• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2017

Demon Eyes Laharl

Writer. What else do you need to know?

More Blog Posts109

  • 403 weeks
    So... Happy Birthday to me. And more disappointing news after the break.

    So, hey guys. Been a while. Sorry for my long absence, but because of real life keeping me busy, I couldn't do much writing. And because of that, my creativity has slowly began to halt. I tried to jump start it back, writing some pages for all my stories, but I couldn't really keep it up. Hopefully, that didn't mean I was going to up and abandon everything. I have some drafts for Iron Colt and

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    33 comments · 2,987 views
  • 426 weeks
    Feathered Heart Chapter posted Plus Stuff

    Well, I finally put out Chapter 19, and hopefully I'll get 20 out soon. These two chapters have been sitting in my Google Drive for months. They were already pre-read and looked at, but I couldn't publish them until I made sure that the following chapters afterwards were going to the direction I wanted. I now have a vague idea where to go, but without writing for that amount of time, I think I

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    14 comments · 643 views
  • 440 weeks
    Happy Christmas and any other Holidays you celebrate this time

    It's a day after Christmas. My Grandmother, whose birthday is on the 25th of December is getting her party later. I'm looking forward to the suckling pig roasted over a spit.

    This year is almost coming to an end. Funny that my most productive moments of writing were in the past few weeks alone.

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    8 comments · 534 views
  • 447 weeks
    Working on Feathered Heart Chapter 15

    Well folks, for some reason, I've been churning out words for the new draft. I already reached a respectable 3000 words on two sittings. That's a little rare for me now, since I've been gone from the game for a while. Hopefully, I'll have this bad boy ready soon.

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    9 comments · 601 views
  • 449 weeks
    Changeling Roun Chapters Published

    So, yeah, there you go. Have fun.

    Time has not been generous to me. I've been moving from one place to another, and any free time, I have spent either sleeping or playing with my BRAND NEW PS4!!! Yeah! I saved up, and even got some extra birthday money that allowed me to finally buy the console. I had a blast with all my games.

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The First Blog Post · 2:22pm Nov 15th, 2012

Hmmm, where do we. . . begin?

I guess I should talk about a bit of myself. What can I say, though?

I'm an FF.net native. Yes. I wrote for other fandom. You can even say that I grew up in manga and anime, and biased against Western Animation. Teen Titans? Anime-wannabe. Smurfs? Stupid. Transformers? Really?

So, yeah, I guess you can tell I was a bit of an idiot back then. Here in the Philippines, Japanese anime was the only kind of animation you could get those days. And they were dubbed, in Tag-Lish (a mixture of both Tagalog and English). Oh, and the voice actors they chose? They sound like they were hired off the street. Worse still, if the title was too 'Japanese', they would change it to a more 'appropriate' form.

Best example? Yu Yu Hakusho was transformed to Ghost Fighter. Yeah.

But I dug them those times. The internet was still on its early stages, where the best sites were just Yahoo.com and Hentai.com. There was no YouTube, torrents, communities. Hell, even fanfiction was basically found on the writer's own website, and not hosted as we see it nowadays.

God I feel old.

So, yeah. I grew up on YYH, Ranma 1/2, Magic Knight Rayearth, Akazukin Chacha, and etc. The only Western Animation I watched was Reboot. Loved that series.

So when I discovered fanfiction, and afterwards, FF.net, the only sources of I could use to write were those series and the damn PSX games I used to play. First fanfic was a crossover between Megaman X4 and Ranma 1/2. The concept was okay, but it was poorly executed. I still cringe every time I read it. So, yeah, please don't read that story. It'll destroy the image I kinda cultivated when I finally had my first story featured. . .

Which is a sex story. Huh. Right. You know what, go ahead and knock yourselves out. XD

All kidding aside, I did okay in FF.net to the point I began to add a video game fic (StarCraft and Mass Effect cross. I'm stuck on that one, but at least I can say I tried). I also realized I specialized in absorbing concepts and putting my own spin on things, sometimes transforming the canon universe so differently, yet at the same time, making it recognizable enough to still be on the confines of its universe.

Naruto with the obscure JRPG of Atelier Series and Mana Khemia? Atelier Naruto.

StarCraft and Mass Effect First Contact War? Zero Hour: Defense of Shanxi.

I could even cite stories for the MLP universe. . .

Marvel's Avengers and MLP? I made Iron Colt and have plans of expanding it. Commander Thor was supposed to be my first HiE, but. . .

Xenophilia with askicepack tumblr? You guys got Gentleman for Mares.

Speaking of MLP: FiM. . . would you believe that it took a combination of TvTropes (I saw FiM twice in a few tropes), WWE 's John Cena (who did a awesomely funny Rarity Inspired 'This is complaining!' skit), and TAW's clopfiction to finally get me to watch FiM's first season? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised why I made my own clop Love and Peace fic.

Huh. It seems I rambled on. I still don't know if I should even put checkmarks on my two stories once I add this post.




Nah. This one is for anyone who's interested without having the weight of their fave story breathing down on their necks.

This is the First Blog Post, signing out.


Report Demon Eyes Laharl · 207 views ·
Comments ( 18 )

congrats =)


:pinkiesmile: Yeah, well you put the idea in my head. Its like Inception. . . . except a few hours faster.

I decided to wait until I cleared a few things from the story before putting it for anyone interested to help.

BTW. . . :pinkiegasp: you are following me. :rainbowlaugh: Did my Love and Peace fic win you over? XD

Reboot - fuck yeah, Canadian series!


:pinkiesad2: Why do Canadians make the best things? :pinkiehappy:

O' Canada, The land of best pony, (cause almost all of them are Canadian)
Yah, Canada is awesome... I am proud of my Canadian heritage, and forever more think that Canada is best country.

Anyway, I forgot why I'm here. I'll probably end up checking what you wrote that made me follow you, and if you have anything else, probably read that later. Good day good sir.


Good day (night on my end), good sir. :twilightsmile:


Did my Love and Peace fic win you over?

Well, I put it on the list.

505826 505830
Reboot is good, but it does not have anything with actual cybertech.
I really liked Silverwing series. May be you can give it a try too.

505881 wait you were in the Philippines or grew up there if so I'm Filipino and i really do like your work :pinkiehappy:

Well, I hope you have a nice time here. My blogs are largely irrelevant to anything but entertainment value.


Silverwing, eh? I'll give it a go.


I was born in the Philippines, though in my early years, I was raised outside the country. My dad works in the Foreign Affairs, and he brought my family along with his assignments on other countries. I was in Argentina, visited San Francisco and Queens, New York (where I learned English), and finished my Grade School in the Philippines. I visited Rome, Italy as well, and studied my High School in Amman, Jordan and almost finished my IGCSE. I went back to the Philippines, and now finishing my college course after I delayed it for really really long.

TL;DR: Born in the Philippines, Raised all over the place. :pinkiehappy:


Dude, I think all blogs work like that. If it ain't entertaining, not a whole lot of people read it. :twilightsmile:

Well, some Authors I know drop information blogs, and Wanderer D posts lots of instructional and announcement blogs, seeing as he helps run the site (meaning, basically DOES run the site)

I just post funny blogs, quote blogs, review blogs, and Picture Dump blogs.


Hmmm, let's see if I can do everything!

(Future self is in the dark corner of the room, crying in anguish, gnashing teeth).

:rainbowderp: I just felt a disturbance in the Force.

Don't worry, it was just gas.

*future me is sneaking up on future you. Brandishes a fish and smacks future you on the head, then runs away cackling maniacally*

Totally wasn't any sort of warning :pinkiecrazy:

506875 can you speak or understand tagalog because im a military brat so i go everywhere around the world but right now im in japan and plan on going back to Philippines soon :pinkiehappy:


Uh, yeah. I'm actually studying here in the Philippines. Just don't ask me to speak pure Tagalog. :twilightsmile:

508056 don't worry i can only do taglish :twilightsmile:

505999 Silverwing! Fuck yeah, Canadian author! :pinkiecrazy:

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