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Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

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A Story Three Years in the Making · 7:39pm Sep 7th, 2019

For sometime, I've wanted to write a story that brought to mind unimaginable scale. One idea eventually came to mind and stayed with me. It started out as a story called Life. I may some day share the general basis for that story as I thought it was a fairly fun, if very silly, idea. Nevertheless, two scenes from that story remained with me throughout the years.

Earlier this year, I mentioned I was going to write a story featuring The Monsterverse's version of Rodan. That story is one I'd still love to write, but a few things have made me not want to touch it ever again. However, certain aspects I've been dying to use, including a few scenes.

This brings me to the point of this blog. A story I'd consider my Magnum Opus. A story that I'm finally capable of sharing something from.

This is Journey's End. This is a scene from the second world that Twilight and an OC visit. I won't reveal much of the plot yet as it's very much a story based around scale and grandiose adventure. Enjoy though.

The serpent lowered its head, exhaling and glaring colossal daggers into us. The sheer magnitude of this thing was incomprehensible; the head alone had to be the size of an island nation.

"Stand down!" Morning confidently bellowed, causing the serpent to withdraw its head. "By order of Princess Celestia, we demand that you surrender now!"

I couldn't believe the courage that this mare displayed. My mouth hung open and my eyes had gone from being glued to the green scaled horror in front of me to little miss supermare. I gulped and nodded. "Your actions and crimes against—"

The loudest, most ear-splittingly loud roar tore through the air. I quickly cast a shield spell around myself, but even that was in of itself a struggle. The sheer force of this serpent's roar was unlike anything I've ever seen displayed. This wasn't a force of nature, this was the force of a God.

Everything around us that somehow wasn't reduced to splinters before—be it by sheer dumb luck or by the most divine graces of Celestia—was obliterated into complete nothingness. The fury of ten thousand tornadoes conjured up from the powerful unicorns in history couldn't manage an iota of what this monster accomplished in the first second of it roaring. The largest of the zeppelins were torn from the sky, the engines bursting into flames and being blown back; igniting anything that stood in its path that somehow wasn't already splintered remains.

My eyes, meanwhile, were fixated on Morning. The shield I'd cast on her was fading with power. She struggled to hold onto the fallen clocktower, a look on unfathomable terror etched onto her face.


Although deep down I'd expected it, I knew it'd happen eventually. She lost her grip, her screams drowned out by the bellowing roar of the serpent, which ultimately subsided shortly thereafter. I wasted no time, I bolted away as the loudest crash I ever heard ripped through the air.

To my right, I could see the serpent's body shift, entire swaths of this once awe-inspiring world fall like ashes from an erupting volcano. Skyscrapers and city skylines toppled like they were sandcastles while other megalithic structures collapsed as though they were held up by nothing other than toothpicks.

My heart sank, but it pierced the floor and dug its grave ever deeper as a shadow cast over me. I tilted my head up ever slightly to see the serpent's body moving over me. Immediately, I looked to my left just in time to see it barrel through the center of another skyline, the debris to its cataclysmic cannonball being enough metal, steel and glass to build three small towns in every corner of Equestria.

I couldn't fathom the size of this monster. As I flew beneath one falling skyscraper after another, it slammed into several more portions of the city, stopping occasionally to roar and send a flurry of splintered homes, apartments, and zeppelins in all directions.

How can this thing get around so easily? I thought to myself, another bellowing roar raging through the air. It was only then that a thought struck my. A thought that made me inadvertently stop in the air. A thought that made the blood in my veins reach absolute zero.

It's not simply moving around quickly, I thought as a head rose up in front of me. It was never moving around quickly. A colossal shadow covered the head in front of me, a blast of hot air striking me.

The head in front of it drew back as the behind me shifted to the side and descended down, a gargantuan wave rising up as it struck the ocean below. I cast a shield and bolted to the right as another roar bellowed out, a shockwave kicking up a storm of shattered debris that changed against the steel of the fallen skyscrapers.

In front of me, however, was a completely different sight. A flattened, smoking wasteland of twisted metal that more resembled a junkyard than a city. I landed in one of the few portions that wasn't completely flattened and took a few deep breaths.


I turned around and gave a half-hearted smile. "Oh, Morning, you're alright!" I wrapped my wings around her only to hear yet another roar, followed by a shadow that loomed over us.

Then a second roar.

Then a third.

A fourth and a fifth.

A sixth.

A seventh.

And eighth.

Finally, a ninth 

Morning lowered her head, huddling next to me. "Twi." She looked at me with watery eyes. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I thought we'd go on an adventure together."

"Don't worry, Morning," I said. "I'll make sure that it'll be an adventure you'll never forget all the same." I levitated her into my back and cast a shield around us. "Hold on tight. This is going to be a bit bumpy."

With one quick movement, I shot up into the air. I noticed that one head towered above the rest—piercing the clouds. It stared down and us before bellowing. With that, the moment of respite was shattered. Roar after roar tore through the air; storm after storm of raining debris, houses, portions of skyscrapers, and entire swaths of the city; the heads bit off entire chunks of it and threw it like it was nothing more than a bar of soap or a small stick. As the land rain down, so too did the buildings from their foundation; glass, steel, and trees.

"How can we stop them?" Morning asked. Her voice trembled with each word. I couldn't tell where her fear ended and the vibrations from the roaring began.

"Well, I have an idea," I said. "Though I can't do it on my—"

I came to a complete stop as an enormous piece of land shot up from beneath the water, displacing more of the ocean than I could fathom. I could feel us get hit with enough force to wipe part of Equestria itself off the map.

"Sweet Celesia, what in Tartarus just happened!?" Morning asked as sea life rushed by us.

"It…" I tried to rationalize what had just happened. My brain felt fried however. "It… it tore up a tectonic plate."

I could hardly believe I managed to save those words. Eventually, the water calmed down. There was silence once more.

And nine heads all stared us down; the largest head resting atop the tectonic plate.

Report Vertigo22 · 184 views · #Story
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