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Journal Entry - Volume 13 - Chapter 5 · 12:00am Oct 21st, 2019

Dear Journal,

Tonight certainly did not go as planned for me or my daughter! The rebels were able to breach me estate in an effort to kidnap Ashe! How she sympathizes with the methods of them I'll never understand! Thankfully a mix-up of some kind landed an invitation to one Lord Arc or Equestria. It was fortunate he was there, as the rebels were easily dispatched by him and his Honor Guards along with General Blackbeak.

Should any harm befall Ashe, I don't know what I would do! She's the only thing in this entire wretched world that keeps me going. Someday I hope to leave the Council of Lords and the Griffon Kingdom in her capable talons. However, she must learn how to lead, delegate, and not worry so much about the needs of those beneath her!

I still remember how she used to treat the servants with the same respect as other nobles! Thankfully she has since grown out of that, but... I do wonder if such tendencies still reside in her. She does not understand that such things will only lead to the downfall of our society! Commoners having rights?! A say in our society?! These things are EARNED through our caste system, not earned by simply being BORN!

Ashe... I pray you see the error of your ways before it is too late.

The powerful with hold onto their power with every fiber of their being. But being powerful does not instantly make one right.

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