• Member Since 30th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen May 30th

Anthro Fanatic

A fan of MLP, Steven Universe, Infinity Train, The Owl House, Eurovision Song Contest, Dance Dance Revolution, and BBC Sound of... longlist

More Blog Posts657

  • 6 weeks
    Unfortunate news...

    Hey y'all! It's been a while since I logged in here. Life has thrown me and my family a curveball for the first 4 months of 2024. As the title suggests, I regret to inform my friends and followers here that my mom passed away on April 9, 2024 at the age of 65 due to stage 4 non-smoker lung cancer. I'm going to tell you what happened to her in another blog.

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  • 32 weeks
    Panini is a creep

    Panini having the audacity to tell Chowder he's the clingy one is a form of gaslighting. She's the one who's clingy and obsessed with him and constantly stalks and harasses him. She doesn't get Chowder's "I'm not your boyfriend" message into her thick skull.

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  • 33 weeks
    A particular instance of a white actor voicing an Asian character

    I can imagine the outrage on the Internet if Jeff Bennett providing the voice of Raj in Camp Lazlo exists in today's time.

    People would call him a racist for using an Indian accent for the character yet he's not of Indian descent.

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  • 33 weeks
    Update on my Discord situation

    I got my old account back, but I don't want to use it anymore because it was compromised by the hacker. I also removed all my friends from the list to protect them.

    I created a new account. The username is anthrofanthe2nd. The display name is Anthro F. II. My profile pic is blue northern lights.

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  • 33 weeks
    I don't want to use Discord anymore

    The whole debacle that occurred last night left me absolutely traumatized. I ended up crying and sulking because that motherfucker put me through shit and the other motherfucker threatened to call the police on me for something I didn't do. This was the first time I've ever experienced this on the site. The hacker who has stolen my account is going after my friends to victimize and/or scam them

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Discord's actions in season 9 make him a double-crossing draconequus · 7:40am Oct 14th, 2019

The plot twist in The Ending of The End where Grogar and Discord are one and the same entity is just distasteful and unsatisfactory. To add insult to injury, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were turned to stone as punishment for their crimes. I feel like this is the worst 2-parter I've ever seen in the show.

Discord's intentions in the final season left me with a negative impression of him. He is the Lord of Chaos after all, so I guess the title lives up to his purpose, even though he's reformed. However, bringing the villains together to learn about teamwork and friendship and having that backfired is a risk that deterred the accomplishments of the Mane 6 and Twilight Sparkle's confidence, which makes me lose my respect for him.

One particular criticism that I've read was that there's no episode that touches upon Cozy's backstory, family, and an incident that turned her into a power-hungry filly. Chrysalis's past life is already touched upon in the comics, so I don't need to go into detail about that. With the exception of Tirek, I think Chrysalis and Cozy deserve something better that would turn their life around.

Everything I've said here are just my opinions. Feel free to talk about it in the comments. I won't hold it against you if you disagree. Just be civil and respectful to one another and avoid blowing things out of proportion.

Comments ( 14 )

I agree with you all heartedly discord is the one who made the mess in the first place and twilight is doing just fine without his intervention, and let his not been punished for his stupid gamble that almost brought equestrian to knees and that not only the worst thing he had done, they just put it under the rug as if he never did a thing. That call bull-fucking-shit. He would have been punished if his in real life.

Once more the guards are USELESS and that saying from someone who had to learn military tactic as a hobby. I wonder why they are even there to begin with, as if they are nothing more than a glorified polices... Wait THEY ARE.

Wish Hasbro choose to reform the baddies than oubliettes them, I think they don't know-how terrible stoning them is, that punishment is worse than death.
And discord had a hand doing it, when he's the one who makes the trio work together the first place, those trio had a chance to reform if he did not mess around. In fact he can help them reform in the first place.

Haven't watched it yet, but it sounds like an interesting idea with poor execution. Never was a big fan of Discord even in his debut, and while I love John DeLancie I've gotten really sick of him post season 4 in particular. I cheered when Starlight blasted his ass.

Oddly, Tirek is the one I'd most likely see being redeemed for some reason; maybe because we've seen he cared about something. (His brother Skorpan.) The other two might just be sociopathic or psychopathic. Cozy's still a child though, so maybe it's not too late for her, and Chrysalis is obviously losing it, so I'd like to think petrification is a temporary solution before they come up with something better.

The guards are useless indeed. Their only contribution to the show is to just be like fancy displays or decorations of castles. :facehoof:


so I'd like to think petrification is a temporary solution before they come up with something better.

Hehehe doubtful, their methods in Equestria are two things stone and banishment, take discord for example, he has been in stone for thousands of years and they took that long to find better solution?. They should have a rehabilitation program to help change people for the better but they don't have one, they choose to send a FILLY to TARTARUS instead of rehabilitating her. That kinda mess up if you ask me.

~Rant incoming~

Oh don't get me on about them in the movie, that they failed to even EXIST to face the storm king, you thought that a big festival as they would had a good-sized security or even an army in their CAPITOL that got invaded not once, not twice but four times now. Ugh. It's soo frustrating. That why I like chrysalis soo much cause she invaded Equestria successful and would have had win if wasn't for Plot armor of the MC.

~rant over~

Maybe the guards are Celestia's/Luna's boytoys? :duck:

But I'm thinking maybe in a thousand years, like Discord, they'll be brought back when Twilight thinks it over. Or the comics will fix this mess! (Hopefully not make it worse!)

I hope that would be addressed, even though I'm not a follower of the comics. If not, then whatever.

I don't feel very confident about the comics ever since the origin story of chryssie which I dislike immensely. Being a villain for the sake of being a villain is a big NOPE for me, that I call a lazy writing for me... I think you starting to see a pattern here?.

Understandable, I actually like villains that just love being evil for its own sake myself; Sombra and Chrysalis are my two faves. (Add Adagio if we include EG.)

Understandable that everyone has their own likes. like me, I like character development so I can understand them better on what, when, how and why to fully understand their motive so I can make a connection to them and enjoy the story... What I'm about to say may contradict to what I have said, I like chrysalis cause I greatly like her, she was a mystery at that time and found this site and look for her and BOOM become big Fan of her holeyness

Speaking of character development, I highly recommend the cartoon Steven Universe. It has a great and compelling storyline, full of essential character arcs and worldbuilding and according to Rebecca Sugar, there are no villains for the sake of being villains. Only misunderstood characters (Gems) mindlessly following their purpose until they changed their ways and open their eyes to see what Earth has to offer, thanks to Steven's empathy and using the ability to talk things out rather than resorting to violence. That show really helped me a lot and influenced me to become a good listener and more understanding of others, as well as see Chrysalis as a lost, confused, and misguided changeling.

Hahaha. I have seen it and I enjoy it greatly, unfortunately I haven't seen the movie yet but I had seen a bit off, I like how Steven acknowledge that his mother is a real jerk and not taking responsibility for her action.

I no longer have the respect for Pink after she abandoned Spinel in the garden for 6000 years.

Hehe. I already expected pink to be a bad person but abandoning spinel for 6000 YEARS and SHE HAVE TO STAY IN ONE PLACE in the garden. That. That downright cruel she already played pearls feeling, abandon Craig and baby Steven, she treats everything as a plaything to her when she got bored she abandon everything.

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