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Please Help Me Care About Myself · 7:15pm Oct 28th, 2019

Friends, I’m tired and depressed and have no sense of self-preservation or self-worth or self-motivation. Please convince me to do everything in my power to get my room clean enough that I can then metaphorically suck the dick of the assistant manager of this building and pray I can stay in here rather than be homeless in three days, rather than just continuing to lie here In my underwear depressed and get drunk or something.

Yes, this is a cry for help.
Is this anxiety just manifesting as the deer in the headlights freezing response?

Comments ( 14 )

for self-motivation i recommend this and also for self-worth

As somebody going through our basement and sorting through 30 years of stuff in the process of moving it all to the other side so I can put up a suspended ceiling to hide the sheetrock holes, I sympathize deeply with your cleaning woes. You at least don't have the difficulty of calling out, "Honey, what is this, and can I throw it away?" every two minutes.

Winter is coming. (censored) me. John Snow never had to remodel.

Is this anxiety just manifesting as the deer in the headlights freezing response?

Yes. It's that exactly.1 Breaking the cycle is hard but can be done. The little things you do to help yourself get out of the cycle are easy and may feel meaningless, but they can trick your brain into releasing reward chemicals, which can be the first step to a new cycle: a positive cycle.

Also, music. Music can have an effect on your brain in as little as fifteen minutes. There's a reason they play high-intensity music before sports games: it's to get the players and fans pumped.

So put on some music and get dressed. Then, tackle a project. Sort the pile of laundry; organize the shelves; de-clutter the desk. It doesn't matter where you start, only that you do. Get started, and the positive cycle will carry you the rest of the way.


1: I am not a psychiatrist. I am relying 100% on my previous personal experiences. Please do not treat this as an actual medical diagnosis. This is the observation of an individual who has a previous struggle with an undiagnosed anxiety-related disorder.

No specific advice is coming to me at the moment, but fortunately others in the comments seem to have more specifically useful things to say.
Good luck, though!

Just get up, and clean one thing that will be easy to clean. Then, once you've done that, move on to something slightly harder, and so and so forth. Eventually you'll be in the groove of cleaning and before you know it you'll be done.

You kids have it so damn easy. Back in my day, we had to clean out the basement 9 miles uphill both ways in the snow!

(But seriously, good luck [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvWs2X-bEA]Marie Kondoing y’all’s stuff!

Going to echo everyone saying to get the ball rolling with something small. Newton's First Law applies to motivation as much as matter. Even pony acknowledges that.

5147153 Something to play while working on the pile.

I don't wanna be that guy, but they told you to get out. There's no need to waste your time in la-la land, that was a firm 'no' to the question. Spend your time finding someplace else to stay!

Granted, you probably need to sort through your junk anyway. Just go do it. Now. RIGHT now. I don't wanna hear no excuses, mister. :ajbemused:

Stand up, get naked, go to the bathroom and look at yourself. Ask yourself "is this really where I thought I would be at this point in my life?" Then figure out where it went wrong. You can't change your mistakes, but you can still correct yourself. You've supported yourself with a Home Depot job? In Southern California? Impressive. No, really. California, especially Southern California, is a hellhole. Right now, learn as much as you can about Home Depot. Build your work ethic and skill. Then, if you lose your house, take what you can and run. Go to Nevada, or Arizona, where the cost of living is significantly lower. Get a new job at a new Home Depot and use your knowledge to quickly rise. Is it ideal? Hell no. But it may be necessary. Many people are finding California to be a toxic and hostile place to live. Don't believe me? Ask U-haul. It costs almost fifteen times as much to get a U-haul out of California than it does to go the other direction. You may feel like this is just running away from your problems, but what are your other options at this point? I'll be the first to admit that I don't know you. I don't know everything you have at your disposal. I don't even know your damn name. All I know is what I see, and what I see is a man on his last legs, battered, broken, and beat. I don't know your skills, motivations, hobbies, or passions, but I do care about you, and I know you need something to change. It won't be easy, but the most worthwhile things usually aren’t.

What I'm saying is harsh, but I think it needs to be said. You simply can't keep living the way you are. Break yourself. Reach the end of your world and keep going. You aren't judged by how many times you fall, but instead by how many times you rise. But it's hard to rise when everything about your situation keeps kicking you down.

You may call me unkind, apathetic, or even cruel, and you know what? That's fine. I would rather regret the things I say than regret saying nothing. But I want you to remember this comment. I want you to remember because I believe it's what you need to hear.

I massively concur! For maximum pick-up, put on some ELO (Electric Light Orchestra for you whipper-snappers) and imaging Vinyl and Octavia rock in’ the house down with Spike on the keyboards and Pinkie behind the drum kit. The choral segments are sung (of course!) by all the Alicorn mares, including the little one!

That’ll get you movin’! :rainbowwild:

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