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  • 43 weeks
    Searching for a Story folly of Daedalus

    The story was called the folly of Daedalus I really like it but I can’t seem to fine it anymore. Does anyone at least know who wrote it or if it’s coming back?

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  • 246 weeks
    it's pissing me off


    You don't know me and most likely no one is even going to read this but I just can't take it any more and I just needed to vent.

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it's pissing me off · 3:05am Sep 13th, 2019


You don't know me and most likely no one is even going to read this but I just can't take it any more and I just needed to vent.

So recently I have gotten into human pony crossover stories. Mostly ones where human discover a portal, reading, etc,etc and they find pony land. A bare few lead to mostly peaceful first contact talks but most end in some kind of violent and its always the same thing.

Ponies get owned by human.

Bullets pierce right through amour like its not there. Pony are terrified at the mere hint of violent and even the guard freeze up in fear the moment one of their fellows is hurt. None of them can fight, the princesses are weak push overs who acts like they have never seen blood and don't get me started on the human who walt into what is basically another country they know nothing about and thing the greatest idea ever is to shot them. Then they have the most arrogant attuide like yeah I know we shot/killed one of people but don't even think about fighting back cause we have guns and awesome fighting skill and we would kill you all. Like really! But if you want to really piss me off show me some muscle head solider who got captured then go's shooting off at the mouth to the princesses like in what universe does that make sense!? And don't get me started on when the unconquered sun and the demon moon actually get scared when the captured human starts making threats! Like what the buck! Since when does Celestia and Luna roll over and give their belly at the first sign of trouble. I understand wanting a peaceful solution but if its war they want its war they'll get and no matter what everyone says they wont find ponies easy picking why:


Now do I believe that the ponies would win the war with human yes and no. A battle can go anyway so either could win but it would not be one big slaughter fess like most seem to think and let me tell you why.

Number 1:Magic
Now before we get too deep into this let me tell you that we have to assignment a great deal of real life to talking ponyland by looking at it as a alien species and planet with its own set of rules and we can do that by mainly stop looking at it as a kids show. My little pony was made for children so obviously they couldn't show you the down and dirty bits that would scare young kids. I mean look at Sombra he enslaved an entire kingdom do you really think the worst thing he did was make them wear some heavy chain and mind coal?
Obviously not so lets do the ponies a favor and look at them through adult eyes and not the coloring book version I would show a five year old. if we're going to bring in real life human we can do that at the very least.

Now on to magic pony have been shown to time travel, shot leaser beams, build kingdom sized shields and pick up things over 200 times their own weight probably more and that just the unicorns and you can't think of the damage that could do if turned to the art of war?

Ponies control nature, their weather runs on a schedule. No they don't have AK-47's, guns,tanks and whatever but what good would any of that do against a tornado, a hurricane ,or a blizzard, lightening. A Pegues can get struck by lightening and they jump, maybe rub their flank and wave a hoof angrily at Rainbow dash but a human?

I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure if I get struck by lightening I'll be dead before I hit the ground and if I'm not I'm gonna wish I was. Can you imagine being the advancing army and being hit from all sides with tornados and lightening. All those weapons and armor will do nothing but give your ripped bloody body something else to hit itself on. Even if you take into account that the human are a advance space fairing race I can see absolutely nothing that won't backfire on them that they can use against the raging power of nature which would be under pony control.

Now you can say that's unfair but that's the real in their world and we are going to said human real meets pony real so calling it unfair is like getting mad cause you went to an ocean to fight a fish and drowned cause he can breath under water and you can't. Now lets get into unicorns even if they are not as super powered as Twilight how much strength do you think it will take to use their magic and take a gun out of someone hand. Not even that simply stopping your finger from pulling the trigger or even better just breaking your fingers now you can't shot anything. One of the biggest advantages of magic it moves with the speed of thought and it doesn't matter how fast you can shot your not faster then a slit second.

Also the unicorn doesn't even have to be near you. In a combat situation a few unicorn could disarm a whole platoon before they even got close. That's just with hand held weapon stronger unicorns can take out larger weapon or remove the one controlling them not to mention shields. Shining Armor can hold a city wide shield for days and ammo only lasts so long not to mention i'm sure the ponies wouldn't be just kicking their hooves inside. What if shields were used like battering ream, what if they were turned inward.

What would happen to a group of soldiers surrounded by a shield who tried to shoot their way out. Would the bullets bounce off and they end of killing themselves or would they just be stopped. What if the shield could absorb the bullet and send them back. What if they concentrated their magic into lasers that cut through metal and flesh like butter, what if they aimed directly for the eyes and blinded them, what if they cast a silence spell and ambushed them? I could go on and on but the thing with magic is the sky is the limit.

Number 2:The princesses
I hate reading about the princesses in these stories. The moment the human show some type of violent or ruthlessness they get shaken, scared, panicked like their not over 2000 years old, like they haven't fought in wars, seen death and destruction rape, murder and the like. I mean come on! They fought Sombra, Discord and prolly other stuff that we just never saw. They are not that soft. Not even that just the power they wield you can not tell me the mares who raise the sun and moon are not packing some serious power.

Luna is the princess of the night. Dreams are her domain don't you think she can go into the human dream and make them lose their mind? The full force of her power was never stated but if she can walk into your dreams as easily as I change shoes I'm pretty sure she can screw with the rest of your head. She could drive them mad through constant unending nightmare, she could bring their worst fears to life. Her and the night guard could hound them constantly in the dark and Celestia could take over during the day. I could add more but that mostly my head canon and I'm trying to keep to what we've seen in the show and just expand on it without the kid glasses. Both she and Celestia would have plenty of experience in battle and if they fought themselves would easily lay waste to a good chuck all on their own. Celestia could bring the might of the sun down on them make their camp as hot as a desert or to avoid war both could simply hold the fact that they control the heaven over their head. What's the point of conquering a world if its just going to die out.

Number 3: Discord

I mean enough said the guy bends reality for fun plus they threatened Fluttershy. What else needs to be said.

I could write more but I vented to someone else so I've run out of steam but I decided to still put this out there maybe someone will read it and agree with me or not. Maybe no one will read it at all but you never know.

Report Tigerarrow · 280 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Yeah, you're right.

Even without weather control, you have a population that can live off the land, a third of which can fly. They are peaceful, but their world is full of monsters; they know how to respond to threats. Anyone who's seen a real horse react badly to a situation knows that a herbivore can kill you just by accident. Anyway, I thought I'd comment because I saw you liked It will all be over soon, Princess. Thank you!

What I've Become by Knight Breeze. It's a pretty well done Sci-fi story that doesn't shaft the ponies and has some awesome interactions. Old blog, I know, but I agree with the rant.


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