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Warhammer Battlefront. · 12:31am Dec 12th, 2019

I got the original Battlefront 2 on my PS2 a week ago and have been having SO much fun with it. It's interesting how it was more focused on the Empire, I.E., how the Clones became Storm Troopers, over EA's 2nd Battlefront game. But I've had a lot of fun with this sequel, seeing it as an improvement over the 1st in many ways, though, I won't lie, it doesn't exactly hold up well, and that's not just for the graphics. Still, I've been having fun, and I've been brainstorming an idea for a spiritual successor, with the same all out war feeling, with the strategy of taking over command points, specialized classes, and a limited number of troops to manage through. As you can guess, the best IP that can do this well, is the Warhammer series.

If you've been following me for a bit, then you know that I've been getting into the Warhammer series a bit. Not a hardcore fan, but I know the general things, from it being originally, and is still, a tabletop war game (lots of mini figs and dices to roll on battlefields), and the various factions in this world. If you're new, perhaps hearing it for the first time, and/or unsure what it's about, Russian Badger's video around one game will help you learn a bit, and for Lore, If the Emperor had Text To Speech. Both will help you learn in a funny way that isn't trying too hard.

(10:30 to jump into the actual history of Warhammer 40k)

Alright, now, for the actual game I had in mind. I hope you saw the videos, or if you don't care, don't worry, I'll leave out all the boring stuff, but if I were to make a game that plays like the original battlefront games, here's what I'll be sure will be added.
1) A melee/finisher button. Just having 2 enemies blast their weapons at each other face first might be fun, but melee attacks should be added for that extra fun, and finishers when an enemy's health is low for an ultra brutal, bust satisfying and quick kill.
2) Lots of maps/battlefields. Not saying the original Battlefront games aren't lacking, but I'd like an addition for players to make their own maps for the games, so other players can try them out.
3) Customization. All the Warhammer factions have badass looking weapons and armor, and I want this to have a steady progression system like the original Call of Duty games and none of the Microtransaction BS we've been getting as of late, with all of the colors for the armor available at the start, so you can make your unique looking soldiers that'll, most likely, die in a few minutes if you're not careful.
4) 2 V 2 battles. Though it's usually unheard of, sometimes, two factions will actually team up to battle other factions, usually a more dangerous one that threatens both, but here, it'll be for fun, and the reasons can be numerous.

As for the factions, we have a total of 7 different factions (8 actually, but one might either be unplayable or be DLC). If you skipped the videos, I'll give you a short description of them, and how they'll probably play differently from the other actions.

-Imperium of Man: Humanity unified under a single banner, though spread out into different parts (or chapters, as they're called). They're more likely be in the middle, but their classes will be much better than the rest (I.E., medics heal more, scouts are faster, heavy weapons have more shields, ECT.)

-The Eldar: They're basically space elves who were the original rulers of the galaxy until they unintentionally made a chaos god that nearly drove them all to extinction. They have better shields than the others, and are more specialized in stealth.

-Orks: Actual sentient fungi who only want to fight; even when their enemies are dead and they've won, they'll fight themselves. They can take more damage and will be more melee focused.

-Necrons: An ancient alien race that are there with the Eldar who became machines and seek to wipe out all living things and devour the souls of the dead. This faction will be more centered on pure firepower, and can reassemble themselves if done right.

-Tau: The 'Good' faction who want all races to get along, but will show their peaceful ways by force. This one is actually more around better aiming than the other factions, and a huge emphasis on support.

-Chaos Legion: Think the Imperium of Man, but they've fallen under power to chaos and most have gone mad, seeking only to serve the chaos gods themselves. They'll have more rapid fire weapons and have an AOE that damages enemies and boost allies

-Dark Eldar: A division from the Eldar who are built on their old ways of pleasure before their downfall, taking in slaves and torturing them to stay alive. This faction is built around speed, and having weapons that do slow, but dangerous effects to enemies

-The Tyranids: An insect-reptillian race of animals from another galaxy who work in a hive mind and are the Apex predators that just want to feed. The unplayable race, but if they are to become playable, then they'd work with sheer numbers and do minor healing when they devour their enemies.

The only 2 major things I might get rid of, both from the original Battlefront 2, is a hero/leader you can turn into, and space combat. The former is because, I won't lie, I don't think there's any real 'champion' that can work for all sides, especially since most of them are already dead, and the latter is mainly because I feel the Warhammer series works a lot better on the ground with a few flying things here & there.

What do you all think? This this can be a true successor to the original Star Wars Battlefront games? Have any other suggestions? Please, leave a comment below.

Comments ( 11 )

Now this right here. 👍

Dark Eldar picture went wrong. Here's what it's supposed to be

It’s a cool idea but the problems are
that you kinda put the imperium as if they were all space marines.
The problem with the imperium is that they are now a lot of factions kinda helping each other.
Eldar are the ones that are better at specializing so their troops should have the bonus.
The orks are fine but their weapons should be quicker but less accurate.
Necron are okay but I think they should be sturdier than the normal trooper.
Tau should have more range in their weapons but very poor melee.
Chaos is kinda weird to make work because they are super divided.
Dark eldars are good but the thing about them is that there’s not a lot of them so they do guerrilla fighting and are very divided.
Tyranids should be unplayable but they should appear like in a horde mode.
And how would ground vehicles work?

A couple more things there should be
Space marines should be their own faction.
You forgot the farsight enclave that are tau that don’t suck at meele.
Each faction should have their elite troopers by example
Imperium: tempestus scions,elysium droptroopers,etc.
Eldar: fire dragon,warp spider,etc.
Orks: stormboyz,kommando,etc.
Necron: flayed one,destroyer,etc.
Tau: vespid auxiliary,kroot carnivore,etc.
Chaos: bloodletter,daemonette,etc.
Dark eldar: incubi,wyches,etc
And space marine: dreadnought ,primaris, librarian,etc

Thanks for the feedback. Like I said, I'm not a hardcore Warhammer fan, so any response can be great. And as for vehicles, it'll be like the Battlefront games; you see a vehicle, you get into it and use it. I figured there's going to be specific people that can only Operate vehicles, so this'll be more like a creative liberty.

About ground vehicles it should be like in battlefield 1 but you can only enter your faction vehicles, each faction has their own list of weapons and vehicles and about space battles I think there should be no space battles but there should be air vehicles

That's what I was thinking, actually. All vehicles feeling unique and epic in their own way. And Space combat doesn't really fit in with Warhammer, not unless it's breaching another ship.

I’m gonna write what I meant with chaos being weird to make work by example Someone serving a chaos god
Khorne:they would probably heal from killing in Melee but suck at using guns
Tzeentch:have AoE that can cause chaos in both alíes and enemies
Slaanesh:low health but gets buff by attacking or being attacked
Nurgle:bullet sponges
And a way champions could work instead of Becoming someone super important to the lore you become some character that was just made for this game

That makes a lot of sense for Chaos. And I have the idea of a campaign where you play as all sides, in a large campaign with unique scenarios for each chapter

And another thing personal shields are super rare in warhammer I think they are mostly used in titans and big spaceships

I got an idea about classes weapons
AR,SMG or shotguns
Lmg or rocket launchers
Smg or shotguns
Sniper rifle, Smg or a Dmr

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