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Andrew Joshua Talon

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Plot Bunny Theater: A Prince from Far Away · 3:34pm Dec 6th, 2019

Given how many Human in Equestria stories there are, it's inevitable that certain patterns will pop up: Anon the Human, 20-30 years old, who just chills out and often gets laid. You can do this well, but there is so much more you can do with this concept. And while I've seen it a few times, here's a different take on it with Andrew Shepherd as a stand in:

*It is night. In the gardens of Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia wanders through the hedgerows and flower beds, sad and weary. She then hears a sound: A child weeping. She slowly approaches the source... And finds a small human child, dressed in a bright red shirt and jeans. He is crying, curled up and scared. Celestia lights up her horn, and smiles down at the little boy compassionately.*

Celestia: "Hello child... Are you all right?"

Boy: "Are... What are you...?"

Celestia: *smiles* "I am Princess Celestia... You look lost. What is your name?""

Child: *sniffles* "... An-Andrew."

Celestia: "Hello Andrew. That is a very nice name."

Andrew: "I-I don't know where I am! What is this place?"

Celestia: "This is Equestria, my young one. Where did you come from?"

Andrew: "H-Home... I don't know how I got here!"

*Celestia wrapped a wing around the child, and pulled him against her. He slowly stops crying.*

Celestia: "I'm sorry Andrew. I don't know how you got here either. Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to you."

Andrew: "You promise?"

Celestia: *beams* "I promise. Come. I'll take you to my home and you can rest. Would you like that?"

Andrew: *nods, wipes his nose* "Uh... Uh huh..."

Celestia: "Come along then, dear."

The next day, Celestia is watching Andrew play in the gardens with Philomena, as a royal physician explained his findings to her. Her aide, Raven Inkwell, is with her as well.

Doctor: "He is a primate, an ape that walks upright. No magical talent at all, or magical exposure until now. He... He truly is an alien."

Celestia: "So we know he was brought here by magic... But why?" *She shook her head*

Doctor: "I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise, Your Highness. Still, he is healthy. No diseases that might be a threat to us, or to him. He's not as fast as a pony but has incredible physical stamina-Or will, when he grows up. Dextrous hands, a clever mind-An omnivore."

Raven: "That might make finding an adoptive family difficult. Still, there are many open minded ponies who would be open to an unusual orphan-"

Celestia: "That won't be necessary." *She got up and trotted over to Andrew. He beams and runs up to her, hugging her leg.*

Andrew: "Princess!"

Celestia: "Andrew... I'm afraid we can't find a way to send you home. I'm very sorry."

Andrew: "O-Oh..." *He looks like he's going to cry again. Celestia nuzzled him*

Celestia: "But until we can... Would you like to stay with me?"

Andrew: "I... I think so..."

Celestia: "I'm glad."

- - -

This doesn't have to be Andrew Shepherd, of course: I just used him as a stand in. But here you have a human raised by Celestia, her son and a prince. One who is the same age as Twilight. Will he be a good prince? A bad one? A friend, or a monster? And what happens when he gets the chance to go home?

Probably done a lot, but you could always do it better.

Comments ( 7 )

I've seen this concept before, but none were memorable enough to become favorites.

Anon the Human, 20-30 years old, who just chills out and often gets laid.

You forgot "Is a total douchebag", but I suppose that's... slightly less common.

And what happens when he gets the chance to go home?

oh, damnit, the dark little part of my humor just broke out of it's locked cupboard in my head and screamed, "he falls into a woodchipper 'cus he don't know what it is". Bastard made me laugh; have to admit it would be a different twist on the genre.

...'scuse me I need to go fix a a door and get a better lock.

I’ve sometimes heard the concept before but none well enough that I can remember.

Not quite the same thing, but I remember a story where it was a young Lauren Faust who makes it to Equestria where she meets the Princesses and Mane Six.

And the scene with little Andrew and Celly is adorable.

Ah, I read that one. It wasn't to my taste.

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