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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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PRINCE FRATELLO (Starfleet Characters) · 4:34am Sep 14th, 2019

Your brother is no more, only the remains of his body are here.

--Fratello taunting Cadance

Prince Fratello full name Prince Ill Mio Caro Grande Fratello was a Unicorn pony- turned- robot fighter, and the secondary antagonist of Season 2. He was the elder brother of Princess Cadance, the brother-in-law of Shining Armor (After Cadance married him) the oldest adopted nephew of Princess Celestia, former heir to the Equestrian Throne, and the ruler of the evil Robot Empire.


-Unicorn (Formerly)

-Cybernetic-altered Pony

Gender: Male

Status: Deceased


-Canterlot (Formerly)


-Prince of Equestria (Formerly)
-Royal Canterlot Guard (Formerly)
-Captain of the Changeling Guard (Formerly)
-Servant to Queen Chrysalis (Formerly)
-Ruler of the Robot Empire (Formerly)

Eyes: Dark brown/ Blood Red

Mane: Light Amber

Coat: White

Magic Aura: Very light Heliotrope, Golden yellow/White with light turquoise streak


-Queen Celestia (adopted aunt)
-Grand Ruler Celesto (adopted uncle)
-Princess Luna (asopted aunt)
-Princess Cadance (sister)
-Shining Armor (brother-in-law)
-Prince Amando (nephew; stillborn)
-Princess Flurry Heart (Neice)
-Prince Castor (cousin)
-Princess Leilani (cousin)
-Twilight Sparkle (Cousin-in-law; deceased)

Voice: Matt Hill (English)


-His name "Il Mio Caro Grande Fratello" is an Itallian translated means "My dear big brother".

-Fratello is the first among three royal ponies to be killed in the series (the other two being Twilight sparkle, and Cadance's son, Baby Amando)


(Planet Cybria)

Centuries ago, "The Creators" intelligent, genius creatures and technologists, began a plan to ensure the conquering of the entire Dimensional Universe, creating powerful machine creatures and infusing them with life energy extracted from organic being to give them strength and power, and allow them to think and understand like real living beings.

This they would later come to regret as the machines began to develop awareness, as well as the ability to think freely for themselves, and to express natural emotions.

Feeling enraged at the thought of being built only to carry out orders and be slaves to organics, the machines turned on and destroyed their very creators, and over the generations programmed and perfected each other to become strong enough to conquer the universe and turn it into a world for machines, by exterminating all organic life.

(Involvement with Fratello)

After being adopted by Celestia, Fratello and his younger sister Cadance, Fratello was trained and educated to be Celestia's rightful heir to the throne of Equestria should anything happen to her, but Fratello found no greater pleasure than spending time with his sister. He would always play with her, read her stories at night. He never teased her and always stood up for her. He was like a best friend as well as brother to her.

He was revealed to be the one who came up with the happy clap dance Cadance would later share with Twilight Sparkle whom she would foal-sit.

"Sunshine, sunshine, lady-bugs awake
Clap your hooves and do a little shake

Fratello was a trained martial artist, and became a Canterlot Royal Guard into order to strengthen himself and protect his family and his land.

Then one day, while the royal family was out on a picnic in the Canterlot Meadows, the land was attacked by evil robots form outer space, whom had come on their quest to exterminate all organic life forms and make the universe a world of the machines!

Armed with powerful weapons, and magical resistant armor, the mechanized monsters overpowered the Equestrian forces with ease, killing many of the knights and soldiers that fought.

In the midst of the chaos, only one robot was downed and fell to hollowed bits. Fratello, realizing this only chance, had donned the metallic paces of the machine and single handedly destroyed the remaining robots using their own weapons against them. However, the robot's alien programming began to bone with his flesh and affect his body and mind, turning him against his family and attempt to destroy them as the robot was sent to accomplish.

Celestia and Cadance were powerless to stop him as the robot was immune to their magic, but Fratello's good nature managed to retain some control, enough to hold the monster back.

Unable to shed the robot parts which had completely fused into him, and unable to ultimately stop the evil that was fighting for control, Fratello pleaded to his Aunt and his Sister that they destroy him, but the two couldn't bring themselves to due it out of hysterical fear and unwillingness. This allowed the robot to regain control of Fratello and it escaped with him, vowing one day to return to finish what was begun, and Cadance was heart-broken.

As the only two witnesses of what happened, Cadance and Celestia had lied to the courts saying that Fratello had died, not able to bear the shame and hurt of what happened, and apparently not taking the robot's threat too seriously.

(Season 2,)

Over Twenty years later, and Fratello had become fully robotic (His flesh was now metal and joints, his internal structure was wires and metal, ect, ect) It was also stated that he no longer had a physical heart, but rather an energy core that stored his power.

Realizing he needed more power and more life energy to recreate his robotic forces, he had aligned himself with Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling empire, (Having disguised himself with the use of a disguise gem to take on the form of a Changeling) Fratello had earned the queen's trust and was appointed as captain of her army in her plot to exact vengeance on the inhabitants of United Equestria and to feed off of the energies of the beings to maintain their life-force.

Unbeknownst to Chrysalis, Fratello secretly plotted treason by secretly siphoning the stored energy she fed on to build robot creatures he would send to United Equestria in attempt to test the resources and cunning of Starfleet.

After several failed attempts he became confident of his return to power, and bided his time until the Changeling army had nearly diminished (captured and imprisoned by Starfleet) It was then that he revealed himself to the ailing Chrysalis and destroyed whatever stored energy she had left in hopes that she would perish (though she managed to survive) and thanked her for helping him to rebuild his forces, and abandoned her to vow vengeance.

Fratello had created armies of robotic foot soldiers, and returned to attack Starfleet, unaware of their recent upgrade in weapons and powers, causing him to sustain damage in the battle.

Suddenly, as Fratello seems to get the upper-hand, his good nature re-spawns and attempt to hold the evil being back. As he pleads for death, the evil struggles to maintain control, giving Starfleet the chance to attack and damage him severely, breaking off parts of his face-platting and revealing the remains of his pony face underneath.

Cadance and Celestia, observing the fight, order Starfleet to stand down and not finish him off, much to the confusion of the soldiers, and later the irate of Grand Ruler Celesto, allowing Fratello to escape and make repairs and upgrades to continue his onslaught.

Once fully funtional and stronger than ever, Fratello creates and unleashed the gargantuan machine, Dragon-Droid, to destroy United Equestria and Starfleet, where during the battle he is confronted by Cadance, who attempts to reason with him. (It had earlier been agreed that he was to be destroyed as he was beyond hope, to which Cadance did not approve or agree too)

Her attempts seem to bring out her brother's good nature, which still only had enough strength to hold the robot at bay. Fratello begs and pleads for death, knowing he cannot be saved (the robot cannot be reprogrammed, the parts cannot be removed from his body as they are forever natural to him now, and robots are immune to most magic and cannot be contained or altered) Cadance, again, refuses to kill her only brother, insisting they try to help him, resulting in the evil gaining control again and nearly destroying her in the process.

The evil then taunts Cadance that her brother's body is completely mechanical, and that his good side was nothing more than a fading memory that would soon be no more.

After Dragon-Droid is defeated by Starfleet, Fratello constructs the Doom-Droid, said ot be far superior than its predecessor, only to be ambushed by the survived and newly empowered Chrysalis, whom enslaves the robots under command, and uses Fratello as power-source of for the Doom-Droid for the ultimate attack on New Canterlot.

After a long and intensively close battle, Lightning Dawn infiltrates the hull of the droid to confront Fratello and disconnect him to power the machine down, and is later accompanied, unexpectedly, Cadance, who sends the robot flying out of the droid and off into the empty meadows, allowing the rest of the team to bring the mighty Doom-Droid down.

Cadance confronts her brother, hoping to help him once more, and while Fratello's good nature seems to be in more control now than ever, the evil programming struggles to maintain its grip, vowing to destroy Cadance on the spot.

Fratello begs and pleads for Cadance to finish him off and end the madness, though Cadance hesitates, begging that there had to be another way, Fratello convinces her that there is none and that destroying him would be for the better than allowing him to be controlled any longer and allow the evil to rebuild and strike again.

Cadance finally manages to sum up the courage and shoot her brother through his body, to which he smiles and murmurs an ailing "Thank you!" as his body falls over and explodes, and putting an end to the army of robots.

There was no possible hope to ever reconstruct him, as most of the robotic parts were lost in the explosion or damaged beyond any means of understandable repair, and it was also pointed out that it would only be a lifeless robot as Fratello's soul was gone, devastating Candace to tears.

(Onward appearances)

Fratello continued to be mentioned throughout the series and made several appearances.

In Season 3, his spirit warned Cadance about the evil Raven who was hunting to Kill Celestia.

Twilight constructs a makeshift body for the wandering soul to be housed in, but until Twilight's death, the body fails and Fratello is forced to be housed into a robot likeness of himself that was believed to have been forever damaged beyond repair.

When King Sombra gains full power, and a new body, he destroys the robot completely, thus killing Frattello once more, but in the after math of Starfleet's victory, Fratello and Twilight appear before Cadance in spiritual form saying they are able to move on, and that they would always be on the look over their loved ones.

Season 4: Fratello makes appearances in Cadance's nightmares, still enslaved by the robots and she is powerless to save him.

Season 5: Fratello's spirit appears with Twilight, along with the spirit of Cadance's stillborn son, Prince Amando, to help her find strength and carry on in life.

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