill.

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Comments ( 3 )
Site Blogger

Good to know she's going to be alright.

Good to hear your sister is doing better, and that Jungle sales are doing well.

Not so good to hear about the money woes. Here's hoping a miracle or three comes your way, and that Christmas is good for your sale numbers.

Glad she's alright!

My own Monday was similarly a little too eventful. I was in urgent care for a pulled rib muscle (oh man do those hurt), my housemate was in the emergency room after falling down the stairs, and shortly after I got a text from another friend with an update on the housemate, the friend totaled his car.

No permanent injuries in any of the cases, thankfully!

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